Log:Game 40 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
Latest revision as of 17:34, 17 June 2012
[23:30] <~Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Matthew Kethys. You visited 878 rooms. Next special room at 880. You seem to be A-OK, and your ally Karin seems to have no particular condition either. !mrooms3 to continue [23:31] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [23:31] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 1539 - Front door: 1428 - Right door: 843 - Roomstyle: 21 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [23:31] * %Matthew_Kethys heads out through the right door. [23:33] <~Hebizuka> *You fall through a trapdoor.* [23:34] <~Hebizuka> *You land in a messy washitsu, with burned and damaged furniture. Only one door here! There is a yousei in this room, who is observing a rather large weapon.* [23:35] * %Matthew_Kethys also goes to examine this here weapon thing-jigger. [23:35] <~Hebizuka> Class 1: M60E3 machine gun (7.62 NATO belted - 200 rounds) [23:35] <%Matthew_Kethys> "..Well, now." [23:35] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: How convenient! [23:35] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Indeed!" [23:35] <%Matthew_Kethys> "More ammo for you." [23:36] <~Hebizuka> *Karin picks up the ammo belt from the M60 and stores it alongside the other one she has in her backpack.* [23:36] <~Hebizuka> Ally 16.14/120 [23:36] <%Matthew_Kethys> (So, how many does she have now? 2?) [23:36] <~Hebizuka> (As suggested, 2 indeed.) [23:37] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms1 [23:37] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Unique door: 1159 - Roomstyle: 103 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [23:38] * %Matthew_Kethys will make his way out through that one an' only door there. [23:39] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a hiring bureau, with the cages and the hirer's desk.* [23:39] <~Hebizuka> Next special room at 888 [23:39] * %Matthew_Kethys just glances around for a split second, slightly curious about the hirer's stock. [23:41] <~Hebizuka> A) Mercenary [23:41] <~Hebizuka> B) Mercenary [23:41] <~Hebizuka> C) Ninja [23:41] <~Hebizuka> D) Hakutaku [23:41] <~Hebizuka> E) Mercenary [23:41] <~Hebizuka> F) Yousei [23:41] <~Hebizuka> G) Medieval knight [23:41] <~Hebizuka> H) Dwarf [23:42] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [23:42] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 1076 - Front door: 941 - Right door: 776 - Roomstyle: 94 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [23:42] * %Matthew_Kethys leaves through the front door. [23:43] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a bar. There is only the bartender here, and you hear some generic rock coming faintly out of the speakers in the room. For some reason there is food on the floor. [23:46] * %Matthew_Kethys looks over the floorside foodage. [23:46] <~Hebizuka> A carrot. [23:47] * %Matthew_Kethys shakes his head at the carrot slightly. Not interested... [23:47] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [23:47] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 901 - Front door: 12 - Right door: 409 - Roomstyle: 65 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [23:47] * %Matthew_Kethys heads on out through the front door again. [23:48] <~Hebizuka> *A laboratory, with a stasis capsule. There's a scientist here, and what seems to be an unconscious dragon inside a stasis capsule. There is also a yousei wandering around, following the scientist.* [23:50] * %Matthew_Kethys blinks, looking the dragon over. Anything odd about it, or..? [23:51] <~Hebizuka> *It's a Vere Celen.* [23:51] * %Matthew_Kethys is thankful that thing's just stuck in there as he goes to leave through.. [23:51] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [23:51] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 909 - Front door: 437 - Right door: 717 - Roomstyle: 90 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [23:52] <%Matthew_Kethys> *The left door!* [23:53] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Startin' to be a bit hungry. [23:53] <~Hebizuka> *You climb a few stairs ,and end up in a grassy room. Almost conveniently, there is food on the floor.* [23:54] * %Matthew_Kethys blinks, checking out the foodstuff. [23:54] <~Hebizuka> A box of 6 nuggets [23:54] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Up for some nuggets, then?" [23:55] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Is today convenience day? I'm sure up. [23:55] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 6 4 Karin [23:55] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 6 d 4 > < Rolls: 3 1 1 4 4 2 > < Total Score: 15 > [23:55] <~SU_Tempest> *She eats them all, satiating herself somewhat.* [23:56] <~SU_Tempest> Ally hunger fell to 25% [23:56] <%Matthew_Kethys> (What's my hunger% at?) [23:57] <~SU_Tempest> HEV: Your hunger is currently 12% [23:57] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [23:57] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 1107 - Front door: 1179 - Right door: 324 - Roomstyle: 26 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [23:57] * %Matthew_Kethys leaves through the right door, now that that business is dealt with. [23:59] <~Hebizuka> *A messy, featureless room full of blood splatters. A weapon has been abandoned on the floor...* [00:00] * %Matthew_Kethys checks out that thar wepon. [00:01] <~Hebizuka> Class 3: Beretta 93R machine pistol (9x19mm - 20 rounds) [00:01] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [00:01] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 1322 - Front door: 1186 - Right door: 963 - Roomstyle: 77 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [00:01] * %Matthew_Kethys leaves the pistol behind, simply continuing on through the front door. [00:02] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 2 [00:02] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 2 > < Rolls: 2 > < Total Score: 2 > [00:02] <~Hebizuka> *An armory, occupied by a Maze Soldier with a compact shotgun. There is a @wpn in the gun locker, and a package on the desk.* [00:03] <%Matthew_Kethys> @wpn [00:03] <EliasBot> Two C4 charges! [00:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [00:04] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 1209 - Front door: 412 - Right door: 811 - Roomstyle: 168 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [00:04] <~SU_Tempest> *The Maze Soldier just doesn't care at all.* [00:04] * %Matthew_Kethys decides not to bother with even checking out the package or taking the charges, just making his way through the front door. Whoop de shit. [00:05] <~Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. You spot a familiar weapon on the floor.* [00:05] * %Matthew_Kethys goes to examine said familiar weapon. Wheeeeee [00:06] <~Hebizuka> Class 2: Colt Mk18 mod0 compact assault rifle (5.56 NATO - 30 rounds - STANAG) [00:07] * %Matthew_Kethys empties out its' ammo, putting it away for later use. [00:08] <~SU_Tempest> +30 rounds of 5.56x45mm NATO [00:08] <~SU_Tempest> Total carried 1425 [00:10] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms3 [00:10] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Left door: 1249 - Front door: 1032 - Right door: 87 - Roomstyle: 110 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [00:10] * %Matthew_Kethys exits through the left door. [00:11] <~Hebizuka> *A mess hall. Only one door here! You see a lot of tables and chairs, and on the tables, some plates and utensils have been left behind. You spot a Maze Guard eating there as well.* [00:13] * %Matthew_Kethys takes a quick glance at what the guard's eating before he shifts his focus back on the door. [00:13] <~SU_Tempest> *The Guard glances at you two...* [00:13] <~Hebizuka> *He is eating some melon.* [00:14] * %Matthew_Kethys then notices the Guard's glance* "Hm? Something the matter?" [00:14] <~SU_Tempest> MzGuard: Oh, nothing.. I just had a strange feeling. [00:15] <%Matthew_Kethys> "About?" [00:15] <~SU_Tempest> MzGuard: Oh, it's not important. Nevermind me. [00:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Mm. Alright, then." [00:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms1 [00:16] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Unique door: 1011 - Roomstyle: 32 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [00:21] <~SU_Tempest> PDA: Cooldown ended. [00:21] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a regular, featureless room. There is a flying object in front of you...* [00:21] * %Matthew_Kethys orders a Gold 4.2mm bullet, first off.. [00:22] <~SU_Tempest> PDA: Item spawned. Lockdown enabled again. [00:22] <~Hebizuka> A 4.2mm APHE bullet. [00:22] * %Matthew_Kethys picks it up, and gets to work using the Scara bluebrints in conjunction with all the gold stuff...* [00:23] <~Hebizuka> *You pick up the Scara blueprint and prepare your toolkit belt.* [00:24] <~Hebizuka> *You have all the ingredients necessary! Your Gold cuff link, Gold lighter, Golden pen, Golden cigarette case, and Golden 4.2mm APHE bullets are combined. You crafted...* [00:24] <~Hebizuka> Class 3: the Golden Gun (4.2mm APHE - Loaded) [00:24] <%Matthew_Kethys> "well, now." [00:24] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: You'll throw away your pistol for this one? [00:25] * %Matthew_Kethys actually takes out his Auto Mag and puts it in his backpack while he goes to move the Golden Gun into his active arsenal* "No. Just store it away." [00:26] <~Hebizuka> +5 weight [00:26] <~Hebizuka> 115.29/120 [00:27] * %Matthew_Kethys then goes to take the final Cardinal Amulet. [00:27] <~Hebizuka> You have obtained the Amulet of the West. [00:28] <~Hebizuka> *Suddenly, all four amulets fuse into one!* [00:28] <~Hebizuka> *As they do, you are blinded by a flash of light, while you and Karin are transported outside of Mazeworld, to the edge of the realm. When you open your eyes, you are in nothing but whiteness... Once again.* [00:30] <~Hebizuka> *You see silhouettes in the distance.... Three of them. They slowly approach you.* [00:30] <%Matthew_Kethys> "There we go..." [00:30] <~Hebizuka> *You recognize who they are... The Game Masters are approaching.* [00:32] * %Matthew_Kethys had a feeling that was the case... [00:32] <~SU_Tempest> Well there we meet again, Matthew. [00:33] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Indeed." [00:33] <~SU_Tempest> You have done very well in this second run... [00:33] <%Matthew_Kethys> "To say the least." [00:33] <~SU_Tempest> Now, I believe you know what awaits. The choice. [00:33] <~Hebizuka> *Three doors appear out of nowhere.* [00:33] <%Matthew_Kethys> "The doors, yes." [00:34] <~Hebizuka> On the left is your way home. You will return to where you came from, in your homeworld, unscathed and with all the equipment you carry. [00:34] <~Hebizuka> If you wish to leave safely, this is your chance. [00:34] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Not really interested in that." [00:34] <~Hebizuka> In the middle is a way back to the Mazes, if you wish to stay for another run, or to attempt an all-new challenge, Survival Mode. [00:35] <~Hebizuka> On the right is a way to enter our HQ, where you may get the answers to all the questions you have. And we do mean, all the questions. [00:35] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Now we're talking." [00:36] <~SU_Tempest> Is this your choice? [00:37] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes. I would like to go through the right door." [00:37] <~Hebizuka> *All three GMs cross this door, Hebizuka last.* [00:37] <~Hebizuka> In this case, please follow us. [00:37] * %Matthew_Kethys calmly follows on through the right door. [00:38] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a dark screens room, lit only by a multitude of screens and LEDs. Many of those screens are watching the Mazes themselves, and their inhabitants going about in their lives. [00:38] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Quite the setup here..." [00:38] <~Hebizuka> *The GMs sit down on their personal seats. Two extra chairs have been laid out for you and your ally.* [00:39] <~SU_Tempest> Please, take a seat and get comfortable. We're ready to listen to all the questions you have. [00:39] * %Matthew_Kethys moves to take a seat. [00:44] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Hmm... First off, why haven't I seen any children during my travels? Do you just keep them hidden elsewhere, or what?" [00:44] <~SU_Tempest> They live in a designated area separated from the rest of the Mazes, where they grow up and receive needed education. [00:45] <~SU_Tempest> When they reach 17, they're allowed access to the regular Mazes. [00:46] <~SU_Tempest> We keep them in their own realm so that they have the time to learn enough, to face the dangers of regular life here. [00:49] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Aahh. Well, that explains some things. Next up... Why was a nutter like Wight given a position so high-up on the totem pole when it was obvious he was going to cause some rather... unsavory strife between humans and youkai?" [00:49] * ~Hebizuka grins. [00:50] <~Hebizuka> He wasn't chosen because of that - whatever goes on between humans and youkai, while interesting to watch, was none of our concern and wasn't caused by us. [00:51] <~Hebizuka> He has been selected, handpicked like we do with many of our Personnel, to receive certain augmentations so he could hold the position of leader of all Maze Soldiers basically forever. [00:51] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Effectively forever." [00:51] * %Matthew_Kethys coughs. [00:51] <~Hebizuka> That is, until you came in. [00:51] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yeah, pretty much." [00:52] <~Hebizuka> We have deliberately not chosen anyone to replace him yet... [00:52] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Because...?" [00:53] <~SU_Tempest> We have deliberately chosen not to think YET about someone to replace Wight. [00:53] <~SU_Tempest> And because it is not in our interests right now. It is entertaining to watch the Soldiers disgruntled due to lack of hierarchy. [00:54] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Oh, yes, I'm sure unbridled chaos is hilarious" [00:54] <~SU_Tempest> Indeed it is. Especially considering you caused it. [00:56] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I suppose so. Regardless... How do you even manage to drag in dead people from other worlds to be contestants in this whole 'game', anyway? I'd have to imagine it takes quite a bit of effort." [00:58] <~SU_Tempest> It is not that difficult... Not for us that is. The process would be hard to explain in its entirety... [00:58] <%Matthew_Kethys> "What would a more 'simplified' version sound like, then?" [00:59] <~SU_Tempest> But basically, we "capture", if you wish, someone's soul from its homeworld, then a sample of their DNA, if applicable. Then we bring it in our labs, and with our help, scientists recreate from the soul and the DNA sample, an entire, brand new body based on what they looked like upon dying, sans wounds or illnesses or anything resembling damage. [00:59] <~SU_Tempest> They are, in a sense, "remade". [00:59] <~SU_Tempest> And that is what happened to your body as well. Your body was remade upon entering this realm [01:03] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Well, that makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it. In any case... I do believe that's all I have on my mind." [01:04] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin has stayed there wordlessly, observing carefully the surroundings.* [01:05] <~Hebizuka> That is so? [01:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I believe so, yes." [01:10] <~Hebizuka> *The Game Masters stand up, and leave wordlessly through a door in the back.* [01:10] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Where are they going?.. [01:11] <~Hebizuka> *Suddenly, the entire room is bathed in red light, and the screens flash WARNING messages.* [01:11] <%Matthew_Kethys> "The hell...?" [01:11] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Shit! They trapped us! [01:11] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: We gotta leave! [01:11] <%Matthew_Kethys> "God dammit!" [01:12] <~Hebizuka> *Karin runs to the door they escaped from, but can't open it.* [01:12] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Locked! [01:12] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Ghh..." [01:12] * %Matthew_Kethys gets up, levelling his Pecheneg, glancing around. [01:12] <~Hebizuka> *WHAM! An explosion shakes the entire room, seemingly coming from the computers and control panels, which have been thoroughly destroyed somehow.* [01:13] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Woah!" [01:13] <~Hebizuka> *Behind them is pure white light, the same as you were in earlier.* [01:13] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: ...I don't know for you but this looks like our ticket outside. [01:13] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Seems like it." [01:13] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Let's go! You first! [01:13] * %Matthew_Kethys nods, running out into the white light. [01:15] <~Hebizuka> *You leave the GM headquarters with Karin. Ahead of you, you see something black and strange, sticking out in the whiteness.* [01:15] <%Matthew_Kethys> "That... can't be anything good." [01:16] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: But we don't really have anywhere else to go, do we?... [01:16] * %Matthew_Kethys glances around for any cover. '-' [01:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> (Should I even bother rolling @cover or) [01:16] <~SU_Tempest> *There is no cover available. The entire area is empty and open.* [01:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yeah, guess so." [01:17] <~Hebizuka> *You approach. It seems to be a giant ball of black light, floating in midair!* [01:17] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: This is radiating with power... It must be the source of energy of the realm. Or at least the Game Masters'. [01:17] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Huh... interesting." [01:18] <~Hebizuka> *Suddenly, something comes out of the black ball!* [01:18] <%Matthew_Kethys> "...!" [01:18] <~Hebizuka> *A Nemean Lion jumps out of the ball, and seems ready for a fight!* [01:18] * %Matthew_Kethys levels his Pecheneg at the Lion, going to shoot it ten times! [01:18] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:18] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 5 > < Total Score: 7 > [01:19] <~Hebizuka> *You unleash furious Soviet-made lead on the creature! The shots seem extremely painful for the creature, who succumbs to pain. It's still breathing, but on the brink of death.* [01:20] <~Hebizuka> *Karin has no second thoughts and fires her M60 at it, exactly once to put it down.* [01:20] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:20] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 4 > < Total Score: 7 > [01:20] <~Hebizuka> *The shot kills the Nemean Lion, who expires. [01:21] <~Hebizuka> *A Mizuchi comes out of the ball of energy! The youkai dragon, made entirely of water, snarls and hisses at you, before going to attack!* [01:21] <~Hebizuka> *It spits a scalding blast attack at Karin!* [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> @bodyaim [01:21] <EliasBot> [BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:21] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 1 > < Total Score: 2 > [01:21] <%Matthew_Kethys> (It chokes on its' own water?) [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> Mizuchi: BUURRRRPPPPP [01:22] <~SU_Tempest> Mizuchi: ... ???!! [01:22] <%Matthew_Kethys> "...Guess it's out of juice." [01:22] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin tries not to laugh.* [01:22] * %Matthew_Kethys re-aims the pecheneg at the Mizuchi, going to unload 7 rounds into it. [01:22] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:22] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 4 > < Total Score: 7 > [01:22] <~Hebizuka> *The creature succumbs to your fire, rather easily.* [01:23] <%Matthew_Kethys> "What's next...?" [01:25] <~Hebizuka> *Three Death Faction Captains come out of the black ball, two with sniper rifles, and the last with an assault rifle.* [01:28] <%Matthew_Kethys> (Hoo boy.) [01:32] <~SU_Tempest> DFCpt1: Prepare to get down! [01:33] <%Matthew_Kethys> (And then everyone started spazzing the fuck out) [01:33] <~SU_Tempest> DFCpt2: Seriously, man? I thought the line was "Prepare to GO down". [01:33] <~SU_Tempest> DFCpt1: Shut up and aim at them. [01:34] * %Matthew_Kethys just raises an eyebrow at these shenanigans. [01:34] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: FIRE! [01:35] * %Matthew_Kethys shrugs, just aiming his Pecheneg at the Captain with the assault rifle, going to shoot him 6 times [01:35] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:35] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 3 > < Total Score: 5 > [01:35] <~Hebizuka> *You -barely- manage to hit him, pelting his chest with shots.* [01:35] <~Hebizuka> *The DF Captain goes down quickly, lying on a pool of his own blood.* [01:36] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin points her M60 at one of the sniper rifle-wielding Captains, firing six shots as well.* [01:36] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:36] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 6 > < Total Score: 7 > [01:36] <~SU_Tempest> DFCpt3: Yearrghh!* [01:37] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:37] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 6 > < Total Score: 8 > [01:37] <~Hebizuka> *The remaining survivor finds himself a little too exposed. He points nevertheless his sniper rifle at you, aiming at your chest. He then presses the trigger.* [01:38] <~Hebizuka> +20% Pain [01:38] <~Hebizuka> total 20% [01:38] <~Hebizuka> *It is now your turn.* [01:38] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Shit, you okay? [01:39] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Fuckin' stung, but I'm good." *He re-aims at the remaining captain, going to shoot him 7 times. [01:39] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 3 > < Total Score: 5 > [01:39] <~Hebizuka> *Your aim is approximate, but you manage to score shots nonetheless and kill your opponent easily.* [01:42] <~Hebizuka> *Two Hell Barons jump out of the black ball, in their horrible gigantic magnificency.* [01:43] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I'll make mincemeat out of them... [01:43] <~SU_Tempest> *She points her M60 at one of them, and fires 12 times.* [01:43] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:43] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 5 > < Total Score: 11 > [01:43] * %Matthew_Kethys looks the Barons over. He hasn't seen these ugly mugs before... [01:44] <~Hebizuka> *Karin rips the living crap out of her target! One of the Barons is ripped to hell!* [01:44] <~Hebizuka> *No pun intended!* [01:44] <~Hebizuka> *The remaining creature spits a massive fireball at you!* [01:44] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:44] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 4 > < Total Score: 5 > [01:44] <~Hebizuka> *That ball grazes you by a few inches, but does not hit.* [01:44] <~Hebizuka> *It is now your turn.* [01:45] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Woah there. Not gonna let you do that again." *He levels his Pecheneg at the remaining Baron, going to shoot him 10 times. [01:45] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:45] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 1 > < Total Score: 3 > [01:46] <~Hebizuka> *For some reason, your aim is bad and you can't hit your target.* [01:46] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Hang on, I got this! [01:46] <~SU_Tempest> *She fires at the Hell Baron, 12 more times!* [01:46] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:46] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 5 > < Total Score: 8 > [01:46] <~Hebizuka> *He is ripped to pieces, just as easily.* [01:46] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Nice one, Karin." [01:46] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Thanks! [01:48] <~Hebizuka> *A Mecha tentacle monster comes out of the black ball!* [01:48] <~Hebizuka> *The creature immediately reaches for Karin with its tentacles!* [01:48] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:48] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 1 > < Total Score: 2 > [01:48] <%Matthew_Kethys> (Ahahahaha I knew it) [01:48] <~Hebizuka> *...instead it manages to hit itself.* [01:48] <~Hebizuka> *It is now your turn.* [01:48] * %Matthew_Kethys glances at Karin* "Wanna go first on this one?" [01:49] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Nah. Go ahead, puncture that shit. [01:50] <%Matthew_Kethys> "If you insist." *He re-aims the Pecheneg, aiming at the MTM's body, going to tear into it with six rounds. [01:50] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:50] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 1 > < Total Score: 6 > [01:51] <~Hebizuka> *Your shots are powerful enough to rip through the robotic tentacular monster and destroy him!* [01:52] <~Hebizuka> *A Duplica Bot comes out of the ball! He takes your appearance and spawns himself similar armor and weapons than you!...* [01:52] <%Matthew_Kethys> (Aaand here comes the doozy...) [01:52] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: Missed me? [01:52] <%Matthew_Kethys> "motherfucker" [01:54] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin raises her M60 and fires five times at him...* [01:54] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:54] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 4 > < Total Score: 6 > [01:54] <~Hebizuka> *The shots only seem to mildly damage him!* [01:54] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: I, am the real Matthew Kethys! [01:54] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Like hell!" [01:55] <~SU_Tempest> *He picks up one of his grenades, and flicks it at you!* [01:55] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:55] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 2 > < Total Score: 7 > [01:55] <~Hebizuka> *An explosion! Fragments fly out of the fireball - It was an M67 frag grenade!* [01:55] <~SU_Tempest> !m67frag [01:55] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] Frag shrapnel: 16 [01:55] <%Matthew_Kethys> (FUCK) [01:56] <~Hebizuka> Far-hit! [01:56] <~Hebizuka> Ally Pain +10% [01:56] <~Hebizuka> Pain +4% [01:56] <~Hebizuka> *Each of you are hit by eight shrapnel, but your HEV Suits make them bounce off like confetti.* [01:57] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Geh..." [01:57] <~Hebizuka> Total levels: 15% / Ally 10% [01:57] * %Matthew_Kethys snarls, levelling his pecheneg in response, going to fire at him fifteen times. [01:58] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [01:58] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 5 > < Total Score: 8 > [01:58] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Shut the hell up!" [01:58] <~Hebizuka> *Your heavy fire seems to make the Duplica Bot unstable...* [01:58] <~Hebizuka> *He falls on his knees, apparently damaged enough to stop fighting.* [01:58] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I've kicked your ass three times." [01:59] <~Hebizuka> *Suddenly, the ball of black energy spits a lightning bolt, striking the Duplica Bot.* [01:59] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: I... am... the real... Matthew! [01:59] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: I will erase the fakers [01:59] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: And take.. your place! [01:59] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Karin. Don't hold back." [01:59] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin fires eight times at him with the M60.* [01:59] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:59] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 2 > < Total Score: 5 > [01:59] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: SHIT! [02:00] <~Hebizuka> *She misses all shots. The Duplica gets angry...* [02:00] <~Hebizuka> *He pulls the Golden Gun...* [02:00] <~Hebizuka> *...and points it at you!* [02:00] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: DISAPPEAR. [02:00] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [02:00] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 6 > < Total Score: 11 > [02:01] <~Hebizuka> *An explosion seems to rip through your chest!* [02:01] <~Hebizuka> +40% Pain [02:01] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Gah!" [02:01] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Nice shot. Not that it did you much good." [02:01] <~Hebizuka> total 52% [02:02] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Karin, try again. Show no mercy." [02:02] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I don't want to be a stickler, Matthew, but... you go and shoot him. You show him no mercy. I'll back you if you fail. [02:03] * %Matthew_Kethys nods, sighing as he goes to level the pecheneg, once again unloading another 15 rounds into the Duplica Bot [02:03] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [02:03] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 4 4 > < Total Score: 8 > [02:03] <%Matthew_Kethys> "stop existing" [02:03] <~Hebizuka> *Your shots tear through his armor once more, making him spit sparks and sizzles all over!* [02:04] <~SU_Tempest> Duplica: Noooo! NoooooooOOOOOO! [02:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Like I said. Three times." [02:04] <~Hebizuka> *WHAM!!* [02:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Three. It's clear you're the fake." [02:04] <~Hebizuka> *The Duplica Bot exploded!* [02:04] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 12 [02:04] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 12 > < Rolls: 1 > < Total Score: 1 > [02:04] <~Hebizuka> Area clear! [02:05] <~Hebizuka> *There are a lot of items on the ground.* [02:05] * %Matthew_Kethys checks out what the Duplica dropped, first off [02:05] <~Hebizuka> Class 1: PKP Pecheneg machine gun (7.62x54mmR belted - 200 rounds) [02:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> "...Hello there!" [02:05] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Time to rain down fire. [02:05] * %Matthew_Kethys takes out its' ammo belt, giving it a good look. [02:06] <~Hebizuka> *It's full.* [02:06] <~Hebizuka> *Full of ammo, all 200 rounds are here, untapped.* [02:06] * %Matthew_Kethys puts it in his backpack with the other 200-round belt [02:06] <~Hebizuka> *Suddenly, the ball of black light begins distorting and moving around... It finally blows up when the Game Masters appear out of it!* [02:06] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I'd definitely say we're well-stocked on ammo no- woah!" [02:06] <~Hebizuka> *They are wearing special HEV Suits, as black as yours.* [02:07] <~Hebizuka> *You can feel their glares through their helmets...* [02:07] <~SU_Tempest> This is not over yet! [02:07] * %Matthew_Kethys looks back at them, not in the best condition, but still rather irked [02:07] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yeah, yeah. Still have you lot to deal with." [02:07] <~Hebizuka> *A trapdoor appears on the floor, and the GMs, one by one, Elias last, jump in it.* [02:07] <~Hebizuka> *Elias actually doesn't jump yet, after Sergey and Hebizuka went in.* [02:07] <~Hebizuka> *He stops, and glances at you.* [02:08] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Hm?" [02:09] <EliasBot> Make sure you are fully prepared before following us. [02:09] <EliasBot> Unlike my colleagues, I do not care who wins or loses, I only want the fight. So get prepared and good luck. [02:09] <~Hebizuka> *He jumps in, following his colleagues.* [02:09] <%Matthew_Kethys> "...Huh. Odd one, that." [02:10] * %Matthew_Kethys looks around, to see what else is strewn about. [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C1: Colt M16A2 assault rifle (5.56 NATO - 30 rounds) [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C3: Taurus Raging Bull revolver (.44 Magnum - 6 rounds) [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C4: M18 smoke grenade x2 [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C1: CheyTac M200 Intervention sniper rifle (.408 Chey Tac - 5+1/7 rounds) [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C3: Glock 31 pistol (.357 SIG - 15 rounds) [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C4: MkIIIA2 grenade x2 [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C1: H&K PSG-1 sniper rifle (7.62 NATO - 8 rounds - P/MSG magazine) [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C3: Glock 18C machine pistol (9x19mm - 33 rounds) [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C4: M67 frag grenade x2 [02:10] <~Hebizuka> C5S: KA-BAR x3 [02:12] * %Matthew_Kethys picks up the two M18s, handing them to Karin [02:13] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Where we're going, it's not smoke I want... It's lead. And I have all I need. [02:13] <%Matthew_Kethys> "We could use it to make sure the GMs will have more of a problem trying to get a bead on us. Just in case." [02:13] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: If you insist. [02:13] <~SU_Tempest> *She grabs them and equips them.* [02:14] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Hey, are you okay? Not too hurt? [02:14] <%Matthew_Kethys> "A bit battered, but I'll live." [02:14] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Why do you think Elias told us to get prepared? Why'd he help us? [02:15] <%Matthew_Kethys> "That's a good question, honestly." [02:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> (Hunger and pain are currently at...?) [02:16] <~SU_Tempest> HEV: Hunger 23%, Pain 49% [02:16] * %Matthew_Kethys checks to see what else the Captains had aside from the weapons. (>Inventory :v) [02:17] <~Hebizuka> PLCE LBE/Pack x3 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > 5.56x45mm NATO x30 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > .44 Magnum x6 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > .408 Chey Tac x7 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > .357 SIG x15 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > 7.62x51mm NATO x8 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > 9x19mm x33 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> > Big purse x3 [02:18] * %Matthew_Kethys takes the 5.56 ammo from the pack along with the ammo from the M16A2 [02:18] <~Hebizuka> +60x 5.56x45mm NATO [02:18] <~Hebizuka> total carried 1485 [02:18] <~Hebizuka> 117.89/120 [02:20] * %Matthew_Kethys goes to order himself some Paracetamol, which he will promptly use [02:20] <~SU_Tempest> PDA: Item spawned. Lockdown enabled. [02:21] <~Hebizuka> A white tablet of Paracetamol [02:21] * %Matthew_Kethys goes to use it to cure his ails somewhat. [02:23] <~SU_Tempest> Pain -30% [02:23] <~SU_Tempest> HEV: Pain fell to 19% [02:23] <%Matthew_Kethys> (How many vitamins do I have?) [02:24] <~SU_Tempest> You carry one red pill of vitamins. [02:24] * %Matthew_Kethys then promptly goes to pop a vitamin. Gonna need to be in tip-top shape for this. [02:25] <~SU_Tempest> Pain -10% [02:25] <~SU_Tempest> Hunger -10% [02:25] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 6 Alertness [02:25] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 > < Total Score: 6 > [02:25] <~SU_Tempest> *Alertness increase is ineffective. You are already in alert.* [02:25] <~SU_Tempest> HEV: Hunger fell to 13%, Pain fell to 9% [02:26] * %Matthew_Kethys checks to see how much ammo he has left in his mod0 and Pecheneg. [02:27] <~SU_Tempest> PKP Pecheneg: 124/200 [02:27] <~SU_Tempest> Colt Mk18 mod0: 100+1/100 [02:28] <%Matthew_Kethys> "So... you ready?" [02:28] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: You bet I am. [02:28] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Alright, then." [02:28] * %Matthew_Kethys goes to head down the trapdoor [02:29] <~Hebizuka> *You jump down along with Karin, and you commence a long fall...* [02:29] <~Hebizuka> *The world goes from white to black.* [02:29] <~Hebizuka> *When you land, you seem to have landed in a completely black arena.* [02:30] <~Hebizuka> *There is cover available here.* [02:31] * %Matthew_Kethys checks out what kind of cover it is as he goes behind it [02:32] <~Hebizuka> (you may roll @cover now :v) [02:32] <%Matthew_Kethys> (Oh. :v) [02:32] <%Matthew_Kethys> @cover [02:32] <EliasBot> A wooden crate. (40%, Hardskin, STRONG) [02:32] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: They're making fun of us... [02:33] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Mmph.." [02:34] <~Hebizuka> *The Game Masters appear, tricked out and geared up for their fight.* [02:34] <~Hebizuka> Time to say your final prayers! [02:35] * %Matthew_Kethys takes a deep breath, before staring down the GMs. [02:36] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin clenches the pistol grip of her M60.* [02:36] * %Matthew_Kethys then glances to Karin for a second* "Just keep firing. All I have to say." [02:37] * %Matthew_Kethys levels his Pecheneg, aiming it at Sergey as he goes to open fire on him with a 62-round burst! [02:37] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [02:37] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 1 > < Total Score: 7 > [02:38] <~Hebizuka> *You fire off half of the ammo left on your belt. Sergey is stunned by the dauntless hail of metal hitting him, but where it should have ripped to pieces a normal human, he seems 'only' severely hurt.* [02:38] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Tch... As I expected." [02:39] <~SU_Tempest> You little bastard... You think this peashooter is HURTING ME? [02:39] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: SHUT YOUR COCK HOLSTER, SERGEY! [02:39] <%Matthew_Kethys> "With that reaction? Yes." [02:39] <~SU_Tempest> *She points her M60 at him, firing no less than fifty rounds at him!* [02:39] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [02:39] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 4 > < Total Score: 7 > [02:39] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Now shut the fuck up." [02:39] <~SU_Tempest> Aaargh! No!! [02:40] <~SU_Tempest> *He falls on the ground, defeated.* [02:41] <~Hebizuka> You will pay DEARLY for this. [02:41] <~Hebizuka> *Hebizuka aims at you with her AUG, firing a burst of 12 rounds at you!* [02:41] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [02:41] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 3 > < Total Score: 5 > [02:41] <~Hebizuka> *Thankfully bullets fly and only graze you or your crate!* [02:42] <~Hebizuka> Drat, damn you to oblivion... [02:42] * %Matthew_Kethys suddenly glares at Hebizuka, leveling the Pecheneg in her direction as he goes to unload the remainder of his Pecheneg's ammo at her! [02:42] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [02:42] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 3 > < Total Score: 9 > [02:42] <%Matthew_Kethys> (62 rounds of fuck you) [02:43] <~Hebizuka> *Your PKP Pecheneg clicks empty after you fire your 62 rounds ,which all hit her.* [02:43] <~Hebizuka> Ack! Arrrghhh... [02:44] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin points her weapon at Hebi and empties the remainder of her belt, but she counts only 31 shots.* [02:44] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [02:44] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 2 > < Total Score: 7 > [02:44] <~Hebizuka> *Karin's M60 clicks empty!* [02:45] <~Hebizuka> *Hebizuka is hit by all the shots again... but standing still after 94 bullets hit her, she feels weakened, but ANGRY.* [02:45] <~Hebizuka> Elias, leave them to me... I 'll tear through their guts! [02:45] <~Hebizuka> I'll make them regret of messing with ME!! [02:46] <~Hebizuka> *She picks up her PP-19 Bizon, aligning Karin in her sights... and empties her entire magazine on her.* [02:46] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [02:46] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 6 > < Total Score: 11 > [02:46] <~Hebizuka> DIE! [02:46] <%Matthew_Kethys> (shitlord) [02:46] <~Hebizuka> *64 rounds fly! The first shots punch through the crate first...* [02:47] <~Hebizuka> *The first four shots punch and break the crate... but that leaves 60 rounds flying towards Karin herself, and they all hit!* [02:47] <~Hebizuka> Ally +60% Pain [02:47] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Son of a bitch!" [02:47] <~Hebizuka> total Ally pain 64% [02:47] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: It hurts, argh... [02:47] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin spits some blood from the impacts...* [02:48] * %Matthew_Kethys quickly switches over to his mod0, aiming at Hebi as he goes to unload 35 rounds into her [02:48] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [02:48] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 4 5 > < Total Score: 9 > [02:48] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Fuck off." [02:48] <~Hebizuka> *Your shots punch through and defeat Hebizuka!* [02:48] <~Hebizuka> Aaaghhh!!! [02:49] <~Hebizuka> *She falls on the ground, defeated.* [02:49] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Karin, might be a good time to use your Morphine." [02:50] <~Hebizuka> *Elias glances at you wordlessly, his main weapon trained at you but not moving nor firing.* [02:50] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: H-hold on... [02:51] <EliasBot> Impressive... [02:51] <%Matthew_Kethys> "There's a reason I stocked up on so much ammo." [02:51] <EliasBot> And there's a reason I accepted this fight... [02:51] <%Matthew_Kethys> "And you've seen it firsthand." [02:52] <EliasBot> Because I knew you would be capable of doing this... [02:52] <~Hebizuka> *The GM's downed bodies disappear.* [02:52] <%Matthew_Kethys> "How kind of you to admit that." [02:52] <~Hebizuka> *Elias turns around and walks seamlessly towards a door, which he passes.* [02:53] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: H-hey! Don't just leave like that! [02:53] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Let him leave. We can get him later. For now, I'm more concerned about your condition." [02:53] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I'm gonna be okay! ...ow! [02:53] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Shit... I bled. [02:54] * %Matthew_Kethys places a hand on Karin's shoulder [02:54] <%Matthew_Kethys> "There's a reason I gave you the morphine. Use it." [02:54] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I just want to tear through his shit... [02:54] <~SU_Tempest> *She resignates herself and nods at you.* [02:54] <~SU_Tempest> *She picks up one of her syringes of morphine and injects herself with it.* [02:54] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Sift through the stuff... see if you find something you like... I want Hebi's gun, please... [02:55] <~SU_Tempest> Ally pain -75% [02:55] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 4 6 Strength-30% [02:55] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 4 d 6 > < Rolls: 4 3 1 3 > < Total Score: 11 > [02:56] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Feels better... But I feel way weaker. [02:56] <%Matthew_Kethys> "It's alright. Just as long as you can use a gun without too much difficulty, we should be good." [02:57] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I'm good... Can you just tell me what you can find on the floor?... [02:57] * %Matthew_Kethys nods, checking out the stuff the two downed GMs left behind [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C1: AK-74 assault rifle (5.45x39mm - 100 rounds - AK-74 family - 100-rd drum equipped) [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C2: AKS-74U compact assault rifle (5.45x49mm - 30 rounds - AK-74 family) [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C3: Taurus Raging Bull revolver (.44 Magnum - 6 rounds) [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C5S: Kizlyar DV-2 [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C1: Steyr AUG A1 assault rifle (5.56x45mm NATO - 29+1/42 rounds - 42-rd extended mag equipped) [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C2: PP-19 Bizon submachine gun (9x18mm Makarov- EMPTY/64 rounds) [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C3: Glock 17 pistol (9x19mm - 17 rounds - Glock 9mm mag) [02:57] <~Hebizuka> C5S: Taser M26 [02:58] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Which one of her guns do you want?" [02:58] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: That Glock of hers... Give it to me. She's terrified enough people with it. [02:58] * %Matthew_Kethys nods, handing Karin the Glock. [02:58] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin removes the Glock's magazine, throws it away, then field strips Hebi's pistol... and throws all the pieces away.* [02:59] * %Matthew_Kethys then goes to unload Hebi's AUG, using it to reload his own mod0 [02:59] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Away goes the evil... [02:59] <~Hebizuka> Mk18 mod 0: +30 rounds [02:59] <~Hebizuka> [95+1/100] [03:00] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: If you want the ammo of her gun... I left it loaded over there in the lone mag. [03:00] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I just wanted to break down her gun myself... [03:00] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Just... to put an end to what she did with it. [03:01] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I'm good. We should probably reload our main guns before we move on, though." [03:01] <%Matthew_Kethys> "What she did?" [03:01] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: She's held so many people she judged incompetent at gunpoint with that Glock.. [03:01] * %Matthew_Kethys blinks as he goes to pop a fresh ammo belt into his Pecheneg [03:01] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Not to mention those she shot... executed, even. [03:01] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Wow..." [03:02] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Sounds wretched." [03:02] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: It's just like her... [03:03] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Mm.." [03:03] <~Hebizuka> *You remove the old ammo pouch, now empty, and install a new one. You then feed your Pecheneg with the beginning of a new belt. It's all ready to fire!* [03:03] <~Hebizuka> PKP Pecheneg: New belt [200/200] [03:03] <%Matthew_Kethys> "In any case. You should reload your M60 as well." [03:03] <~SU_Tempest> *She nods, and reloads her piece.*ù [03:03] <~SU_Tempest> Ally's M60E3: New belt [200/200] [03:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Fantastic." [03:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I'd say we're ready to take on Elias, now." [03:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Speaking of... What do you know about him, anyways?" [03:04] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Almost nothing... [03:04] <%Matthew_Kethys> "...That's disturbing." [03:04] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: He's the shadiest of the three... [03:05] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: He never talks, he never manifests his presence... in fact it's the first time I saw him. [03:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I think it's about the second... I think" [03:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> *for me [03:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> *the second time for me [03:05] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: SO yeah, you don't know much more than I do I guess? [03:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Not a thing." [03:06] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Either way, he's got a golden bullet with his name on it." [03:06] * %Matthew_Kethys heads on out through the door Elias exited through. [03:07] <~Hebizuka> !mrooms1 to continue. [03:08] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms1 [03:08] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Unique door: 1142 - Roomstyle: 61 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [03:09] <%Matthew_Kethys> *And through the door he goes!* [03:09] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a terribly trashed radio room. Elias is waiting for you, his Mark 23 in hand. He fires at you before fleeing through the next door!* [03:09] <~SU_Tempest> @bodyaim [03:09] <EliasBot> [BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [03:09] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:09] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 1 > < Total Score: 3 > [03:09] <~Hebizuka> *That bullet grazes your body.* [03:10] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Fucker! [03:10] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Hmph." [03:10] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms1 [03:10] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Unique door: 300 - Roomstyle: 119 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [03:10] * %Matthew_Kethys runs in pursuit of Elias! [03:11] <~Hebizuka> *A heavily damaged meeting office. The table is a pile of rubble, and the wheeled chairs have been utterly demolished here. Elias is still calmly walking away towards the next door, only turning around to fire a shot at Karin, before leaving.* [03:11] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [03:11] <EliasBot> [BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [03:11] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:11] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 3 > < Total Score: 4 > [03:11] <~SU_Tempest> *Another near-miss.* [03:12] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Not gettin' a good feeling about this..." [03:12] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mrooms1 [03:12] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] Unique door: 230 - Roomstyle: 186 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [03:12] * %Matthew_Kethys continues his pursuit, running into the next room. [03:12] <~Hebizuka> *You enter another completely black arena.* [03:13] <~Hebizuka> *You see Elias walking towards what feels like the center, where the bodies of the downed Game Masters are lying.* [03:13] <~Hebizuka> *He turns to face you, then goes to grab the bodies by the neck, one in each of his hands.* [03:13] <EliasBot> ...! [03:13] <%Matthew_Kethys> "What are you even doing...?" [03:13] <~Hebizuka> *Elias infuses himself with whatever energy remains in the bodies of Hebizuka and Sergey...* [03:14] <~Hebizuka> *His HEV Suit shines of an ominous aura. He seems much more threatening!* [03:14] <EliasBot> Fight. [03:14] <~Hebizuka> *Elias trains his weapon at you. There is no cover available.* [03:15] * %Matthew_Kethys levels his Golden Gun in response, staring Elias down as he goes to simply shoot him with the single 4.2mm APHE round chambered in it. [03:15] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [03:15] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 5 > < Total Score: 10 > [03:16] <~Hebizuka> *The golden bullet flies straight to Elias's chest... and as it hits him and pierces his Suit, it explodes.* [03:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes! Direct hit!" [03:16] <~Hebizuka> *He is taken aback, flinching and shuddering from the pain, but he is still standing.* [03:16] <~Hebizuka> *Wordlessly, he glares at Karin...* [03:16] <%Matthew_Kethys> "...Shit. Karin! Unload into him! Don't even think of showing any restraint!" [03:16] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin has a literal deathgrip.* [03:16] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Shit... He's scaring me now... [03:17] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: He should've been killed from that! [03:17] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Tch... guess whatever he did beefed him up..." [03:17] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I'm sure he'll go down like the other two will, though! Just keep unloading into him!" [03:17] <~SU_Tempest> *In a moment of panic, Karin points her weapon at Elias, and just... empties the entire belt on him while screaming.* [03:17] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: YEAAAAAHH! [03:17] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:17] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 3 > < Total Score: 5 > [03:17] <%Matthew_Kethys> (god) [03:17] <EliasBot> Wrong. [03:17] <EliasBot> Wrong. [03:17] <%Matthew_Kethys> "What is?" [03:18] <~Hebizuka> *Elias avoids ALL TWO HUNDRED SHOTS Karin has fired like a madwoman.* [03:18] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin's weapon clicks empty.* [03:18] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Wha? [03:18] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Did I hit him?! [03:18] <~Hebizuka> *Elias runs at blinding speed towards Karin, knife in hand.* [03:18] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Not at all..." [03:18] <EliasBot> BIG mistake. [03:18] <%Matthew_Kethys> "The fuck?!" [03:19] * %Matthew_Kethys stares as he sees Elias rush at Karin with a goddamn knife [03:19] <~Hebizuka> *He goes behind her, but actually surprises you and attempts grabbing Karin to tackle her and hold her as a human shield of sorts.* [03:19] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:19] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 6 > < Total Score: 11 > [03:19] <~Hebizuka> *Which he beautifully succeeds in doing! He grappled and immobilized Karin in his grip!* [03:20] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Aaaah! Ahhh! [03:20] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Ghhh..." [03:20] <EliasBot> Go on... Pull it off if you can. Aim at my head. Show me you're worthy of the whole trip you made so far. [03:21] * %Matthew_Kethys takes a deep breath, drawing the mod0, taking careful aim at Elias' head, attempting to unload the whole magazine into him [03:21] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Matthew!! Help me!! I can't fucking move! [03:22] <%Matthew_Kethys> !mdice 2 6 [03:22] <~Hebizuka> [ Matthew_Kethys ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 1 > < Total Score: 7 > [03:22] <~Hebizuka> *You fire a deafening 96 rooms at Elias's head, all of them punching through and hitting his head through the HEV Helmet he wears.* [03:22] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Enough." [03:23] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Listen here, you goddamn son of a whore" [03:23] <~Hebizuka> *Every single shot hits him, every time slowly undoing a little more his grip on Karin - at the fiftieth bullet, he flinches and begins falling backwards, and the rest simply help him crashing on the floor, dead.* [03:23] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I have had it up to here with this bullshit!" [03:23] <EliasBot> Ungh... [03:23] <%Matthew_Kethys> "So what if you're almighty?!" [03:23] <%Matthew_Kethys> "LET ME TELL YOU WHO I FUCKING AM." [03:23] <~Hebizuka> *He falls on the floor, on his back, and ceases moving... But he still seems to squirm and breathe slowly.* [03:24] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I AM MATTHEW KETHYS, SLAYER OF THE FOUR HORSEMAN, DESTROYER OF THE IMMORTAL" [03:24] <%Matthew_Kethys> *HE WHO DEFEATED THE FOUR HORSEMEN [03:25] <EliasBot> ungh... [03:25] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Even your previous goddamn Colonel and those glorified toys you call robots fell before me!" [03:25] <EliasBot> Matthew Kethys... please... approach. [03:25] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Fine." [03:25] * %Matthew_Kethys lets out an irritated grunt as he approaches Elias. [03:25] <EliasBot> Ever since we have begun watching you... [03:26] <EliasBot> I have had my eye on you in the shadows... [03:26] * %Matthew_Kethys actually listens to Elias, trembling with rage as he takes deep breaths. [03:26] <EliasBot> And now, now that you broke through... and defeated us... I can speak. [03:26] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Out with it, then." [03:26] <EliasBot> We aren't three different people, we are but a single entity, in three bodies... [03:26] <%Matthew_Kethys> "A... what." [03:26] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Are you fucking with me. How does that even work?" [03:27] <EliasBot> We are a single mass of power... those bodies are just puppets... which you've defeated. Now... you are us. [03:27] <EliasBot> You... are the Game Master now. [03:27] <~Hebizuka> *Elias expires. You feel irradiated, along with Karin, with something strange.* [03:27] <~Hebizuka> *Your HEV Suits turn black - yours even darker.* [03:27] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Oh goody, I slay the monsters to become the...m." [03:27] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: We did it... [03:27] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: We did it at last... [03:28] * %Matthew_Kethys takes another deep breath* "Ahem. Sorry about the outburst there, earlier." [03:28] <~Hebizuka> *The room shifts.* [03:28] <%Matthew_Kethys> "I do hope I didn't scare you with that." [03:29] <~Hebizuka> *The three bodies are there, lying on the floor, in the room that becomes again an intact GM control room.* [03:29] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin removes her helmet, letting out her icy blue hair, and smiles warmly.* [03:30] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Matthew? [03:30] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes, Karin?" [03:30] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin simply smiles, then turns around to grab one of the mics. She turns on a few switches, which enable Mazes-wide broadcast.* [03:31] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Ahem-hem. Attention to all inhabitants of Mazeworld, regardless of age, gender, species. [03:31] * %Matthew_Kethys nods, letting Karin speak up as he goes to stand beside her. [03:31] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: My name is Karin. Former theoretical scientist, considered fugitive since several years. I have returned. And with the help of contestant Matthew Kethys, we officially announce that he Game Masters have been terminated. [03:32] <~Hebizuka> *On the screens, expression varying between utter joy, euphoric happiness and shocking disaster can be seen on the faces of many.* [03:32] <%Matthew_Kethys> "And in doing so, the two of us have now become the new GMs." [03:33] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: To each and every Maze Soldier, regardless of rank, age, or location, cease immediately all combat or activity. This is an absolute order. Reach the Main Barracks in utmost emergency. Your new leaders would like to speak with you personally. [03:33] <~SU_Tempest> *She sets back the mic, then turns to you.* [03:33] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: But before we do so... *She points the former GMs' bodies.* [03:34] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes. We need to dispose of those, don't we?" [03:34] <~Hebizuka> *Karin strips the Game Masters of their HEV Suits, placing their inanimated bodies in stasis capsules in the back of the room.* [03:34] <~Hebizuka> *Youkai everywhere, on all screens you can see, are cheering and feasting. You can also see hundreds of Soldiers, running in hurry to the Main Barracks, feeling defeated or worried.* [03:35] <~Hebizuka> *Energy comes out of the inanimate bodies and irradiate further your bodies, engulfing yours and Karin's.* [03:35] <~Hebizuka> *This feeling makes you feel euphoric. You feel you are in complete control.* [03:41] * %Matthew_Kethys lets out one breath, this time one of... relief. [03:41] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: We've got a meeting to do in the Main Barracks. Care to join me? [03:42] * %Matthew_Kethys nods. [03:42] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Wonder how they'll react." [03:42] <~Hebizuka> *You follow Karin through a telepad.* [03:43] <~Hebizuka> *You appear in the mess hall of the Main Barracks. Hundreds of Soldiers, of all classes and ranks, are sitting there, waiting for you.* [03:44] <~Hebizuka> *You also notice many other people - Guards, Engineers, Scientists, Medics, vendors of all kinds, and even youkai of plenty of species. You also recognize Daron Bryant and Lance Chaosclaw on the side.* [03:45] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: *Has a mic in her hand.* Ahem, Your attention, Maze Personnel and inhabitants. I, Karin, and my new colleague Matthew Kethys, are the new leaders of Mazeworld. He would like to speak a few words. *Hands you the mic.* [03:50] * %Matthew_Kethys clears his throat fot a second before speaking up* "Greetings, denizens of the Mazes. As my associate here said, I am former contestant Matthew Kethys, and it's good to see the lot of you here today. I'm sure many of you have your concerns about what direction this realm will be going in now that Karin and I are in charge. If you have any questions you'd like to pose, then please, [03:50] * %Matthew_Kethys go ahead and do so." [03:51] <~SU_Tempest> *A Maze Soldier raises his hand.* [03:51] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes, you over there. What's on your mind?" [03:51] <~SU_Tempest> MzSol: Will you guys improve the living conditions in here? Will it be less like survival shit and more like an enjoyable job? [03:52] <%Matthew_Kethys> "First off, hell yes. Secondly, see my answer to your first question." [03:52] <~SU_Tempest> *A kitsune raises his hand.ù [03:53] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes?" [03:53] <~SU_Tempest> Kitsune: You're no stranger to the conflict we have, as youkai, with the humans and especially the Soldiers here... We're wary of them, and the former GMs didn't care... Will you change that? Will you put an end to this? We're tired of this war. [03:56] * %Matthew_Kethys nods in response to the kitsune* "I'll gladly do my best to help improve relations between human and youkai, so that this conflict is nothing more than a dark chapter in the reign of the past GMs' that honestly never should have happened in the first place." [03:57] <~SU_Tempest> *Another youkai raises her hand. It seems to be a tengu.* [03:58] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Yes'm?" [03:59] <~SU_Tempest> Tengu: Hello there. Madoka from the "Twenty Wings Newspaper". We'd like to know, if the Soldiers aren't going to be used against us, what will their role be? Will you have them help fighting the wicked youkai and clean up the Mazes from overpopulating nasties? Or do you have other plans for them? [04:05] <%Matthew_Kethys> "That's an excellent question, Madoka! In fact, I do believe that it'd be a great idea for them to focus on cleaning up the mazes and getting rid of the more threatening creatures that dwell in this realm. There's certainly no reason for us to worry about senseless deaths caused by a stray dragon or wicked or, heaven forbid, assault by tentacle monsters of any sort." [04:06] <~SU_Tempest> *Madoka seems pleased by the answer. She simply says thanks. The crowd has a mixed response to this, but mostly the Soldiers seem happier to hear this.* [04:06] <~SU_Tempest> *One Soldier stands up.* [04:08] <~SU_Tempest> MzLt: Sir! I am Captain Jake Banner. Served as Maze Soldier for several years, and on behalf of all of my colleagues, we will swear allegiance to you, sir. [04:08] <~SU_Tempest> *All the other soldiers stand up and salute.* [04:08] <~SU_Tempest> *The rest of the personnel and the youkai clap and applaud.* [04:10] <%Matthew_Kethys> "Thank you, Captain Banner. I'm glad to have you and your fellow soldiers helping me. I'm certain we have a long, long road ahead of us in making this realm a better place." [04:11] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: *Pats your shoulder.* Come on. We have work to do. [04:12] * %Matthew_Kethys nods* "Indeed we do. Indeed we do." [04:12] <~Hebizuka> Final checkout [04:13] <~Hebizuka> 891 rooms, 274 kills, 2 SEs, 21 missions, 8 Amulets, 28923 P$, 2 Runs [04:13] <~Hebizuka> This run lasted 489 rooms [04:13] <~Hebizuka> which is one room longer than the previous record of longest single MzW Run. [04:13] <~Hebizuka> Total score 2328 pts [04:13] <~Hebizuka> Position: 1st [04:13] <~Hebizuka> You are, once again, the King of Mazeworld. [04:14] <~Hebizuka> True Good Ending achieved.