Log:Game 121 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
(Created page with "<div class='log'> [23:43] <~Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Stellar Blackscale. You have visited 67 rooms. The next special room is at the 70th. Beware of your Pain level (53%). T...")
Latest revision as of 07:01, 5 January 2013
[23:43] <~Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Stellar Blackscale. You have visited 67 rooms. The next special room is at the 70th. Beware of your Pain level (53%). Type !mrooms3 to continue. [23:44] <OvermanXAN> !mrooms3 [23:44] <~Hebizuka> [ OvermanXAN ] Left door: 4582 - Front door: 4028 - Right door: 3840 - Roomstyle: 252 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [23:44] <OvermanXAN> 4028 [23:46] <~Hebizuka> *You climb stairs...* [23:47] <~Hebizuka> *...and make it into a military bedroom. There's nobody here, but there is a weapon on the nightstand.* [23:52] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the weapon [23:53] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Smith & Wesson 1026 pistol | 10mm Auto - Semi-auto | No accessory | 1026 9-round mag | Weight: 3 [Ammo: 8+1/9] [23:56] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hmmmm... I think not." [23:57] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [23:57] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 2778 - Front door: 1845 - Right door: 4744 - Roomstyle: 342 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [23:57] <Stellar_Blackscale> 4744 [23:58] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 2 [23:58] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 2 ] [ Rolls: 2 ] [ Total Score: 2 ] [00:00] <~Hebizuka> *You make it into another military bedroom. But this one is occupied by a Maze Soldier with a submachine gun. There's also some clothing on the bed.* [00:01] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Ooops." [00:05] <~SU_Tempest> MzSol: *The Soldier is busy reading a paper from a pile on the desk.* [00:06] * Stellar_Blackscale heads for the exit [00:09] <~SU_Tempest> *Also, use a 2d6 to pass without being noticed.* [00:11] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms1 [00:11] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Unique door: 1247 - Roomstyle: 28 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [00:11] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mdice 2 6 [00:11] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 6 4 ] [ Total Score: 10 ] [00:11] <~SU_Tempest> *You sneak out of the room successfully.* [00:12] <~Hebizuka> *You make it into a room with a teleporting keypad. Type a number in! The keypad's screen reads "max 6040".* [00:15] <Stellar_Blackscale> 395! [00:15] <Stellar_Blackscale> "It's as good as any other number" [00:15] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 6 [00:15] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 2 ] [ Total Score: 2 ] [00:15] <~SU_Tempest> *You are teleported to.. [00:17] <~Hebizuka> ...a shooting range! There, you see an engineer with a pistol, in the process of loading a magazine for it. Alas, just as you enter, so does a vicious ninja, armed with a katana!* [00:17] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Look out, engineer person!" [00:18] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Shit! [00:18] <~SU_Tempest> Ninja: *Stereotypical ninja movie war cry* [00:19] <~SU_Tempest> *The ninja, while corny, obviously has ill intent. What will you do?* [00:23] * Stellar_Blackscale scopes the ninja's head with her vintorez like a good murdersnake [00:23] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mdice 2 6 [00:23] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 4 1 ] [ Total Score: 5 ] [00:24] <~Hebizuka> *FT: 5 -1 +1 (5). Unfortunately for you, you miss just barely your target's head, the bullet lodging itself in a wall ahead.* [00:24] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 2 First turn (1: Ninja 2: Engie) [00:24] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 2 ] [ Rolls: 2 ] [ Total Score: 2 ] [00:25] <~Hebizuka> *Engineer's turn...* [00:25] <~Hebizuka> *The engineer - who by the time you came in, had finished and loaded their weapon - trains the pistol they hold at the Ninja, and unloads hastily five rounds.* [00:26] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 Engie [00:26] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 4 6 ] [ Total Score: 10 ] [00:27] <~Hebizuka> *FT 5 (5). All five shots land in the ninja's center mass, causing the ninja to stagger, and drop on the floor, dead.* [00:27] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Nice shot." [00:27] <~Hebizuka> Engineer [Ruger Mark III] Ninja [00:27] <~Hebizuka> *End of fight! (1 turn)* [00:27] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Whew. Thanks! Thankfully I trained here enough that something like this doesn't scare me anymore. [00:27] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: But hey, thanks for helping. [00:28] <~Hebizuka> *The dead ninja dropped objects.* [00:28] * Stellar_Blackscale checks out the objects, then checks out the Engie :3 [00:29] <~Hebizuka> Ninja ; >Physio >Clothing/armor >Weapons and related [00:35] * Stellar_Blackscale wants to know the Engie's Physio [00:36] <~SU_Tempest> !genhuman [00:36] <~Hebizuka> [ NPC Human physio code: ] 2 - 11 - 5 - 6 - 2 - 2 - 10 - 3 - 2 - 2 [00:37] <~Hebizuka> *A young adult, black-skinned futa. She is very tall, slender, has shoulder-length dyed-white hair, gray eyes, wears a pair of glasses and has a scar across the left eye.* [00:38] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Glad I was able to give you the heads up. This kind of thing happen often?" [00:39] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Frankly, no! First time I get attacked in a shooting range! But he got what he should've expected. I mean, who attacks people in a SHOOTING RANGE? [00:41] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Idiots." She offers a high five. [00:41] <~SU_Tempest> *The engie grins at you and hi-fives* [00:42] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Take it you're on break?" [00:43] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: I was just finished with my break shooting... didn't expect to get a live target today. [00:44] * Stellar_Blackscale nods. "Got a name?" [00:46] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: But with what happened... I'll stay on break. Oh and my name is Rosalie, but they just call me Rosa. [00:50] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Alright. Want to accompany me? If there's more lunatics like that running around it might be safer to stick in a pair, yes?" [00:56] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Oh boy, I wish, but I've got a job, ma'am. It would've been a pleasure but I can't leave my post... [00:57] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Thought you were staying on break?" [00:58] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Well, yeah, but I understood that you wanted me to stick with you, yeah? [01:00] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Well yes. Tell you what, I've got a platinum bar here. Would that tempt you if I offered to split the profits 50-50?" [01:02] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: ...um [01:02] <~SU_Tempest> *You swear you could almost see her eyes turn to the Parallar sign.* [01:04] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I'm sure it can be quite profitable for both of us." [01:04] * Stellar_Blackscale purrs [01:05] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Uhh, okay. Tell you what, I'll stick with ya, but on another condition. [01:05] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Go ahead?" [01:06] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Protect my ass until I get something better! My Mark III is a neat little shot, but god... I don't want to carry a .22 around all day. [01:07] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Sure. I can even loan you my P90, does that appeal?" [01:09] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: ...Perfect. I was eyeing your P90 since a while... I was like "I WANT THIS" [01:09] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I think we'll get along �very� well together... don't you agree?" [01:14] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Well... Yes. [01:14] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Now gimme dat P90~ [01:14] * Stellar_Blackscale hands over the P90 [01:15] <Stellar_Blackscale> "My name's Stellar Blackscale. Remember it, because I plan to make both of us very, very rich. Among other things." [01:20] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Really? Now that sounds like a plan... *She bites her lower lip in anticipation.* [01:20] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Now, let's see if our assailant was carrying any money..." [01:21] * Stellar_Blackscale search cooling corpse for loot :3 [01:22] <~Hebizuka> *There is no valuable item in the Ninja's inventory.* [01:22] * Stellar_Blackscale grumbles. "Ah well, figures." [01:22] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [01:22] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 5869 - Front door: 2002 - Right door: 3371 - Roomstyle: 258 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [01:23] <~Hebizuka> *Rosalie Keller became your ally!* [01:28] <~Hebizuka> *The next special room is at the 77th.* [01:28] * Stellar_Blackscale fuck yeah [01:28] <Stellar_Blackscale> 2002 [01:29] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Oh yeah, I'm gonna need a backpack or something... [01:29] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: But heck, I'm sure we'll find that. [01:29] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Yeah, shouldn't be too hard." [01:34] <~Hebizuka> *Trapdoor!* [01:35] <~Hebizuka> *You fall into a regular room, along with Rosa. You see some food on the floor.* [01:35] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Well, that was strange." [01:35] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the food. [01:36] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of milk. 1d16 [01:36] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I'm wondering, though... [01:36] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Where are ya from? [01:37] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Whatcha mean?" [01:37] * Stellar_Blackscale spares the milk [01:38] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Which room are you from? [01:39] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Ah... about that..." [01:41] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Hmm? [01:41] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I'm a contestant. Does that bother you?" [01:41] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I knew it. [01:42] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Hehe, I'm not actually surprised, this ought to make the ride even better! [01:42] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Indeed. And frankly, there's nothing for me back home, so once this is over I figure I'll kick back, relax, build a mansion or something." [01:43] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: So ya really want to strike it rich in the Mazes? [01:43] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Damn straight." [01:45] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Well I fuckin' like that! I'm down with it too. [01:45] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: The fact that ya got a platinum bar of all things is a sign I did the right choice too. [01:46] * Stellar_Blackscale brofist. "To getting filthy rich!" [01:46] <~SU_Tempest> *She brofists back.* [01:51] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: So, what do we do, miss Stellar? [01:51] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: To which fine port will ye be takin' me?[/False pirate accent] [01:53] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Wherever there's booze, cash, and fine lookin' ladies and men, me hearty"[/false pirate accent] [01:53] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Yeaaah! [01:54] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: But more seriously, where do we go? We got 3 doors. [01:54] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [01:54] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 3277 - Front door: 1907 - Right door: 4092 - Roomstyle: 240 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [01:55] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Left, I think." [01:57] <~Hebizuka> *You make it into a radio room. There is an archaeologist trying to use the radio for some reason, having strapped to it some weird, out-of-place equipment with two antennas. * [01:59] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hello. The hell is that?" [02:00] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: Oh, that's a radio, fitted with something a friend built for me; a super-high-frequency receptor. This will allow me to listen and send messages to people from other worlds! [02:00] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: ...Well, in theory. I am still trying to contact someone. [02:00] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: *Whisper* One of those alien nuts... [02:01] <Stellar_Blackscale> *Whispher* "'I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens'?" [02:01] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: But, you're uhh... an archeologist, right? [02:02] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Yeah, isn't that a little out of your field?" [02:02] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: That's right; this is just a hobby of mine. I'm still a big lover of gems and such, like all archeos are. If ya need me to identify a gem, I can. [02:02] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: And I still go and discover untamed zones. Don'tcha worry bout that. [02:03] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Good to know. Happy alien hunting, I suppose." [02:03] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: Thanks! [02:04] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [02:04] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 667 - Front door: 4435 - Right door: 428 - Roomstyle: 110 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [02:04] <Stellar_Blackscale> 428 [02:04] * Stellar_Blackscale hurries to get away from the crazy man. [02:05] <~Hebizuka> *You make it into a prison room; where @graffiti are everywhere. There is a strange package on the floor.* [02:05] <Stellar_Blackscale> @graffiti [02:05] <EliasBot> i met the mds, and he punchd me in da cock so now im here [02:05] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... I don't even understand what the fuck that means." [02:05] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the package [02:06] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Prisoners are crazy sometimes. [02:06] <~Hebizuka> [Bionics] Arms implant - Item composition identification scanner [02:06] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Wellllll~ How do you feel about transhumanism?" [02:07] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: You mean being a cyborg and shit? [02:07] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Man, I lived to build shit, might as well re-build myself! So yeah I'm cool with that. [02:09] <Stellar_Blackscale> "You're the best, Rosa." [02:09] * Stellar_Blackscale spares [02:11] <~Hebizuka> 35/65 [02:12] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Anyhow, sticking around in jail ain't my idea of a good time, let's get out of here." [02:12] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [02:12] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 4426 - Front door: 2137 - Right door: 3129 - Roomstyle: 185 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [02:12] <Stellar_Blackscale> 3129 [02:14] <~Hebizuka> *Your pain levels are beginning to subside.* [02:15] <~Hebizuka> *You enter an electrical room. There is a lynx in that room...* [02:15] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Baaaaad kitty." [02:16] <~Hebizuka> *The lynx is actually pretty chill. It sits there, looking at you like a huge cat.* [02:16] <~Hebizuka> *It's not too apprehensive of you - probably because it's big.* [02:16] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Or not. Huh. Well, no skin off my nose." [02:16] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Lynxes are soooo cool. [02:16] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Lookit that! [02:17] <~SU_Tempest> *She approaches the lynx and attempts petting it. And she succeeds.* [02:17] * Stellar_Blackscale approaches cautiously. [02:18] <~SU_Tempest> *The lynx actually prrrs from the pettings and pushes against Rosa's hand, enjoying it immensely.* [02:19] <~SU_Tempest> Lynx: *Finally people who pay attention to me* [02:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... D-did it just...?" [02:21] <~SU_Tempest> (No, that's only what he is thinking. Little stars.) [02:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Yeah! See? It's so cute. [02:21] <Stellar_Blackscale> "D'awwww~" [02:21] * Stellar_Blackscale pets it under the chin [02:22] <~SU_Tempest> *The lynx purrs some more.* [02:23] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Heehee. Aight, that's all nice and stuff but, I think we should go. When we get rich, I want a pet lynx. No... Wait. I want twelve. Yeaaah. My own fuckin' zoo. [02:23] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I think we can manage that." [02:26] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Awesome. [02:26] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [02:26] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 4062 - Front door: 2205 - Right door: 2143 - Roomstyle: 240 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [02:26] <Stellar_Blackscale> 2205 [02:26] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Also ideally it'd be beachfront property..." [02:27] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I didn't know you could build houses on beaches. [02:27] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Then again I never seen anyone living in a beach area! [02:27] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Gotta think big." [02:28] <~Hebizuka> *Another radio room. Nobody is using strange contraptions on THIS @radio, though, so you can use it if you desire. There is a familiar piece of clothing on the floor too.* [02:29] <Stellar_Blackscale> @radio [02:29] <EliasBot> [Talk radio] Everyday Mazeworld - News and trends in the life of Mazeworld inhabitants everywhere [02:29] * Stellar_Blackscale checks the clothing [02:31] <~SU_Tempest> Radio: "And so, you have been hunting hellhounds since how long? -Five years, Darren, five years, and all with the same trusty weapon." [02:32] <~Hebizuka> [Clothing] Body addon - Dou-sode armor (Upper body, shoulders) - AC Kevlar-2 - Blunt-PROOF, Sharp-PROOF, Piercing-PROOF - Weight: Unsparable [Condition: 4/4] [02:33] <Stellar_Blackscale> "You want it?" [02:33] <~SU_Tempest> Radio: Eh, no offense to you cause you wear the same thing but, I wouldn't want to be caught dead in one. [02:34] <Stellar_Blackscale> "It's fine. I'm just working with what I can have." [02:34] <Stellar_Blackscale> @mrooms3 [02:34] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [02:34] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 3127 - Front door: 1272 - Right door: 4378 - Roomstyle: 85 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [02:34] <Stellar_Blackscale> 1272 [02:35] <~Hebizuka> *You barge into a washitsu; a traditional Japanese-styled room. There's only one door ahead. You notice a weapon on the futon...* [02:37] * Stellar_Blackscale looks at the weapon [02:37] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Franchi SPAS-15 shotgun | 12 gauge - Semi-auto | No accessory | SPAS-15 6-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 [Ammo: 5+1/6 - 6 Flechette] [02:38] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Ooooh. Wouldcha lookit that? Is that what I think it is? [02:39] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I think it is~ Feeling undergunned?" [02:39] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: You KNOW I'm gonna take this. [02:40] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I know~ I think it'll go well with you~" [02:40] * Stellar_Blackscale flirt~ [02:41] <~SU_Tempest> *Rosa grabs the SPAS-15, grinning like a madwoman.* [02:42] * Stellar_Blackscale quick kiss on the cheek [02:42] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Hey now. [02:42] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Sorry, just something about a girl with a SPAS-15~" [02:42] * Stellar_Blackscale apologizes. [02:43] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Oh, right. I see now. I understand better, hehe. [02:44] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Besides, I can't help it, I'm a shameless flirt." [02:44] <Stellar_Blackscale> @mrooms1 [02:44] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms1 [02:44] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Unique door: 3155 - Roomstyle: 395 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [02:45] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Good ya tell me now. Helps making a clear image and all. [02:47] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Sorrrryyyyyy." [02:47] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Don't ya be sorry, silly girl. Just tell me before you do something like that, okay? [02:47] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Kk." [02:47] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Let's move." [02:49] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a regular, featureless room. A gun shop stand has been set up here!* [02:49] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Oho~" [02:52] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Welcome, miladies, and welcome to Gallant Gunner, the classiest gun shop in the Mazes. What can be done for miladies? [02:53] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Well well... can we view your wares?" [02:56] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Absolutely. What is it that you would like to see? My weapons, or perhaps my ammo? [02:56] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Weapons first, I think. My companion might see something that interests her." [02:56] * Stellar_Blackscale slips smoothly into a more upper class persona. [02:58] <~Hebizuka> =Gun shop - Weapons for sale= [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Freedom Arms Model 83 | .454 Casull - Semi-auto | No accessory | Cylinder, 5 rounds | Weight: 5 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 2 - IZHMASH PP-91 Kedr submachine gun | 9x18mm Makarov - Semi/Full | No accessory | Kedr 20-round mag, +1 | Weight: 5 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 2 - CZ Sa vz. 26 submachine gun | 7.62x25mm Tokarev - Semi/Full | No accessory | Vz.26 32-round mag, no +1 | Weight: 9 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 2 - H&K UMP-45 submachine gun | .45 ACP - Semi/Full | Foregrip(S) | UMP45 25-round mag, +1 | Weight: 5 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Benelli Nova shotgun | 12 gauge - Pump-action | No accessory | Internal tube, 5 rounds, +1 | Weight: 14 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Koncar-Arma APS-95 assault rifle | 5.56x45mm NATO - Semi/Full | Scope(I) | Galil 35-round mag, +1 | Weight: 14 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Steyr AUG A1 assault rifle | 5.56x45mm NATO - Semi/Full | Scope(I), R. Sight(I), Foregrip(I) | AUG 30-round mag, +1 | Weight: 14 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - IZHMASH Kalashnikov RPK-74 light machine gun | 5.45x39mm -Semi/Full | Bipod(S) | AK-74 45-round mag, +1 | Weight: 14 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Zastava CZ99 pistol | 9x19mm Parabellum - Semi-auto | No accessory | CZ99 15-round mag, +1 | Weight: 3 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - H&K PSG-1 sniper rifle | 7.62x51mm NATO - Semi-auto | ZF scope(S) | G3 20-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Springfield M14 battle rifle | 7.62x51mm NATO - Semi/Full | No accessory | M14 20-round clip, +1 | Weight: 22 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - PGM Précision 338 Mini-Hécate sniper rifle | .338 Lapua Magnum - Bolt-action | M.Break(I), T.Scope(S), Bipod(S) | PGM-338 10-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Norinco QBB-95 light machine gun | 5.8x42mm - Semi/Burst3/Full | No accessory | QBZ 5.8mm 80-round drum, +1 | Weight: 22 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Colt M16A1 assault rifle | 5.56x45mm NATO - Semi/Full | No accessory | STANAG 20-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Benelli R1 rifle | .300 Winchester Magnum - Semi-auto | No accessory | R1 3-round mag, +1 | Weight: 14 [02:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Colt Python revolver | .357 Magnum - Semi-auto | No accessory | Cylinder, 6 rounds | Weight: 5 [03:00] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Do you see anything you'd like, Rosa?" [03:00] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Hmmm. [03:01] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: That revolver there... The Python. [03:01] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I like it very much... [03:02] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Only 575 P$. I advise you take ammunition and speedloaders with it, though; as mighty this beauty is, you don't want to be out of ammo for it! [03:03] * Stellar_Blackscale nods, and solemnly hands Rosa the Platinum bar. "Are you ready?" [03:03] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: oshi... [03:03] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: is that a... [03:05] <Stellar_Blackscale> "It is indeed my good sir." [03:05] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Do you i-intend to sell this, madam? [03:07] <Stellar_Blackscale> "But of course. I would hardly waste your time otherwise, would I?" [03:07] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Let me check the value of platinum.. [03:08] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: According to my PDA, it is... [03:08] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 7501 +2499 [03:08] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 7501 ] [ Rolls: 111 ] [ Total Score: 111 ] [03:08] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: ..at an all time low, I'm afraid. 2610 P$ for that bar. [03:08] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: WHAT? [03:08] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: OH COME ON! [03:09] * Stellar_Blackscale seathes in silent rage. [03:10] <Stellar_Blackscale> "We're not selling then." [03:10] * Stellar_Blackscale fumes. [03:10] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Oh... [03:11] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: If you are still interested to pay for this Python, I can accept regular payment, or other forms of raw... [03:12] <Stellar_Blackscale> "*sigh...* I'll pay for it out of pocket then. But I'm most displeased with this developement. If I didn't know better I'd accuse you of trying to cheat me." [03:12] * Stellar_Blackscale haughty airs. [03:13] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: O-oh no, not at all, madam! It's simply that the value of platinum is low at the moment... [03:15] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hrmmm... how much ammo do you think we should invest in?" [03:15] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: As much as frickin' possible. [03:17] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: I've got five boxes of 25 rounds for sale, 100 P$ each. And you may be interested in speedloaders, of which I have five. They're like magazines for revolvers, helps loading quickly all the rounds instead of one by one... but surely you knew how that works. Each speedloader is 60 P$. [03:19] * Stellar_Blackscale nods and forks over 1375 P$s [03:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Very well... all of it, then." [03:19] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: I can also perhaps interest you in buying a scope for the Python? Only 500 P$. [03:19] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Hell naw, that's ugly on a revolver. Just the ammo. [03:19] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: V-very well... [03:21] <~Hebizuka> *You purchased a Colt Python, 100 rounds of .357 Magnum and 5 Python speedloaders for 1375 P$.* [03:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: While I'm at it, Imma sell my old thing. [03:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: You can keep the cash until I get a new backpack, star. [03:22] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Of course." [03:22] <~Hebizuka> SELL [03:22] <~Hebizuka> Ruger Mark III - 75 P$ [03:22] <~Hebizuka> .22 Long Rifle x5 - 1 P$ [03:22] <~Hebizuka> TOTAL: 76 P$ [03:23] <~Hebizuka> *Rosa sold her Mark III and ammunition inside for 76 P$. You took the money. This reduced your expenses to 1299 P$.* [03:23] <Stellar_Blackscale> Hooray.jpg [03:23] <~Hebizuka> *Money remaining: 601 P$.* [03:23] <~SU_Tempest> *Rosa equips the Python.* [03:23] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Shall we be going?" [03:23] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: You hold onto my speedloaders for me, aight? Oh and, don't forget to load'em. [03:24] <~Hebizuka> *Load the acquired speedloaders?* [03:24] <Stellar_Blackscale> y [03:25] <~Hebizuka> *You use 30 rounds of .357 Magnum to load 5x Python speedloaders.* [03:25] <~Hebizuka> *.357 Magnum remaining: 70* [03:25] <~Hebizuka> 38.5/65 [03:25] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Awesome. [03:27] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Well, let's move? [03:27] <~SU_Tempest> Dealer: Thank you for your patronage, miladies! [03:28] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [03:28] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 176 - Front door: 123 - Right door: 1688 - Roomstyle: 233 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [03:29] <Stellar_Blackscale> 123 [03:29] <~Hebizuka> *Next special room at the 80th room.* [03:31] <~Hebizuka> *You make it into a bar. The bartender is there, all alone with no patrons to serve, with the always faithful shotgun on the back. You notice an object on the floor that looks like a tiny plastic bag.* [03:32] * Stellar_Blackscale raises an eyebrow and examines the bag(?) [03:32] <~Hebizuka> [Meds] White powder - Unidentified [03:33] * Stellar_Blackscale spares. "I wonder if this is what I think it is..." [03:33] <~SU_Tempest> Barkeep: People forget all kinds of things in my bar! [03:34] <~SU_Tempest> Barkeep: Wouldn't be surprised if it was someone's... *He makes the quote gesture* "prescription". Anyway, welcome here, ladies. [03:37] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I'm afraid I'm unfortunately not in the mood for a drink. Not to mention I just burned through a fair amount of money." [03:38] <~SU_Tempest> Barkeep: No problem. [03:39] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [03:39] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 2876 - Front door: 1566 - Right door: 1059 - Roomstyle: 75 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [03:39] <Stellar_Blackscale> 1059 [03:40] <~Hebizuka> *You are starting to feel hungry.* [03:41] <~Hebizuka> *Trapdoor!* [03:41] * Stellar_Blackscale ASDF [03:42] <~Hebizuka> *You land into a scullery, landing straight onto a dishwasher, which makes a loud, dry "PLONK" noise, but does not hurt you. And woe be you, there are two lions in this room. OH GOD THERE ARE LIONS IN THE ROOM* [03:42] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: OH GOD THERE ARE LIONS IN THE ROOM [03:42] <Stellar_Blackscale> "AND THERE'S NO CAR TO GET INTO" D: [03:42] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: WHAT IS A CAR? [03:42] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: And why the heck are we yelling? [03:43] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... I dunno." [03:43] <~SU_Tempest> *In any case, the lions DON'T look nice.* [03:44] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Do you think they know we're here?" [03:44] <~SU_Tempest> *Yes, they do. Thanks to your unceremonious fall.* [03:45] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Okay." [03:45] * Stellar_Blackscale pulls out her Vintorez (FUCK YEAH!) And goes for scoped headshot, as per usual. [03:46] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mdice 2 6 [03:46] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 1 1 ] [ Total Score: 2 ] [03:46] <Stellar_Blackscale> ... [03:47] <~SU_Tempest> *The Vintorez does not seem to like you much. Then again, you found it in a dumpster.* [03:47] <~Hebizuka> *Your shot misses and there's now a casing stuck in the ejection port.* [03:48] * Stellar_Blackscale hisses unhappily [03:48] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Don't worry star, I got your back! [03:48] <~Hebizuka> *Rosa points her SPAS-15 at one of the lions and unloads two shells.* [03:48] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:48] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 3 3 ] [ Total Score: 6 ] [03:49] <~Hebizuka> *A total of 16 flechettes hit Rosa's intended target. The flechettes pierce through the lion's fur and body, ripping the feline's flesh to shreds. The lion briefly murrs in pain before crashing, dead.* [03:49] <~Hebizuka> Rosalie Keller [SPAS-15] Lion #1 [03:50] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: YEAH, BITCH [03:50] <Stellar_Blackscale> "You're fucking awesome!" [03:50] <~Hebizuka> *Enemy's turn...* [03:51] <~Hebizuka> *The second lion growls, and decides to attack you! It goes to try and claw you...* [03:51] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [03:51] <EliasBot> [WEAK POINT] Genitals (Only if 12 is scored, otherwise hit torso) [03:51] <~Hebizuka> *...in the genitals.* [03:51] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:51] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 3 5 ] [ Total Score: 8 ] [03:53] <~Hebizuka> *You briefly think this lion comes straight out of the 17 Hells of Dai-Zan before realizing the fucker also damaged your thong. That's BURNING pain like you've never felt before.* Pain: 74% [+45] - Bottom clothing: 3/4 dmg [-1] [03:53] <Stellar_Blackscale> ".... MURDER. IT. DIE. DIE. DIE." [03:54] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [03:54] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Oh gods, Stellar? Are you okay?! [03:55] <~Hebizuka> *It's now your turn.* [03:55] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hurts like a biiiitch." [03:55] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Let's kill that son of a cock and find you some help! [03:55] * Stellar_Blackscale empties her glock into the fucking asshole lion son of a bitch's head. [03:56] <~Hebizuka> *Semi-automatic mode; You can only empty a maximum of 10 shots in one turn. Shoot 10 times at the lion's head?* [03:56] <Stellar_Blackscale> YES. [03:57] <~Hebizuka> *Roll now.* [04:00] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mdice 2 6 [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 2 4 ] [ Total Score: 6 ] [04:01] <~Hebizuka> *FT 5 -1 +1 (5). You manage to barely fire off your ten shots at the lion's head, popping his skull and spreading lion brains on his back before he dies.* [04:02] <~Hebizuka> *The lion is litterally DISFIGURED by the onslaught of 9mm bullets ripping its head.* [04:02] <~Hebizuka> Stellar Blackscale [Glock 17] Lion /H\ [B] [04:03] <~Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [04:07] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hahhh... hahhhh... bastard... thing..." [04:07] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I-I swear if it's done any major damage..." [04:08] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I... well, it's already dead..." [04:08] * Stellar_Blackscale swears [04:08] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Are you not too hurt, star? You can walk? [04:09] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I can walk, yeah." [04:09] <Stellar_Blackscale> "T-thanks for the concern." [04:09] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Aight, let's move it. [04:14] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms1 [04:14] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Unique door: 5483 - Roomstyle: 358 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [04:15] <~Hebizuka> *A damaged electrical room. The damage that was done here is primarily on the walls; it looks like the aftermath of an explosion that occurred behind a wall, damaging some of the generators. The control computer displays a strange BSOD. There's clothing on the floor...* [04:15] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: GOD DAMMIT [04:16] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Somehow set the generation to 16000% again... [04:16] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... Why would you DO that?" [04:16] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... it wasn't that guy trying to spot UFOs, do you think?" [04:16] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the clothing [04:16] * Stellar_Blackscale hoping for fresh underwear. [04:17] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Assholes play pranks on us in this kind of room. When their backs are turned, if the compy is not password protected, and you know where to look, you can turn the power generation knob to 16k... [04:17] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: ...it somehow crashes the computer too. [04:17] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... That seems horribly innefficent." [04:17] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: It's there, I dunno why. We rarely ever go past 100 or 110% to be honest. [04:18] <~Hebizuka> [Clothing] Headgear - Cop hat - AC Light - Blunt-resistant - Weight: 3 [04:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hahahaha." /me tosses the hat into the air and catches on her index finger [04:20] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: *gasp* [04:20] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: What if a cop had been vaporized in the blast?! [04:20] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: ...nah, that doesn't make sense, it's not even a strong explosion... [04:20] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... There's a terrifying thought." [04:20] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... maybe a cop was the one fooling around with it?" [04:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: That's the stupidest cop in the world, if that's even true! [04:21] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... anyhow." [04:21] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [04:21] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 2227 - Front door: 1882 - Right door: 3891 - Roomstyle: 50 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [04:22] * Stellar_Blackscale leaves the hat [04:23] <~Hebizuka> *Next special room at the 88th.* [04:23] <~Hebizuka> *Pain is slowly starting to subside. Though it's still there, you feel you regained your strength somewhat.* [04:24] <Stellar_Blackscale> "F-feeling a bit better." [04:24] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Which way? [04:24] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Left [04:29] <~Hebizuka> *YET ANOTHER electrical room. An undamaged one. The computer is on, but has been left idle. There's more clothes on the floor.* [04:29] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the clothes. [04:29] <~Hebizuka> [Clothing] Footwear - Shinobi tabi - AC Hardskin - Blunt-resistant - Weight: 3 [04:30] <~Hebizuka> *The same kind the dead ninja wore.* [04:30] * Stellar_Blackscale ignores then. [04:30] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [04:30] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 3727 - Front door: 2011 - Right door: 160 - Roomstyle: 307 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [04:30] <Stellar_Blackscale> 2011 [04:32] <~Hebizuka> *You enter in a corridor. There are five doors here (!mrooms5). There is someone in this room who looks peculiar. This room being a corridor, if you want to escape, roll !mrooms5 and choose either door A or E.* [04:33] * Stellar_Blackscale looks at the peculiar someone [04:35] <~Hebizuka> *A young adult, pale white skinned female. She is short, thin, has shoulder-length blue hair and red eyes. From the way she dresses, it is an engineer, but there's something about her that looks strange.* [04:35] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hullo." [04:36] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Oh, hi. [04:36] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Oh shit [04:36] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: ...Hello, Rosalie. Out waltzing again, I see? [04:36] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Uhhm... no, not really? I was j- [04:37] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Just shut it, will you. I don't need to hear explanations. You are out waltzing again, you are not working. [04:37] * Stellar_Blackscale edges closer to the other engineer. [04:38] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: That does it, Rosalie. I'll have to file a dismiss and have you fired. [04:38] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT, PLEASE! [04:38] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: You don't -ever- finish any work I give you. I am getting tired of hearing this, so as a team manager I gotta do something. Rosalie, you're fired. [04:39] <~SU_Tempest> *Your ally throws her hat on the floor.* [04:39] * Stellar_Blackscale D: [04:39] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Not AGAIN. [04:39] * Stellar_Blackscale puts her hand onto her glock, halfway tempted to put it out and try something. [04:41] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I'm sorry, star... I don't have a job anymore, I guess. [04:42] * Stellar_Blackscale hugs Rosa [04:43] <Stellar_Blackscale> "It's alright..." [04:43] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I'll make sure you'll be fine." [04:48] * Stellar_Blackscale kisses her forehead. "Come on, let's go." [04:48] * Stellar_Blackscale glares at the other engineer [04:49] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: *On the verge of tears.* [04:50] <Stellar_Blackscale> "You bitch! Why would you do this to her?" [04:50] * Stellar_Blackscale raging at remineer [04:51] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Would you not talk to me that way? I am... was her superior. [04:52] <Stellar_Blackscale> "..." [04:52] * Stellar_Blackscale clenches a fist, trying to decide whether to punch the bitch or not. [04:52] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Mmmmph!" [04:54] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Anyway, I have work to attend to. [04:55] <Stellar_Blackscale> "F-fine. You go do that." [04:55] * Stellar_Blackscale mutters profanities under her breath. [04:55] <~SU_Tempest> *The engineer leaves through door B.* [04:55] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I'm sorry, Rosa... this is my fault..." [04:56] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: N-no. It wasn't... we couldn't guess we'd meet my boss... [04:56] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I suppose not." [04:56] * Stellar_Blackscale hugs her tightly. [04:57] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: hngrmf... [04:57] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Are you going to be okay?" [04:58] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I gotta apply for a new job... or fuckin' go rogue. [04:59] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I'll be behind you 100% of the way, whatever you choose. I owe you." [04:59] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Well... We should get going. [05:00] <Stellar_Blackscale> "We should." [05:00] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms5 [05:00] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Door A: 4543 - Door B: 2698 - Door C: 5224 - Door D: 5070 - Door E: 544 - Roomstyle: 253 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [05:00] <Stellar_Blackscale> 5070 [05:01] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a hiring bureau. As usual, 8 cages on the left, actual office on the right, with the hirer present.* [05:01] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: ... this is mighty convenient [05:02] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Very convienent." [05:02] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth, right?" [05:03] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I have no idea what that means. [05:03] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: But okay! [05:04] <~SU_Tempest> Hirer: Welcome to this hiring bureau. How can I help? [05:04] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Ahhh..." [05:05] * Stellar_Blackscale looks at Rosa [05:06] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: I need to apply for a job... [05:06] <~SU_Tempest> Hirer: Your name? [05:06] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: ...*sigh* Rosalie Keller. [05:06] <~SU_Tempest> Hirer: *Types name on computer...* ...You've just been fired? [05:06] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: ...uhuh... [05:07] <~SU_Tempest> Hirer: For the fourth time in 2 months? Come on, miss Keller. If you don't want to end up in the cages, I hope you have a backup plan. Nobody will want to hire you now! [05:08] * Stellar_Blackscale gives Rosa's hand a comforting squeeze. [05:11] <~SU_Tempest> Hirer: I'm sorry, I can do nothing for you unless you want to forfeit your freedom. [05:11] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Fuck that... I'll go with my friend here and find another solution. [05:11] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Right. Let's go." [05:12] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Yeah, let's. [05:13] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [05:13] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 5355 - Front door: 4012 - Right door: 5132 - Roomstyle: 65 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [05:16] <Stellar_Blackscale> 5132 [05:17] <~Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. There's a metallic box on the floor which had stenciled words printed on it.* [05:19] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the metallic box [05:19] <~Hebizuka> *It's a mixed ammunition box! Open it?* [05:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> Who wouldn't? [05:20] <~Hebizuka> =Mixed ammunition box= [05:20] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: VSS Vintorez 10-round magazine. Weight: 1+0.1 [Ammo: 10/10] [05:20] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: Glock 9mm 17-round magazine. Weight: 0.5+0.17 [Ammo: 17/17] [05:20] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: SPAS-15 6-round magazine. Weight: 1+0.6 [Ammo: 6/6, 6 Flechette] [05:20] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: FN P90 50-round magazine. Weight: 2+0.5 [Ammo: 50/50] [05:20] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: Colt Python 6-round speedloader. Weight: 0.5+0.06 [Weapon: 6/6] [05:21] * Stellar_Blackscale gathers the ammo. [05:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: ...Jackpot. [05:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: You know, with all the weaponry we're suddenly getting, I'm really finding myself thinkin'. [05:21] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: We should go rogue! [05:22] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Go rogue~?" [05:22] * Stellar_Blackscale grins "Do go on~" [05:22] <~Hebizuka> 44.39/65 [05:23] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Yknow. Doing not-so-legal stuff, like robbing people, breaking into vaults and being crims and shit! Not shops, we need a place to launder our stuff. But, yknow what I mean? [05:23] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Sounds like a plan." [05:25] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Fuck yeah. I always wanted to do this! [05:25] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Especially after I got fired the second time. [05:25] * Stellar_Blackscale high five [05:25] <~SU_Tempest> *She high-fives.* [05:26] <Stellar_Blackscale> "You tried. And now we get to have *fun~* [05:27] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Now, the real Rosa is out to kick some butt with pretty snakelady Stellar! [05:27] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Ain't that right? I got my own personal Lady Snake... unlike the other one which I keep hearing about but never ever see. [05:30] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Heh. That you do, I guess." [05:30] <Stellar_Blackscale> �Hebi...� [05:30] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Nothing to hold us back, eh?" [05:31] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Nothin'! Let's rock! [05:31] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Fuck yeah!" [05:31] <Stellar_Blackscale> "And maybe... if I can swing that whole beachfront property thing... maybe we can expand into �piracy�" [05:32] * Stellar_Blackscale wide grin [05:32] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [05:32] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 5598 - Front door: 709 - Right door: 5129 - Roomstyle: 71 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [05:32] <Stellar_Blackscale> 709 [05:34] <~Hebizuka> *You enter an old forge, where a blacksmith is busy piling up boxes in the back. The room also doubles as a functioning shop. Unrelated to this is food on the floor.* [05:37] * Stellar_Blackscale examines the food first [05:37] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Dessert - Biscuit. 1d2 [05:38] * Stellar_Blackscale eats the biscuit [05:38] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mdice 1 2 [05:38] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 2 ] [ Rolls: 1 ] [ Total Score: 1 ] [05:38] <Stellar_Blackscale> ;A; [05:38] <~Hebizuka> *It tastes like crumbs.* [05:38] <Stellar_Blackscale> "crumbs!" [05:38] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hello sir" [05:38] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Ah, sorry ,sorry. I was moving boxes in the back. I'm here, hello. Welcome to the shop. [05:39] <Stellar_Blackscale> "What do you sell here?" [05:40] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Melee weapons. [05:41] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Want one, Rosa?" [05:41] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Show me what you got. [05:41] * Stellar_Blackscale figures she'll check anyways since she needs a good combat knife. Those things are USEFUL [05:43] <~Hebizuka> =Forge - Weapons for sale= [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Wooden stick - Blunt. Weight: 3 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Tessen - Blunt/Sharp. Weight: 3 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Long: Bullwhip - Sharp. Weight: 9 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Flanged mace - Blunt. Weight: 5 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Long: Crossbow - Piercing, needs ammunition (Crossbow bolts). Weight: 9 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Scissors - Sharp. Weight: 3 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Blunt knife - Blunt. Weight: 1 [05:43] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Meat fork - Piercing. Weight: 5 [05:44] <Stellar_Blackscale> "..." [05:44] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... why is a blacksmith selling a wooden stick?" [05:45] * Stellar_Blackscale @_@ [05:45] <~SU_Tempest> *The blacksmith shrugs* [05:45] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Gotta make money. [05:46] <Stellar_Blackscale> "True..." [05:46] * Stellar_Blackscale grumbles. Nothing she wants [05:46] <~SU_Tempest> *Rosa shakes her head.* [05:48] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Do you buy stuff or only sell?" [05:48] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: I buy, of course. Melee weapons, and relevant items. [05:49] * Stellar_Blackscale pulls out the platinum bar "Is this relevant?" [05:50] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: ...most definitely, madam. Platinum. [05:50] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: The most beautiful and valuable object in the Mazes. [05:50] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Second to guns and clothes. [05:51] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 7501 +2499 [05:51] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 7501 ] [ Rolls: 2670 ] [ Total Score: 2670 ] [05:51] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Currently their value is 5169 P$... [05:52] * Stellar_Blackscale P$s in eyes [05:52] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Rosa? Should we?" [05:53] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: YES OH GOD YES [05:53] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Shame you don't sell backpacks, I'd have taken one... [05:53] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Right, we're selling this platinum~ [05:53] * Stellar_Blackscale squees and hugs Rosa~<3 [05:58] <~SU_Tempest> *Rosa hugs Stellar back!* [05:58] <Stellar_Blackscale> "We're going to have so much money, Rosa~<3" [05:59] <~Hebizuka> *You have sold the platinum bar for 5169 P$.* [06:01] <Stellar_Blackscale> "This is awesome~<3" [06:01] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Cash or credit? [06:02] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Credit?" [06:02] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Wazzat?" [06:02] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: If you want, I can keep some of the money you've made as a credit, and you can buy stuff from all blacksmiths of the Mazes; they will just deduct the amount of your purchases from the credit on your name. [06:03] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hrrrm... no, I think we want cash." [06:03] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: You sure you can carry all of this, ma'am? [06:03] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Uh..." [06:03] * Stellar_Blackscale conflicted [06:04] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Rosa, help D:" [06:04] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: Uhm [06:04] <Stellar_Blackscale> "What should I do?" [06:05] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I want the money." [06:05] <Stellar_Blackscale> "But I'm not sure I can carry it all D:" [06:06] <Stellar_Blackscale> "... ah to hell with it. Yes, give me the money." [06:06] <~Hebizuka> *The blacksmith drops a bag of money that's 51.69-unit heavy. It makes a loud "CRASH".* [06:08] <Stellar_Blackscale> "..." [06:08] * Stellar_Blackscale tries to lift. [06:09] <Stellar_Blackscale> Huh..." [06:12] * Stellar_Blackscale fills her backpack to weight capacity [06:12] <~Hebizuka> *Fill with money all available space?* [06:12] <Stellar_Blackscale> Y [06:14] <~Hebizuka> *You lift and shove 1399 P$ in your money pouch, filling it. You also carry an additional 2161 P$, which fills your backpack space up to the maximum of 65 units.* [06:14] <~Hebizuka> *Total money carried: 4161 P$* [06:14] <~Hebizuka> 65/65 [06:14] <~Hebizuka> *Are remaining: 1609 P$ on the desk.* [06:15] * Stellar_Blackscale picks up the bag and heads into the next room [06:15] * Stellar_Blackscale has a cunning plan. [06:15] <Stellar_Blackscale> :3 [06:16] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: Hey, what are you doing? [06:17] <Stellar_Blackscale> "What, am I not allowed to take my money?" [06:17] <~SU_Tempest> Bksmith: You intend to carry that heavy satchel of cash in your hands? What if you need to use a gun? [06:18] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Then I'll set it down." [06:18] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Now shoosh." [06:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Besides, I could use it as a club." [06:19] * Stellar_Blackscale grin. [06:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> !mrooms3 [06:19] <~Hebizuka> [ Stellar_Blackscale ] Left door: 1059 - Front door: 2510 - Right door: 3105 - Roomstyle: 371 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [06:19] <Stellar_Blackscale> 3105 [06:24] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a dojo. A martial artist is there, reading a book on the floor. There's a blueprint on the floor.* [06:26] * Stellar_Blackscale stuffs the back into her cleavage since the martial artist is distracted [06:26] * Stellar_Blackscale examines blueprint [06:26] <Stellar_Blackscale> *bag [06:27] * Stellar_Blackscale :P at Rosa [06:28] <~SU_Tempest> *The bag is way too big (and heavy) to fit in your cleavage.* [06:28] <~Hebizuka> [Crafting] (Blueprint) "Level 1, Bat, 0 Metal, 25 Wood, 0 Plastic" [06:30] * Stellar_Blackscale awww [06:30] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Hello!" [06:32] <~SU_Tempest> MArtist: Welcome. [06:32] <Stellar_Blackscale> "what can you teach me?" [06:35] <~Hebizuka> =Martial arts= [06:35] <~Hebizuka> One-two combo - 300 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Punch to Front Kick - 400 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Low to Middle Roundhouse - 400 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Hell Axle - 600 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Savage Sword - 750 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Snake Rocket - ALREADY LEARNED [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Double Lift Kick to Paw - 800 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Tengu Punch Oni Kick - 1100 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Double Lift Kick to Double Tap - 1300 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Roundhouse to Triple Spin Kick - 1100 P$ [06:35] <~Hebizuka> Sadist's Blast - 1700 P$ [06:35] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Sadist's Blast." [06:36] <~SU_Tempest> MArtist: Really? This is a hard technique to learn. And it'll cost you 17 hundred. [06:36] <Stellar_Blackscale> "I need to get rid of this extra cash somehow." [06:37] * Stellar_Blackscale drops the bag onto the floor and fishes the extra needed out of her pack. [06:37] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Sorry, Rosa." [06:37] * Stellar_Blackscale ;A; [06:37] <~SU_Tempest> Rosa: It's cool! We will make ourselves a LOT MORE. Investment, right? [06:37] <Stellar_Blackscale> "Right!" [06:38] <~Hebizuka> *You pay the martial artist the contents of your satchel of cash, plus an extra 91 P$, to match the 1700 P$ requirement.* [06:39] <~Hebizuka> *4070 P$ money carried remaining* [06:39] <~Hebizuka> 64.09/65 [06:39] <~Hebizuka> *You have learned Sadist's Blast.* [06:39] <~Hebizuka> *Use it with: Kick, Punch, Punch Kick.* [06:40] <~Hebizuka> *The fighter first performs a low, sweep kick to stun the opponent momentarily. Then, the fighter grabs the opponent, spins on itself once while holding the opponent in midair, then throws him before delivering a powerful kick, using the momentum to send it packing.* [06:41] <~Hebizuka> *The kick is estimated to be twice more powerful than the strongest of kicks in standard martial arts, and may cause the opponent further impairments.* [06:43] <~Hebizuka> Checkout [06:45] <~Hebizuka> 86 rooms, 10 kills, 2 SEs, 2 Missions, 0 Amulet, 4070 P$, 0 Runs [06:45] <~Hebizuka> Progress [06:45] <~Hebizuka> +13 rooms, +2 kills, +1670 P$ [06:45] <~Hebizuka> Score [06:45] <~Hebizuka> 157 points [+44] [06:46] <~Hebizuka> Leaderboards [06:46] <~Hebizuka> 21st [+6] [06:46] <~Hebizuka> Today's stats [06:46] <~Hebizuka> Shots 10/12 (83%) [06:46] <~Hebizuka> Today's accuracy: 83% [06:46] <~Hebizuka> All-time stats [06:47] <~Hebizuka> Shots 22/30 (73%) [06:47] <~Hebizuka> Melee 4/4 (100%) [06:47] <~Hebizuka> TOTAL: 26/34 (76% accuracy) [06:47] <~Hebizuka> Checking for new awards [06:47] <~Hebizuka> No new awards.