Log:Game 167 (Meta, no ontology)

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[09:53] <&Hebizuka> You are having a strange dream... [09:54] <&Hebizuka> *You are dreaming of bad things... the shit hit the fan in the Mazes, and you're out here without anything you had. This, is the Night of the Mazes.* [09:54] <&Hebizuka> (Considering we went over your equipment in private I won't gloss that over here. This line remains in the logs.) [09:55] <&Hebizuka> Welcome to the NotM event, Selis. For all rooms, only one door ahead. Survive as long as you can and defeat as many of the infected and the demonic as you can. [09:55] <&Hebizuka> To begin, type !mrooms1. [09:56] <Selis> !mrooms1 [09:56] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4615 - Roomstyle: 328 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [09:56] * Selis goes through. [09:58] <&Hebizuka> *A damaged electrical room... There are strange black stains everywhere on the walls. There is also a naked cable coming out of one of the ripped panels, spitting out sparks; watch out for that. A Black Hound is guarding the room, howling as it senses something...* [10:00] * Selis shoots the black hound with 4 shots from the P2000 [10:00] <&Hebizuka> *The Black Hound howls more, before leaping, and trying to bite you...* [10:00] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Hound.* [10:00] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [10:00] <Selis> @roll 4#2d6 [10:00] <MazeBot> Selis: 9;4;9;7 [10:01] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 4. Recoil: 3. Semi-auto.* [10:01] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-4: Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit* [10:02] <&Hebizuka> *Though you do hit the Hound three times out of four, the creature doesn't seem do have been stopped. It looks hurt, but it won't reconsider biting you.* [10:02] <&Hebizuka> *Hound's turn...* [10:02] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [10:02] <MazeBot> [LOWER BODY] Lower body (Hips, pelvis, buttocks) [10:02] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [10:02] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 7 [10:04] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 23% [+23]. Limb damage: Hips 27/30 [-3]. No wound opened. Clothing damage: 3.9/4 [-0.1] [10:04] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [10:04] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you try?* [10:04] * Selis shoots it 4 more times with the P2000 [10:05] <&Hebizuka> *The Hound, now in your immediate vicinity, will try to claw you.* [10:05] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Hound.* [10:05] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [10:06] <Selis> @roll 4#2d6 [10:06] <MazeBot> Selis: 5;6;5;10 [10:06] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 4. Recoil: 3. Semi-auto.* [10:06] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-3: Miss, Hit, Miss, Hit.* [10:08] <&Hebizuka> *More damage seems to bring the Hound closer from death. It looks like it's in pain.* [10:08] <&Hebizuka> *Hound's turn...* [10:08] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [10:08] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [10:08] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [10:08] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 10 [10:09] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 42% [+21]. Limb damage: Chest 36/40 [-4]. Clothing damage: Top 3.9/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [10:09] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [10:09] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 3. What'll you try?* [10:10] * Selis shoots it in the head twice with the super 90 [10:10] <&Hebizuka> *The Hound wants another bite from you!* [10:10] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Hound, Selis.* [10:10] <&Hebizuka> *Hound's turn...* [10:10] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [10:10] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [10:10] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [10:10] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 7 [10:10] <&Hebizuka> *Ouch!* [10:11] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 64% [+24] - Limb damage; Chest 34/40 [-2] - Clothing damage; Top 3.8/4 [-0.1] - No other injury [10:12] <&Hebizuka> *Your turn.* [10:12] <Selis> @roll 2#2d6 [10:12] <MazeBot> Selis: 7;12 [10:14] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 2. Buckshot. Recoil: 3. Semi-auto. Aimed at: Head.* [10:14] <&Hebizuka> *All score receive -1 malus.* [10:14] <&Hebizuka> *Shot 1: 4 pellets hit. Shot 2: 7 pellets hit. Total 11.* [10:15] <&Hebizuka> *The Hound's skull is blown open cleanly, killing the creature instantly.* [10:15] <&Hebizuka> Selis [M4S90] Black Hound /H\ [B] [10:16] <Selis> "These guns...underwhelming" [10:16] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight (3 turns)* [10:16] <Selis> !mrooms1 [10:16] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 2797 - Roomstyle: 355 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [10:16] * Selis continues [10:18] <&Hebizuka> *A destroyed radio room. There is a wandering kyonshi in this room, all alone. It is guarding what appears to be a weapon, that you won't be able to reach as it is on the enemy's side...* [10:18] <&Hebizuka> *The kyonshi looks apathetic though...* [10:19] * Selis shoots said kyonshi in the head twice with the P2000 [10:20] <&Hebizuka> *The Kyonshi sees you coming, and veeeeeeeeeery slowly decides to go for a clawing.* [10:20] <&Hebizuka> *Evidently you are much faster. Order: Selis, Kyonshi.* [10:20] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [10:20] <Selis> @roll 2#2d6 [10:20] <MazeBot> Selis: 3;10 [10:20] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 2. Recoil 3. Semi-auto.* [10:20] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-2: Miss, Hit.* [10:21] <&Hebizuka> *The kyonshi's head recoils rearwards!* [10:21] <&Hebizuka> *The creature staggers and freezes dead as said head very nearly seemed like it was going to fly off the rest of the body... Sekibanki style.* [10:22] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [10:22] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you do?* [10:23] * Selis stabs it in the head wiht the knife. [10:24] <&Hebizuka> *The kyonshi doesn't seem to react.* [10:24] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis.* [10:24] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [10:24] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [10:24] <MazeBot> Selis: 4 [10:24] <&Hebizuka> *Oops.* [10:24] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [10:24] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 3. What'll you do? [10:24] <&Hebizuka> * [10:24] * Selis stabs at it again [10:25] <&Hebizuka> *The youkai zombie seems to come back to its senses and wants to claw you...* [10:25] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Kyonshi* [10:25] <&Hebizuka> *Roll now.* [10:25] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [10:25] <MazeBot> Selis: 5 [10:25] <&Hebizuka> *What is going on here?* [10:25] <&Hebizuka> *Kyonshi's turn...* [10:25] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [10:25] <MazeBot> [LIMB] Left shoulder [10:25] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [10:25] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 6 [10:26] <&Hebizuka> *A sloppy and half-assed clawing...* [10:27] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 68% [+12]. Limb damage; Left arm 17/20 [-3]. Clothing damage; Top 3.7/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [10:27] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 3.* [10:27] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 4. What'll you do?* [10:28] * Selis just tries to stab it again in the chest [10:31] <&Hebizuka> *The Kyonshi seems a little brain dead. Well, of course it is. But it looks very dim-witted as it doesn't understand why you are not dead yet. Then tries to claw you.* [10:31] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Kyonshi. You may roll.* [10:31] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [10:31] <MazeBot> Selis: 7 [10:32] <&Hebizuka> *Stab! The knife seems to do away with the terrible youkai zombie in front of you, for good.* [10:32] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Kyonshi [10:32] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight (4 turns)* [10:32] <&Hebizuka> *Now that weapon can be examined.* [10:32] * Selis checks the weapon [10:33] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - SAKO TRG-42 sniper rifle | .300 Winchester Magnum - Bolt-action | M. Brake(I), T. Scope(S) | TRG-42 10-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 - [9+1/10, 10x FMJ] - Condition: Perfect / Cleanliness: Perfect [10:34] * Selis drops the super 90 and takes the SAKO [10:34] <&Hebizuka> *You leave your shotgun behind.* [10:34] <Selis> !mrooms1 [10:34] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 3052 - Roomstyle: 245 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [10:34] * Selis continues [10:37] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. Thankfully for you, there is nobody in this room. You spot clothes on the floor...* [10:37] * Selis checks the clothes [10:38] <&Hebizuka> [Clothing] Body addon - Type-3 Kevlar vest (Upper body) - AC Kevlar-3 - Blunt-PROOF, Sharp-resistant, Piercing-resistant - Weight: 9 [Dmg 4/4] [10:38] * Selis puts it on [10:38] <&Hebizuka> *Armor! How good does that feel, huh?* [10:39] <Selis> !mrooms1 [10:39] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 38 - Roomstyle: 13 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [10:39] * Selis goes through feeling slightly better [10:40] <&Hebizuka> *A pantry. You see, first and foremost, two zombies idling about in the room. Behind them: Food, and another item.* [10:41] <Selis> @cover [10:41] <MazeBot> No cover at all! [10:41] * Selis sighs and stabs the first zombie thrice in the head. [10:41] <&Hebizuka> *This certainly makes things a little harder.* [10:42] <&Hebizuka> *Both Zs, sensing you, snarl and intent to claw you.* [10:42] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [10:42] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [10:42] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Zombie 1, Zombie 2.* [10:43] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [10:43] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [10:43] <MazeBot> Selis: 11;10;8 [10:43] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 3.* [10:43] <&Hebizuka> *ZOMBIE SHANKING: YES* [10:44] <&Hebizuka> *You are so brutal that you not only shank the zombie's face off, but you entirely decapitate it.* [10:44] <&Hebizuka> [Damage dealt] 1740% Pain [10:44] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Zombie /H\ [B] [10:45] <&Hebizuka> *The first zombie being ... deader than dead, it only leaves the second one to try and hit you.* [10:45] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [10:45] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [10:45] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [10:45] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 8 [10:46] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 70% [+10]. Limb damage: None. Clothing damage: Body armor 3.9/4 [-0.1]. No injury. [10:46] <&Hebizuka> *That still kind of hurt, but a lot less than before.* [10:47] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [10:47] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What'll you do?* [10:47] * Selis does the same to the second zombie stabs thrice in the head. [10:47] <&Hebizuka> *As before, it'll want to claw you.* [10:47] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Zombie. You may roll.* [10:47] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [10:47] <MazeBot> Selis: 6;7;6 [10:47] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 1.* [10:48] <&Hebizuka> *One knife slash is still enough to kill that thing in one hit.* [10:48] <&Hebizuka> *And another head goes flying.* [10:48] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Zombie /H\ [B] [10:49] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [10:49] * Selis checks the food then the item on the floor [10:50] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Cigarette (required lighter or fire source to use) - Hunger -2d6, FT+1 for 2d6 turns - Weight: 0.1 [10:50] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Seafood - Thornback ray. 7d10 [10:52] * Selis takes the thornback [10:52] <&Hebizuka> *That is a crapload of food. It's pre-cut and packaged in a compact form; no way you'd carry that thing otherwise.* [10:53] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 9.78/50 [10:53] <Selis> !mrooms1 [10:53] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 1774 - Roomstyle: 326 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [10:53] * Selis head sonwards [10:56] <&Hebizuka> *A hospital bedroom, which seems like a creepy place to find yourself in a moment like this... In fact, it is appropriately inhabited by a poltergeist, which has materialized and is carrying a dagger. The ectoplasmic being looks tortured just by watching their face. There is more food on the floor in the back, but it's behind the poltergeist...* [10:59] <Selis> @cover [10:59] <MazeBot> A crate full of styrofoam. (Health: 30, LDV modifier: -2) [10:59] * Selis attempts to slip behind it [11:00] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [11:00] <MazeBot> Selis: 5 [11:00] <&Hebizuka> *You get behind it... but you were seen.* [11:01] <&Hebizuka> *The ectoplasm begins emitting a TERRIBLE, very high-pitched noise; it's a weaponized noise attack.* [11:01] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [11:01] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 10 [11:02] <&Hebizuka> *It's so horrible that it hurts!* [11:02] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 75% [+11] [11:02] <&Hebizuka> *You're agonizing; you feel less strong.* [11:03] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [11:03] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you try?* [11:04] <~SU_Tempest> [Poltergeist] Torture, you!... [11:10] * Selis aims down the scope of the SAKO and shoots the poltergeist once in the head. [11:13] <&Hebizuka> *The poltergeist gets angry at you and tries to THROW the dagger at you.* [11:13] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Geist, Selis.* [11:13] <&Hebizuka> *Poltergeist's turn...* [11:13] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [11:13] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 9 [11:14] <&Hebizuka> *Right in the... crate.* [11:14] <&Hebizuka> [Cover] 27/30 [11:14] <&Hebizuka> *Your turn.* [11:14] <&Hebizuka> *The dagger may be picked up, it's on your side.* [11:15] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [11:15] <MazeBot> Selis: 6 [11:16] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 1. Recoil: 4. FT: 5 +1 -1 -1 (Bipod, Muzzle brake, aimed at head)* [11:16] <&Hebizuka> *Shot 1: Hit.* [11:16] <&Hebizuka> *The poltergeist's head is blown open. Its material form... dematerializes and dissipates in the air.* [11:17] <&Hebizuka> Selis [TRG-42] Poltergeist /H\ [11:17] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [11:17] * Selis takes the paracetamol [11:18] <&Hebizuka> [Heal] Pain 41% [-30] [11:18] * Selis looks at the food [11:18] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Dessert - Box of candied fruit. 8d3 - Strength+10% for 1 turn per portion eaten [11:19] * Selis takes the fruits [11:20] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 10.68/50 [11:21] <Selis> !mrooms1 [11:21] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 1498 - Roomstyle: 181 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [11:21] * Selis heads on [11:22] <&Hebizuka> *A library. You do not spot anyone in this room. Good news! You also see an interesting accessory.* [11:23] * Selis checks the accessory [11:23] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: STANAG 60-round casket magazine. Weight: 2 [11:23] * Selis takes it [11:24] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 12.68/50 [11:24] <&Hebizuka> *It's empty, of course, but... Hey. 60 round mag.* [11:24] * Selis swaps out the P2000's mag for a full one [11:28] <&Hebizuka> [Reload] H&K P2000: 12+1/12. [11:28] <Selis> !mrooms1 [11:28] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 3511 - Roomstyle: 316 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [11:28] <&Hebizuka> *You swap one old mag for a new one. Old magazine [1/12].* [11:28] * Selis continues! [11:28] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 12.57/50 [11:29] <&Hebizuka> *A scullery, with its dishwashers. There is a single zombie wandering about here.* [11:29] <Selis> @cover [11:29] <MazeBot> A wooden crate. (Health: 24, LDV modifier: -1) [11:29] * Selis hides [11:29] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [11:29] <MazeBot> Selis: 4 [11:30] <&Hebizuka> *You get behind, but you're sensed by the Z.* [11:30] <&Hebizuka> *The Zombie is a little bit of a dimwit, and goes after you to try and claw you, but...* [11:30] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [11:30] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 10 [11:30] <&Hebizuka> *...it hits the crate, realizing a little too late it's in the way.* [11:31] <&Hebizuka> *It won't be stupid for that long though.* [11:31] <&Hebizuka> [Cover] 23/24 [-1] [11:31] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1. Turn 2. What will you do?* [11:32] * Selis stabs the zombie 3 times in the head then [11:33] <&Hebizuka> *Z's going to bypass your cover to get on your side and try to claw you. You're now both in the same side.* [11:33] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Z.* [11:34] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [11:34] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [11:34] <MazeBot> Selis: 9;4;12 [11:34] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 2 (1 critical)* [11:34] <&Hebizuka> @critwin [11:34] <MazeBot> Bone shattered! (If the hit struck a limb covering a breakable bone, this bone is now broken if it isn't already. Explosives: @bodyaim limb. The amount of Pain suffered is multiplied by 1,5. Stackable with other multipliers.) [11:35] <&Hebizuka> *I will not even BOTHER calculating the damage that did. You didn't just slash its head off, you stabbed the skull so hard it shattered in pieces along with the rest of the head. That splatters zombie brains and blood; an ugly mix of dark red and sick green - on your body.* [11:36] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Zombie /H\ [B] [11:36] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [11:37] <Selis> !mrooms1 [11:37] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 3290 - Roomstyle: 339 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [11:37] * Selis goes on through. [11:38] <&Hebizuka> *A grassy room. There, you see two headcrabs wandering about, emitting their faint shrieks. You spot a weapon in the corner, but it's behind the 'crabs.* [11:38] <&Hebizuka> *What will you do?* [11:38] <Selis> @cover [11:38] <MazeBot> A dishwasher. (Health: 30, LDV modifier: -3) [11:39] * Selis tries hiding again [11:39] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [11:39] <MazeBot> Selis: 7 [11:39] <&Hebizuka> *You successfully hid. Stealth has been maintained.* [11:39] <&Hebizuka> *If you want to attack, you will automatically be first. What will you do?* [11:41] * Selis shoots one headcrab once with the sako, through the scope [11:42] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [11:42] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [11:42] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Headcrab 1, Headcrab 2.* [11:42] <&Hebizuka> *Whichever headcrab survives will try to jump at you to bite you.* [11:42] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [11:42] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [11:42] <MazeBot> Selis: 6 [11:43] <&Hebizuka> Selis [TRG-42] Headcrab [11:43] <&Hebizuka> *Headcrab #2's turn...* [11:44] <&Hebizuka> *That attack bypasses your cover.* [11:44] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [11:44] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [11:44] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [11:44] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 6 [11:45] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 43% [+12]. Limb damage: None. Clothing damage: 3.8/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [11:45] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [11:45] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you attempt?* [11:46] * Selis angrily stabs the headcrab three times with the knife. [11:46] <&Hebizuka> *The other headcrab attempts biting you again!* [11:46] <&Hebizuka> *Speed conflict.* [11:46] <&Hebizuka> *1: Selis ; 2: Crab* [11:46] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [11:46] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [11:46] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Headcrab. You may roll.* [11:47] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [11:47] <MazeBot> Selis: 6;10;6 [11:47] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 3.* [11:48] <&Hebizuka> *You brutally slice and cut the headcrab up, putting it down like its friend.* [11:48] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Headcrab [11:48] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [11:48] * Selis checks the weapon [11:48] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Springfield M1903A4 sniper rifle | .30-06 Springfield - Bolt-action | M.Brake, M84 scope(S) | Internal magazine, 5 rounds, no +1 | Weight: 22 - [5/5, 5x FMJ] - Condition: Perfect / Cleanliness: Perfect [11:49] <Selis> !mrooms1 [11:49] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 2808 - Roomstyle: 61 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [11:49] * Selis goes through. [11:50] <&Hebizuka> *An office. None of the computers here work... their monitors have been blown out or broken some other way. There are two more zombies here, as well as a weapon on a file case in the back.* [11:51] <Selis> @cover [11:51] <MazeBot> A crate full of styrofoam. (Health: 30, LDV modifier: -2) [11:51] * Selis hides again. [11:51] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [11:51] <MazeBot> Selis: 7 [11:51] <&Hebizuka> *You remain silent again. Stealth maintained; you're automatically first if you attack.* [11:51] * Selis shoots one of zombies 3 times in the head with the P2000 [11:52] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll now.* [11:52] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [11:52] <MazeBot> Selis: 6;8;10 [11:52] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 3. Recoil 3, semi-auto, aimed at head (FT+1)* [11:52] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-3: Miss, Hit, Hit.* [11:53] <&Hebizuka> *More zombie grey matter has been expulsed out.* [11:53] <&Hebizuka> Selis [P2000] Zombie /H\ [B] [11:53] <&Hebizuka> *Zombie #2 turn...* [11:54] <&Hebizuka> *It stumbles towards you, bypassing your cover to try and bite you!* [11:54] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [11:54] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [11:54] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [11:54] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 6 [11:54] <&Hebizuka> *Ow!* [11:54] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 56% [+19]. Limb damage: None. Clothing damage: Body armor 3.7/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [11:55] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [11:55] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you do?* [11:55] * Selis stabs the zombie in the head thrice. [11:55] <&Hebizuka> *It'll want to claw you.* [11:55] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Z. You may roll.* [11:55] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [11:55] <MazeBot> Selis: 8;4;12 [11:56] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 2 (1 critical).* [11:56] <&Hebizuka> @critwin [11:56] <MazeBot> Wound torn open! (If the hit struck a limb covering a woundable area, a wound is then torn open there. Explosives: @bodyaim wound location.) [11:56] <&Hebizuka> *You stab the thing so hard, when you pull your blade back, you shatter the Z's skull and bring a brain chunk out with it. After shaking that off, you kick the fucker out of the way.* [11:56] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Zombie #2 /H\ [B] [11:57] * Selis checks the weapon. [11:57] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [11:57] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 4 - RGD-5 fragmentation grenade. May send between 0 and 18 shrapnel on targets upon exploding. Weight: 1/item [11:58] * Selis equips the RGD-5 [11:58] <&Hebizuka> *It's yours. Class 4 weapon equipped.* [11:59] <Selis> !mrooms1 [11:59] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4589 - Roomstyle: 230 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [11:59] * Selis goes onward [12:00] <&Hebizuka> *An abandoned dojo. There is an apprentice wizard wandering about here, and it's apparently not looking like a nice person. They carry a handbag, which seems full of stuff.* [12:00] <Selis> @cover [12:00] <MazeBot> A fridge door. (Health: 32, LDV modifier: -1) [12:00] * Selis hides. [12:00] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [12:00] <MazeBot> Selis: 5 [12:02] <&Hebizuka> *You take cover, but the wizard saw you.* [12:02] <~SU_Tempest> [AppWiz] There are people still alive?! [12:02] <~SU_Tempest> [AppWiz] You look... appetizing. I'll make sure you're mine! [12:02] <Selis> "Unlikely..." [12:03] <&Hebizuka> *The wizard casts a force bolt at you!* [12:03] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [12:03] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 3 [12:03] <&Hebizuka> *The bolt misses you, instead striking some wooden furniture behind you; which shatters in pieces.* [12:03] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [12:03] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What'll you try?* [12:04] * Selis grumbles and stabs the wizard three times in the head. [12:04] <&Hebizuka> *You abandon your cover and will go on his side.* [12:04] <&Hebizuka> *The wizard tries casting a freeze sphere.* [12:04] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, AppWiz* [12:04] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [12:04] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [12:04] <MazeBot> Selis: 10;9;8 [12:05] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 3.* [12:05] <&Hebizuka> *You absolutely murder that wizard, shanking their face. No, Mr. Wizard, Selis owns you today.* [12:05] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Apprentice wizard [12:05] <&Hebizuka> Tags: /H\ [B] [12:06] <&Hebizuka> *The ex-wizard dropped a backpack...* [12:06] * Selis checks the contents of the bag [12:07] <&Hebizuka> [Mushroom] (Unknown) Brown, pleasant smell [12:07] <&Hebizuka> [Mushroom] (Unknown) Brown, pleasant smell [12:07] <&Hebizuka> [Mushroom] (Unknown) Yellowish, unpleasant smell [12:07] <&Hebizuka> [Mushroom] (Unknown) Orange, unpleasant smell [12:08] <Selis> !mrooms1 [12:08] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 2793 - Roomstyle: 323 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [12:08] * Selis goes onward [12:10] <&Hebizuka> *A classroom. Two ugly-looking and tough-faced ghouls are roaming about here, trashing the desks and chairs for fun. There is another small object on the desk that the ghouls haven't touched yet.* [12:18] <Selis> @cover [12:18] <MazeBot> No cover at all! [12:18] * Selis goes for the standard, three stabs with the knife to the first ghouls skull [12:48] <&Hebizuka> *Both ghouls want to claw you in retaliation.* [12:48] <&Hebizuka> *Speed conflict. 1: Selis - 2: Ghoul #1 - 3: Ghoul #2* [12:48] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d3 [12:48] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [12:48] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [12:48] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [12:49] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Ghoul 1, Ghoul 2.* [12:49] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [12:49] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [12:49] <MazeBot> Selis: 6;7;12 [12:49] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 2 (1 critical)* [12:50] <&Hebizuka> @critwin [12:50] <MazeBot> Stopped short! (Sufferer has FT+2 for 1 turn.) [12:50] <&Hebizuka> *Not that it will be any useful since it was shanked in the brains.* [12:50] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Ghoul /H\ [12:50] <&Hebizuka> *Ghoul #2 turn...* [12:50] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [12:50] <MazeBot> [EXTREMITY] Right hand [12:51] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [12:51] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 7 [12:51] <&Hebizuka> *The second ghoul replies immediately to the death of its comrade by clawing your hand. Ow.* [12:52] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Päin 58% [+12] - Limb damage: Right hand 7/15 [-8]. No other injury. [12:53] <&Hebizuka> *Your right hand is damaged. You are less accurate.* [12:54] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [12:54] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you do?* [12:55] * Selis stabs this ghoul three times as well. [12:56] <&Hebizuka> *The ghoul wants to bite you, now...* [12:56] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Ghoul* [12:58] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [12:58] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [12:58] <MazeBot> Selis: 7;10;4 [12:59] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 1.* [12:59] <&Hebizuka> *You could only manage to stab the ghoul's skull once, but it is enough to defeat it.* [12:59] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Ghoul /H\ [12:59] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [12:59] * Selis checks the object [13:00] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] White tablet - Unidentified [13:00] * Selis takes it [13:01] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 12.67/50 [13:01] <Selis> !mrooms1 [13:01] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 6239 - Roomstyle: 236 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [13:01] * Selis goes on [13:03] <&Hebizuka> *An electrical room. A giant spider is lurking about in the room; you can see a lot of cobweb everywhere in the corners... There's a weapon in one of those webs, as a sort of "treasure" the giant spider is guarding.* [13:04] <Selis> @cover [13:04] <MazeBot> A pile of bricks (Health: 26, LDV modifier: -2) [13:04] * Selis hides [13:04] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [13:04] <MazeBot> Selis: 4 [13:04] <&Hebizuka> *The spider heard you...* [13:05] <&Hebizuka> *It crawls towards you, trying to strike you with one of its legs.* [13:05] <&Hebizuka> *Evidently it bypasses your cover.* [13:05] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [13:05] <MazeBot> [LIMB] Right leg [13:05] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [13:05] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 9 [13:06] <&Hebizuka> *Ouch!* [13:07] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 62% [+10]. Limb damage: Right leg 13/20 [-7]. Clothing damage: Bottom 3.8/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [13:07] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [13:07] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What'll you attempt?* [13:08] * Selis just stabs it three times in the head [13:08] <&Hebizuka> *The horrible arachnid tries to strike you again...* [13:08] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Spider* [13:10] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll* [13:10] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [13:10] <MazeBot> Selis: 5;9;6 [13:10] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 1.* [13:11] <&Hebizuka> *The blade punches through the giant spider's head, instantly shanking its thoughts.* [13:11] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Giant spider [13:11] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (2 turns)* [13:11] * Selis checks the weapon. [13:12] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 2 - Enfield Sten Mk IIS submachine gun | 9x19mm Parabellum - Semi/Full | Silencer(I) | Sten 32-round mag, no +1 | Weight: 5 - [32/32, 32x FMJ] [13:12] * Selis takes it. [13:13] <&Hebizuka> *Class 2 weapon equipped.* [13:13] <Selis> !mrooms1 [13:13] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 2911 - Roomstyle: 345 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [13:14] * Selis goes on [13:18] <&Hebizuka> *A washitsu. No sign of anybody... another breather room? Whew. There is a supply crate here.* [13:18] * Selis opens the supply crate [13:19] <&Hebizuka> *A WPN-7 crate. You find inside:* [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - Armalite AR-10 battle rifle | 7.62x51mm NATO - Semi/Full | No accessory | AR-10 20-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 - [19+1/20, 20x FMJ] - Condition: Perfect / Cleanliness: Perfect [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: Armalite AR-10 20-round magazine. Weight: 1 - [0/20] [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: Armalite AR-10 20-round magazine. Weight: 1 - [0/20] [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: Armalite AR-10 20-round magazine. Weight: 1 - [0/20] [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Magazine: Armalite AR-10 20-round magazine. Weight: 1 - [0/20] [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Reflex sight: Aimpoint CompM2 sight with rail and clamp. [13:19] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] 7.62x51mm NATO, 180 rounds - Weight 3.6 [13:20] * Selis tosses the SAKO, takes and equips the AR-10 while putting the reflex sight on it. [13:21] <&Hebizuka> *Class 1 weapon equipped. Accessory installed.* [13:22] <&Hebizuka> *That red dot sight installed on the carry handle looks pretty nifty, too.* [13:22] * Selis fills the 4 empty magazines before storing them along with the left over bullets [13:23] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 20.27/50 [13:23] <&Hebizuka> *You spend a little bit of time filling those mags. Your fingers are sore and bruised, but surely you feel better with this kind of gear!* [13:24] <Selis> !mrooms1 [13:24] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 5618 - Roomstyle: 57 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [13:24] * Selis head out feeling better [13:26] <&Hebizuka> *You get in a regular, featureless room. Amazingly enough, it is ANOTHER breather room with nobody inside. There's a strange weapon on the floor...* [13:26] * Selis checks the weapon [13:26] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Ngombe throwing knife - Sharp. Weight: 14 [13:27] <Selis> !mrooms1 [13:27] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 1668 - Roomstyle: 412 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [13:27] * Selis leaves it and continues [13:28] <&Hebizuka> *A military bedroom. There is a mushroom on the bed, and two zombies wandering about in here. Strangely neither is a Soldier Zombie. It's good news, though.* [13:28] <&Hebizuka> *What will you do?* [13:34] <Selis> @cover [13:34] <MazeBot> A wooden barrel. (Health: 16, LDV modifier: -1) [13:34] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [13:34] <MazeBot> Selis: 2 [13:36] <&Hebizuka> *You fail entirely to take cover in time; the zombies sensed you and rush towards you!* [13:39] <&Hebizuka> *You will need to re-roll next turn if you still want to take cover* [13:40] <&Hebizuka> *They both want to claw you. [13:40] <&Hebizuka> *Zombie #1...* [13:40] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [13:40] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [13:41] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [13:41] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 7 [13:41] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 72% [+10]. No limb damage. Clothing damage; Body armor 3.7/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [13:42] <&Hebizuka> *Zombie #2...* [13:42] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [13:42] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [13:42] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [13:42] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 8 [13:42] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 82% [+10]. No limb damage. Clothing damage; Body armor 3.6/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [13:43] <&Hebizuka> *You're agonizing. This makes you feel less strong.* [13:43] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [13:43] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What'll you try?* [13:51] * Selis fires 10 round from the Sten in semi-auto at the first zombies head. [13:52] <&Hebizuka> *They aren't gonna stop with the clawing.* [13:52] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Z1, Z2. You may roll.* [13:52] <Selis> @roll 10#2d6 [13:52] <MazeBot> Selis: 4;5;6;2;7;9;4;10;6;7 [13:53] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 4. Hits: 0 (4th shot stovepiped)* [13:53] <&Hebizuka> *Zombie #1 turn...* [13:54] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [13:54] <MazeBot> [WEAK POINT] Genitals [13:54] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [13:54] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 5 [13:54] <&Hebizuka> *Maybe it WAS a hooker zombie.* [13:54] <&Hebizuka> *But it missed, anyway.* [13:54] <&Hebizuka> *Zombie #2 turn...* [13:54] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [13:54] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [13:54] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [13:54] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 10 [13:55] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 90% [+10]. No limb damage. Clothing damage; Body armor 3.5/4 [-0.1]. No other injury. [13:55] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [13:55] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 3. What will you attempt? This is desperate.* [13:57] * Selis stabs the first zombie 3 times in the head [13:59] <&Hebizuka> *And more clawing awaits... but Selis is first.* [13:59] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Z1, Z2. You may roll.* [13:59] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [13:59] <MazeBot> Selis: 11;8;8 [13:59] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 3.* [13:59] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Zombie #1 /H\ [B] [14:00] <&Hebizuka> *Zombie #2 's turn...* [14:00] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [14:00] <MazeBot> [LIMB] Left elbow [14:00] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [14:00] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 6 [14:01] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 94% [+4]. No other injury. [14:01] <&Hebizuka> *You pass out from the pain.* [14:02] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 3.* [14:02] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 4. You've passed out, so you cannot act this turn.* [14:04] <&Hebizuka> *The zombie snarls and tries to bite Seli.* [14:04] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [14:04] <MazeBot> [LIMB] Right knee [14:04] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [14:04] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 7 [14:05] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] No Pain. Limb damage: Right leg 11/20 [-2] [14:05] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 4. Dim-witted zombies should know it's not by biting the knee that it works.* [14:05] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 5. You woke up.* [14:05] <&Hebizuka> *What will you try?* [14:06] * Selis stabs it thrice like the other zombie in the head [14:06] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Z2. You may roll.* [14:06] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [14:06] <MazeBot> Selis: 10;6;5 [14:06] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 1.* [14:06] <&Hebizuka> *One hit only, but what a hit. Desperate attack leads to desperate behavior... and you shank the last zombie in one hit.* [14:07] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Zombie #2 /H\ [B] [14:07] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (5 turns)* [14:08] <&Hebizuka> *To top it off, you're feeling hungry, now.* [14:08] * Selis eats a portion of thronback [14:09] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d10 Nutrition [14:09] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 4 [14:09] <&Hebizuka> *You still feel hungry.* [14:09] * Selis eats another [14:09] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d10 Nutrition [14:09] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 3 [14:10] <&Hebizuka> *That only mildly sates your hunger for now.* [14:10] * Selis eats a third [14:10] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d10 Nutrition [14:10] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 7 [14:10] <&Hebizuka> *Now that was tastier. You feel a little better for now...* [14:10] * Selis attempts to sleep off some of the pain [14:12] <&Hebizuka> *Roll 1d2 to attempt. 1: Failure. 2: Success.* [14:12] <Selis> @roll 1d2 [14:12] <MazeBot> Selis: 2 [14:17] <&Hebizuka> *You manage to get some well-deserved rest. You fall asleep in the corner, while the zombies rot away.* [14:17] <&Hebizuka> *10 turns pass...* [14:17] <&Hebizuka> [Heal] Pain 70% [-20] [14:18] <&Hebizuka> *You feel hungry once again as you wake up. You feel well-rested; no going back to sleep for you.* [14:20] * Selis eats one more thornback portion [14:20] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d10 Nutrition [14:20] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 5 [14:20] <&Hebizuka> *It's not much but if it must, it'll do for now...* [14:21] <Selis> !mrooms1 [14:21] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4208 - Roomstyle: 359 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [14:21] * Selis continues on [14:23] <&Hebizuka> *Your pain slowly subsides, and you feel you're regaining strength.* [14:24] <&Hebizuka> *A kitchen. There is nobody in this room, phew. You find a box of ammo on the floor.* [14:30] * Selis checks the ammo box [14:31] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] 5.56x45mm NATO, FMJ, 50 rounds - Weight 0.5 [14:31] * Selis takes it [14:31] <&Hebizuka> *Do you perhaps want to fill your STANAG magazine with those rounds? [14:32] * Selis fills it [14:33] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 20.77/50 [14:33] <Selis> !mrooms1 [14:33] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4038 - Roomstyle: 414 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [14:33] * Selis heads forward [14:35] <&Hebizuka> *A scullery. There is another kyonshi wandering about here... as well as a weapon in the corner behind.* [14:35] * Selis just stabs the Kyonshi three times in the head. [14:36] <&Hebizuka> *The youkai zombie doesn't have the time to react; but if it survives the onslaught, it'll want to claw you.* [14:36] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Kyonshi.* [14:36] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll* [14:36] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [14:36] <MazeBot> Selis: 9;7;9 [14:36] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 2.* [14:37] <&Hebizuka> *You shank another zombie. Tch.* [14:37] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Kyonshi /H\ [14:37] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (1 turn)* [14:37] * Selis checks the weapon [14:37] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 4 - RGD-5 fragmentation grenade. May send between 0 and 18 shrapnel on targets upon exploding. Weight: 1/item [14:38] * Selis takes it. [14:38] <&Hebizuka> *More explosive goodness.* [14:38] <Selis> !mrooms1 [14:38] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4731 - Roomstyle: 19 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [14:38] * Selis goes through [14:40] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. A ghoul is sitting next to a weapon that looks like something useful!* [14:41] * Selis goes for the tried and true triple stab to the ghouls head [14:41] <&Hebizuka> *The ghoul's been taken by surprise; I doubt he'll have the time to claw you in time either.* [14:42] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Ghoul. You may roll.* [14:42] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [14:42] <MazeBot> Selis: 8;5;8 [14:43] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 2.* [14:43] <&Hebizuka> *Of course, you kill the creature.* [14:43] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Ghoul /H\ [B] [14:44] * Selis checks the weapon [14:44] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (1 turn)* [14:44] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 2 - IZHMASH PP-19 Bizon submachine gun | 9x18mm Makarov - Semi/Full | R.Sight | Bizon 64-round mag, +1 | Weight: 9 - [63+1/64, 64x HP] - Condition: Perfect / Cleanliness: Perfect [14:45] * Selis swaps the Sten for the Bizon [14:45] <&Hebizuka> *Class 2 weapons swapped.* [14:46] <Selis> !mrooms1 [14:46] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 1593 - Roomstyle: 361 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [14:46] * Selis goes on [14:46] <&Hebizuka> *Stomach growls a little bit...* [14:48] <&Hebizuka> *Another regular, featureless room. There is a group of creatures here; two vampires In the corner, weapons; which the vampires have seemingly ignored. [14:48] <~SU_Tempest> [Vamp1] Yes... This is indeed a glorious day. [14:49] * Selis tosses the MkIIIA2 at the first vampire. [14:51] <&Hebizuka> *The vamps saw you, but who will be the fastest, between a grenade throw and two vampires trying to bite you?* [14:52] <&Hebizuka> *Speed conflict. 1: Selis; 2: Vampire 1; 3: Vampire 2.* [14:52] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d3 [14:52] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 2 [14:52] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [14:52] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [14:52] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Vampire 1, Selis, Vampire 2* [14:53] <&Hebizuka> *Vampire 1...* [14:53] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [14:53] <MazeBot> [EXTREMITY] Right hand [14:53] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [14:53] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 6 [14:54] <&Hebizuka> *What a fucker. It tried to bite the hand holding your grenade. And it just did.* [14:55] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 66% [+8]. Bleeding: 2/20 [+2]. No other injury. [14:56] <&Hebizuka> *Your turn. Your target has moved in your range; your grenade however will be thrown in its previous position.* [14:56] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [14:56] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [14:56] <MazeBot> Selis: 7 [14:57] <&Hebizuka> *Far-hit. The second vampire screams in pain.* [14:57] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d100 Temerity [14:57] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Temerity: 18 [14:57] <&Hebizuka> *The blast scares the vampire, stunning them.* [14:58] <&Hebizuka> *It looks like it's agonizing; not long til that one dies.* [14:58] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [14:58] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you attempt?* [14:58] * Selis just stabs the stupid first vampire 3 times in the head [15:00] <&Hebizuka> *Vampire #1 attempts punching you away, while the second one regains its senses slowly, but sheepishly looks for cover.* [15:00] <&Hebizuka> @cover [15:00] <MazeBot> A wooden crate. (Health: 24, LDV modifier: -1) [15:00] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [15:00] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 5 [15:00] <&Hebizuka> *It takes cover, but its turn ends.* [15:00] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Vampire #1, Selis* [15:00] <&Hebizuka> *Vamp's turn...* [15:01] <~SU_Tempest> [Vamp1] Agh! How dare you attack us! [15:01] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [15:01] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [15:01] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [15:01] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 8 [15:02] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 67% [+3]. No other injury. [15:02] <&Hebizuka> *At least that didn't hurt much.* [15:02] <&Hebizuka> *Your turn. You may roll.* [15:02] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [15:02] <MazeBot> Selis: 3;6;8 [15:03] <&Hebizuka> *After two unsuccessful tries, you finally drive your blade through the thick-headed vampire's head. Well, when you don't have a stake, that works too.* [15:03] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Vampire /H\ [15:03] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [15:04] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 3. What will be your next move?* [15:04] * Selis just goes and stabs the coward vampire 3 times in the head [15:04] <~SU_Tempest> [Vamp#2] No!! Don't kill me!! [15:04] <&Hebizuka> *It won't even try attacking you. You may roll.* [15:04] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [15:04] <MazeBot> Selis: 6;7;3 [15:05] <&Hebizuka> *Cowards have that unnecessary amount of luck...* [15:05] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 0.* [15:06] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 3.* [15:06] * Selis tries again. [15:06] <&Hebizuka> *The vampire submits to you.* [15:07] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [15:07] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [15:07] <MazeBot> Selis: 7;10;7 [15:07] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 1.* [15:07] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Vampire /H\ [15:08] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (4 turns)* [15:08] <&Hebizuka> *At last, it dies.* [15:08] <&Hebizuka> *The pile of weapons in the corner is yours for the taking.* [15:09] * Selis checks the weapons in the corner [15:09] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 4 - 3x M67 fragmentation grenades. May send between 0 and 12 shrapnel on targets upon exploding. Weight: 1/item [15:09] * Selis equips 2 and backpacks 1 [15:09] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 21.77/50 [15:10] <Selis> !mrooms1 [15:10] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 5032 - Roomstyle: 298 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [15:10] * Selis goes through [15:10] <&Hebizuka> *You make it in a shop hub. There are multiple shops set up here: Weapon shop, Nurse, and Delicatessen.* [15:12] * Selis goes to the nurse. [15:12] <~SU_Tempest> [Nurse] Hi there! How can I help you? I have several meds for sale. [15:13] <Selis> "Can you just heal..." [15:13] <~SU_Tempest> [Nurse] I'm sorry, I don't have access to a healing machine. I only have these for sale. [15:14] <Selis> "show me then..." [15:14] <&Hebizuka> =Nurse - Merchandise for sale= [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Blue pill - Amphetamines - Alertness increase, FT-1, Libido increase for 2d6 turns - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Syringe - Cyanide - Direct injection=instant death ; injection in edible items=nulls nutrition of item and makes it poisonous - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Nitrous oxide inhaler - Pain sensitivity negated (except for headshots), Strength-10% for 1d6 turns - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] White tablet - Paracetamol - Pain-30%, if more than one tablet is consumed in less than 10 turns, the user is poisoned. - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Bandage - Cures a single wound - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] White tablet - Ecstasy - Pain sensitivity-10%, FT+1, Hallucinations, Strength-10%, for 3d6 turns - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Syringe - Heroin - Pain sensitivity negated (except for headshots), Strength-30%, FT+2 for 4d6 turns - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] White tablet - Oxycodone - Pain-50%, FT+1, Nausea for 2d6 turns - Weight: 0.1 [15:14] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] First aid kit (FAK) - Heals damaged limbs, up to 7 HP. Cannot heal disabled limbs. - Weight: 1 [15:15] <Selis> "Paracetamol, FAK, Nitrous, how much?" [15:16] <~SU_Tempest> [Nurse] Respectively 200, 200 and 250. So 650 for all three. [15:17] <Selis> "I'll take them then" [15:18] <&Hebizuka> [Money] 350 P$ remaining in pouch. [15:18] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 22.87/50 [15:19] <&Hebizuka> *Successfully purchased.* [15:19] * Selis takes the paracetamol [15:19] * Selis and use the first aid kit [15:21] <&Hebizuka> [Heal] Pain 28% [-30] [15:21] <&Hebizuka> *You can heal up to 7 HP on any limb of your choice. Heal which one?* [15:22] * Selis heals the right hand [15:22] <&Hebizuka> *You bring up the FAK and begin healing yourself. The nurse even helps you applying it, since your right hand makes it a bit difficult.* [15:23] <&Hebizuka> [Heal] Limb damage; Right hand: 14/20 [+7] [15:24] <Selis> !mrooms1 [15:24] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 755 - Roomstyle: 283 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [15:24] * Selis head out after healing [15:24] <~SU_Tempest> [Nurse] Beware, you're approaching the lair of a demon! Stay safe! [15:25] <&Hebizuka> *Ability cooldown has ended.* [15:26] <&Hebizuka> *A messy room, featureless but with lots of bloodstains. Surprisingly, there is nobody here.* [15:26] <Selis> !mrooms1 [15:26] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4356 - Roomstyle: 362 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [15:26] * Selis passes through [15:28] <&Hebizuka> *An abandoned kitchen. No food here; all you see is an object in the fridge, and a hell knight wandering about here; apparently he ate everything edible.* [15:28] <&Hebizuka> *That hunk of muscles looks tough as hell.* [15:33] * Selis tosses an RGD-5 at him [15:33] <&Hebizuka> *The knight prepares to spit a fireball at you...* [15:33] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, HKnight.* [15:33] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [15:34] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [15:34] <MazeBot> Selis: 7 [15:34] <~SU_Tempest> !MfragRGD [15:34] <&Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] RGD-5 grenade - Frag shrapnel: 18 [15:34] <&Hebizuka> *Wow! Far-hit, but the blast is nothing compared to the HAIL of shrapnel that is TEARING the hell demon apart. You hear it loudly roar!* [15:35] <&Hebizuka> Selis [RGD-5] Hell Knight [15:35] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (1 turn)* [15:36] * Selis checks the object [15:36] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Vial - Unidentified [15:37] * Selis takes it [15:37] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 22.97/50 [15:37] <Selis> !mrooms1 [15:37] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 264 - Roomstyle: 323 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [15:37] * Selis goes on [15:39] <&Hebizuka> *Another abandoned classroom. Two headcrabs here... as well as a weapon on the desk.* [15:39] <Selis> @cover [15:39] <MazeBot> A block of opaque ballistic glass. (Health: 40, LDV modifier: -2) [15:39] * Selis takes cover. [15:39] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [15:39] <MazeBot> Selis: 11 [15:40] <&Hebizuka> *You maintain stealth and get behind this neat piece of cover. [15:43] * Selis shoots both headcrabs with 2 shoots from the AR-10 each. [15:44] <&Hebizuka> *Since you maintained stealth, you can attack first. You may roll now.* [15:45] <Selis> @roll 2#2d6 [15:45] <MazeBot> Selis: 4;6 [15:45] <Selis> @roll 2#2d6 [15:45] <MazeBot> Selis: 6;7 [15:45] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 4. Recoil: 4. Mode: Full-auto. Reflex sight used.* [15:46] <&Hebizuka> *(Vs. Headcrab 1) Shots 1-2: Miss, Hit.* [15:46] <&Hebizuka> *(Vs. Headcrab 2) Shots 1-2: Hit, Hit.* [15:47] <&Hebizuka> *Both headcrabs have been eliminated!* [15:47] <&Hebizuka> Selis [AR-10] Headcrab #1 [15:47] <&Hebizuka> Selis [AR-10] Headcrab #2 [15:47] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (1 turn)* [15:47] * Selis checks the weapon. [15:47] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - AI AWSM sniper rifle | .338 Lapua Magnum - Bolt-action | M. Brake(I), T. scope(S) | AWSM 5-round mag, +1 | Weight: 22 - [4+1/5, 5x FMJ] - Condition: Perfect / Cleanliness: Perfect [15:48] <&Hebizuka> *Your stomach is growling harder. You should perhaps eat.* [15:48] * Selis eats 2 portions of thornback [15:48] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2#1d10 Nutrition [15:48] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 7;2 [15:48] <&Hebizuka> *Still hungry...* [15:49] * Selis eats the remaining thronback portions [15:49] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2#1d10 Nutrition [15:49] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 2;7 [15:49] <&Hebizuka> *Well...* [15:50] * Selis eats a mrb [15:50] <&Hebizuka> *How many portions? (max 5)* [15:51] * Selis eats 5 [15:51] <&Hebizuka> @roll 5d7 Nutrition [15:51] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 25 [15:51] <&Hebizuka> @mrbmenu [15:51] <MazeBot> #22: Beef Enchilada [15:52] <&Hebizuka> *You ate a beef enchilada ration. It certainly helped put something in your stomach, at least. Your vision feels sharper, for some reason.* [15:52] <Selis> !mrooms1 [15:52] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 5954 - Roomstyle: 276 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [15:52] * Selis goes through [15:53] <&Hebizuka> *A bedroom. Almost as though some superior force was listening to you, you meet nobody in this room. You spot some more food.* [15:54] * Selis looks at the food. [15:54] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Seafood - Salmon. 1d9 [15:54] * Selis takes it [15:54] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 21.97/50 [15:54] <Selis> !mrooms1 [15:54] <&Hebizuka> [ Selis ] Unique door: 4209 - Roomstyle: 96 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [15:54] * Selis proceeds [15:56] <&Hebizuka> *A washitsu. You sense a powerful presence in the room... It is Asmodeus, the Demon Lord of Lust, sitting there, apparently waiting for someone...* [15:57] <Selis> "Guess your the demon that nurse mentioned" [15:58] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] Oh, my my. I didn't imagine that a human would've made it through our little party. Why yes, I am Asmodeus. One of the highest in the demonic bureaucracy. If it's about sex, name it; I am the highest authority. [15:59] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] I am curious as to what a human such as you is doing here. You aren't supposed to be around... [15:59] <Selis> "Killing everything that walks in front of me is what i'm doing" [16:00] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] Interesting... I'm sure Behemoth would like you. Unfortunately, you're eons away from meeting him. And I am fairly certain you are a little bit of an error around here. So, I'm sorry, young lady. You look really attractive, but I have to dispose of you. [16:00] <&Hebizuka> *Asmodeus wants to fight. What will you attempt?* [16:01] <Selis> @cover [16:01] <MazeBot> No cover at all! [16:02] * Selis shrugs and tosses and RGD-5 Asmo's way. [16:03] <&Hebizuka> *Asmodeus smirks and points its middle finger at you, sending what seems to be a wave of energy your way... But you are much, much faster.* [16:03] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [16:03] <Selis> @roll 2d6 [16:03] <MazeBot> Selis: 6 [16:05] <~SU_Tempest> !MfragRGD [16:05] <&Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] RGD-5 grenade - Frag shrapnel: 3 [16:05] <&Hebizuka> *Far hit! And Asmodeus avoided most of the shrapnel; neither of which seemed to have hurt much...* [16:08] <&Hebizuka> *Asmo's turn..* [16:09] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] Hrm. Such an annoying prick... [16:09] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [16:09] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 5 [16:09] <&Hebizuka> *You barely avoid being hit by the demonic ray. Whatever effects it carried, you aren't going to suffer for now...* [16:09] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] You're pretty slippery... But I'll get you. [16:09] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [16:09] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What is your next move?* [16:10] * Selis fires 10 shots at Asmo's head with the AR-10 in semi-auto. [16:11] <&Hebizuka> *The hideous demon lord tries to hit you again with that ray.* [16:11] <&Hebizuka> *Speed conflict! 1: Selis; 2: Asmodeus* [16:11] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [16:11] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 1 [16:11] <&Hebizuka> *You are faster than Asmodeus! You may roll.* [16:11] <Selis> @roll 10#2d6 [16:11] <MazeBot> Selis: 10;9;5;10;5;6;12;7;7;7 [16:13] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 10. Recoil: 4. Mode: Semi-auto. Reflex sight; No penalty vs. head.* [16:14] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-4: Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit.* [16:14] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 5-8 (FT 6): Miss, Miss, Critical hit, Hit* [16:14] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 9-10 (FT 7): Miss, Miss* [16:15] <&Hebizuka> *Total that hit: 6 including 1 critical.* [16:15] <&Hebizuka> @critwin [16:15] <MazeBot> Stopped short! (Sufferer has FT+2 for 1 turn.) [16:16] <&Hebizuka> *You caused a lot of damage to Asmodeus; it's not dead yet, but it's pretty clear you're doing more than annoying it now; it's pissed off and in pain.* [16:16] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I'M GOING TO BE STOPPED BY THIS? I WILL CRUSH YOU! [16:17] <&Hebizuka> *Asmo's turn...* [16:17] <&Hebizuka> *The demon tries zapping you with its strange ray again...* [16:17] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [16:17] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 9 [16:18] <&Hebizuka> *And despite having an accuracy penalty, it successfully strikes you this time. You feel embarrassed and strange...* [16:18] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain 36% [+24]. [16:19] <&Hebizuka> *You feel aroused for no discernible reason. Did that ray's purpose was to turn you on?* [16:19] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [16:20] <&Hebizuka> *You overcome the irrational need to touch yourself and manage to keep your mind together. What will be your next move?* [16:20] <&Hebizuka> (did I just write that?...) [16:20] * Selis gets more up close, stabbing Asmo three times in the head with the DV-2 [16:22] <&Hebizuka> *Asmodeus gets angry; it stands up(!), and prepares to slug you with a huge punch!* [16:22] <&Hebizuka> *But you're quite faster than this fat lump.* [16:22] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Selis, Asmo. You may roll.* [16:22] <Selis> @roll 3#2d6 [16:22] <MazeBot> Selis: 4;8;8 [16:24] <&Hebizuka> *Attacks: 3. Hits: 2.* [16:25] <&Hebizuka> *You have excruciating trouble stabbing Asmodeus's thick, slimy face, but you eventually pull through; or rather, push through, and stab the Demon Lord's skull.* [16:25] <&Hebizuka> *Asmodeus falls on all fours, a panting and coughing mess.* [16:26] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] Agh... Okay, okay.. I give up, you filthy little human! I've never seen ANYONE ignore their lust in favor of murderous instincts before. You are really the worst. Fuck... [16:26] <&Hebizuka> Selis [DV-2] Asmodeus /H\ [16:26] <&Hebizuka> *You have defeated one of the Demon Lords!* [16:27] <Selis> "What? My lust is murderour instinct" [16:27] <~SU_Tempest> [Asmodeus] UGH. Go see Behemoth, you horrible little human. [16:30] <&Hebizuka> Checkout [16:31] <&Hebizuka> The progress done in NotM will not be counted towards regular progress until it has ended. Note that rooms visited in NotM are not added to the tally. [16:31] <&Hebizuka> Total victims so far in NotM: 24 [16:31] <&Hebizuka> Total Demon Lords defeated: 1/7 [16:31] <&Hebizuka> =Today's stats= [16:31] <&Hebizuka> Shots 20/29 [16:31] <&Hebizuka> Melee 30/57 [16:31] <&Hebizuka> Grenades 2/2 [16:32] <&Hebizuka> TOTAL: 52/88 (59% accuracy) [16:33] <&Hebizuka> Achievement progress tally will only be added at the end of the event.