Log:Session 17 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
[14:35] <&Hebizuka> *Welcome back to the Mazes, Reisen. You visited 23 rooms. Next special room at the 35th (Telepad). No condition to report; !mrooms3 to continue* [14:36] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [14:36] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 689 - Front door: 5486 - Right door: 2857 - Roomstyle: 49 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [14:36] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the left door [14:37] <&Hebizuka> *You make it into a shrine. The shrine maiden is present, as is an oni. Who for some reason is carrying a spoon.* [14:40] <+Reisen_Udongein> Sweet, a place to pray I don't die [14:40] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] ...twas the most delicious piece of cheese I ever had. You sure you don't want some? [14:41] <~SU_Tempest> [Miko] Nah, I'm sorry, I gotta decline. [14:41] <+Reisen_Udongein> You eat cheese with a spoon? [14:42] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] Well, it was molten cheese, but it was holy shit levels of delicious. [14:42] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] Um, no offense, miss miko. [14:42] <~SU_Tempest> [Miko] It's all right, I curse sometimes too. [14:44] <+Reisen_Udongein> Ah right, so, can I donate [14:45] <~SU_Tempest> [Miko] Oh, naturally. Any amount is appreciated. [14:48] * +Reisen_Udongein walks up to the shrine to donate half her money [14:50] <&Hebizuka> *This should normally be 115 P$, out of 230.* [14:51] <+Reisen_Udongein> Mhm [14:52] <~SU_Tempest> *The shrine maiden nods, then brings her gohei up to your eye level, before touching your forehead with it and reciting a quick prayer.* [14:52] <~SU_Tempest> *Before you know it, your vision seems to sharpen.* [14:52] <~SU_Tempest> *You feel more accurate.* [14:56] <+Reisen_Udongein> Sweet, thanks [14:56] <+Reisen_Udongein> Hey, uhm, oni-person [14:56] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] What's up, rabbit fella? [14:57] <+Reisen_Udongein> This might be a weird question, but would you trade me that spoon? [14:57] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] My cheese spoon? Huh, sure, why not, but what for? [14:58] <+Reisen_Udongein> It, uh, gives me memories [14:58] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] Heh, you can have it for free then. [14:59] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Spoon - Blunt. Weight: 1 [14:59] <+Reisen_Udongein> Thanks! [14:59] * +Reisen_Udongein equips [14:59] <&Hebizuka> *C5S equipped!* [15:00] <+Reisen_Udongein> Goodbye now! [15:01] <~SU_Tempest> [Oni] See ya. [15:01] <~SU_Tempest> [Miko] Come back again! [15:04] <+Reisen_Udongein> Mhhmm [15:04] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [15:04] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 93 - Front door: 5008 - Right door: 2641 - Roomstyle: 296 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [15:04] * +Reisen_Udongein goes right [15:06] <&Hebizuka> *A meeting office. You see a long oval table, several wheeled chairs, in what makes you think of a corporate meeting room. There is nobody in sight though, all you see is an accessory on the table.* [15:07] * +Reisen_Udongein checks the table [15:08] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Rail adapter: A75 - Compatible with: CZ 75 AUTO, CZ 75B. Adds 1 light mount to the equipped weapon (X300U, APL and SCV4). [15:10] * +Reisen_Udongein takes a seat on one of the chairs... [15:10] * +Reisen_Udongein starts spinning! [15:11] <+Reisen_Udongein> Weeoooeeeoeeeeooeee [15:11] <&Hebizuka> *And thus you spin on the chair, making nine complete turns before coming to a stop.* [15:12] * +Reisen_Udongein waggles onward [15:12] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [15:12] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 907 - Front door: 1770 - Right door: 2209 - Roomstyle: 133 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [15:12] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the left door [15:20] <&Hebizuka> *A narrow corridor, with five doors (!mrooms5). You see nobody here, but you do spot a box of ammunition.* [15:20] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the ammo [15:22] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] .500 Smith & Wesson, TPD, 50 rounds - weight 2.5 [15:22] <&Hebizuka> *Huge-ass caliber, now for personal defense!* [15:24] <+Reisen_Udongein> Mmmm [15:25] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms5 [15:25] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Door A: 5674 - Door B: 5259 - Door C: 6455 - Door D: 5698 - Door E: 1538 - Roomstyle: 23 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [15:25] * +Reisen_Udongein takes door D [15:26] <&Hebizuka> *Onwards, taking the D. The D door that is.* [15:27] <&Hebizuka> *A prison room. You see @graffiti etched on the walls and even the floor, as well as what appears to be an accessory.* [15:28] <+Reisen_Udongein> @graffiti [15:28] <MazeBot> a boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded. [15:30] * +Reisen_Udongein sheds a tear [15:31] * +Reisen_Udongein wipes off the totally real tear from her face and checks out the accessory [15:33] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Scope: Backup scope (3x) [15:36] <&Hebizuka> *It fits on one of the weapons you carry; the Steyr Scout (currently equipped with a Small scope (2x).)* [15:37] * +Reisen_Udongein takes it [15:37] <&Hebizuka> *Equip it on the Scout or simply spare it away?* [15:38] <+Reisen_Udongein> Spare [15:41] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] (Backpack/Main inv) 26.92/60 [15:43] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [15:43] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 4661 - Front door: 4085 - Right door: 1127 - Roomstyle: 132 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [15:43] * +Reisen_Udongein goes through the front door [15:46] <&Hebizuka> *You go down a volley of stairs... and reach a regular, featureless room. There is, again, nobody, but you spot a bag of cash!* [15:47] <+Reisen_Udongein> This is a trap isn't it [15:49] <&Hebizuka> *Up to you to determine if it's one.* [15:50] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the bag [15:51] <&Hebizuka> [Money] 205 P$ [15:51] <&Hebizuka> [Money] (Total carried) 320 P$ [15:53] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [15:53] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 2477 - Front door: 7088 - Right door: 4305 - Roomstyle: 330 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [15:53] * +Reisen_Udongein goes right [15:57] <&Hebizuka> *An inactive factory line, which used to produce ammunition. Specifically, 12 gauge shotgun shells, though none of the shells you see are of any use: no primer, no load, and no projectiles. All just empty shells. Perhaps most amusing is the food you see on one of the tables.* [15:59] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the food [16:00] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Vegetable - Carrot. 1d6 [16:01] <+Reisen_Udongein> ... YAY [16:01] * +Reisen_Udongein eats it without a second thought [16:01] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d6 Nutrition [16:01] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 3 [16:01] <&Hebizuka> *An average mcnormal carrot.* [16:02] <&Hebizuka> *You feel like more food wouldn't hurt, but aren't hungry yet.* [16:03] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [16:03] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 6026 - Front door: 1001 - Right door: 3308 - Roomstyle: 92 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [16:04] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the front door [16:05] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. You spot a weapon on the floor, as well as what appears to be a were-rat in its human (well, part human) form* [16:07] <+Reisen_Udongein> Uh hi [16:08] <~SU_Tempest> [Wererat] Ooh... Hello there, halfling fella... This is a nice skirt you have there... May I lift it?! [16:08] <~SU_Tempest> *He has one of those warped, horrible-sounding voices.* [16:09] <+Reisen_Udongein> N-no you may not [16:09] <~SU_Tempest> [Wererat] Too bad... It looks like I'll have to rip it myself then! [16:09] <&Hebizuka> *The wererat doesn't look like it'll stand down without a fight. And it probably wants to rape you as well.* [16:10] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 1. What will you do?* [16:17] * +Reisen_Udongein aims her 93R at the Wererat's chest, and fires 6 shots in semi-auto [16:18] <&Hebizuka> *The wererat will attempt to lunge at you, with the intent to bite you!* [16:18] <&Hebizuka> *Speed conflict between you and the wererat. You: 1. Wererat: 2.* [16:18] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d2 [16:18] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 2 [16:18] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Wererat, You* [16:18] <&Hebizuka> *Wererat's turn...* [16:18] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [16:18] <MazeBot> [EXTREMITY] Left foot [16:18] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d6 [16:18] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 2 [16:18] <&Hebizuka> *Critical failure: The wererat manages to BITE THE FLOOR. And severely hurt himself in the process.* [16:19] <~SU_Tempest> [Wererat] AUGH [16:19] <~SU_Tempest> [Wererat] AAUUUUGH MY TEEF ARRRRGH [16:19] <&Hebizuka> *Your turn. You may roll.* [16:20] <+Reisen_Udongein> @roll 6#2d6 [16:20] <MazeBot> Reisen_Udongein: 6;10;8;4;8;8 [16:21] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-6: Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit* [16:22] <&Hebizuka> *Total: 5/6* [16:24] <&Hebizuka> *It looks like you did just enough to defeat the perverted creature. Five hollow-points in the chest are enough to stop it immediately. The wererat stays on the ground. Forever.* [16:24] <&Hebizuka> Reisen [Beretta 93R] Wererat [16:24] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (1 turn)* [16:25] <&Hebizuka> *The wererat's chest looks horribly mangled.* [16:25] <+Reisen_Udongein> Yuck... [16:26] * +Reisen_Udongein directs her attention to the weapon on the floor [16:28] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Tula Arms Tokarev TT-33 pistol | 7.62x25mm Tokarev - Semi-auto | No accessory | TT-33 8-round mag, +1 | Weight: 3 - [7+1/8, 8x AP] - Cond: Excellent / Clns: Dirty [16:32] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [16:32] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 883 - Front door: 2390 - Right door: 3843 - Roomstyle: 170 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [16:32] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the left door [16:34] <&Hebizuka> *You make it into.. toilets. There appears to be nobody and nothing at all here.* [16:35] * +Reisen_Udongein flushes a random toilet for absolutely no reason [16:37] <&Hebizuka> *Water runs for a few seconds, with the typical flushing sound.* [16:41] <+Reisen_Udongein> Not an Australian toilet [16:41] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [16:41] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 5799 - Front door: 5286 - Right door: 2945 - Roomstyle: 188 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [16:41] * +Reisen_Udongein goes to the right [16:44] <&Hebizuka> *A bedroom. There's a TV (@whatsontv), a radio (@radio), and basic furniture such as a bed, a desk and a few chairs, but it appears unowned. You spot a bottle on the desk, though.* [16:44] <+Reisen_Udongein> @whatsontv [16:44] <MazeBot> [Thriller] MacAwashiro [16:44] <~SU_Tempest> *The stories of a crafty kappa who always invents crazy contraptions to get away from criminals and terrorists. Then arrests them.* [16:45] <+Reisen_Udongein> @radio [16:45] <MazeBot> [The news] News broadcast with youkai hosts [16:46] * +Reisen_Udongein wants to listen to the news [16:49] <~SU_Tempest> [News] And now for the local news report. Section 29 news! - Large amounts of births among the sapient population of the sector, particularly humans. Crime stat reports; murders going down, but theft and rape are on the way back up. And trends: mushroom hunting very popular as groups of shroom hunters roam in the rooms searching for the elusive items. Reports indicate that many of these have strange effects. [16:50] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the bottle [16:50] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of beer. 3d6 - Inebriation +4d6 per portion [18:31] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [18:31] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 4176 - Front door: 3646 - Right door: 2235 - Roomstyle: 41 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [18:31] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the middle door [18:32] <&Hebizuka> *Your vision returns to normal, the sharpened effect has waned away.* [18:32] <&Hebizuka> *You get inside a hospital bedroom, with an inactive EKG and a, well, hospital bed. You spot a Type-Q supply crate.* [18:34] <+Reisen_Udongein> Eh? No one here either? [18:34] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the crate [18:34] <&Hebizuka> *Indeed, no-one here.* [18:34] <&Hebizuka> =Type-Q crate= [18:34] <&Hebizuka> [Clothing] Bottom - Fundoshi (Crotch) - AC Light - No resistance - Weight: 1 - [Dmg: 4/4] [18:34] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Short: Kama - Sharp. Weight: 5 [18:34] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Bandage - Cures a single wound - Weight: 0.1 [18:34] <&Hebizuka> [Meds] Bandage - Cures a single wound - Weight: 0.1 [18:36] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the two bandages [18:36] <&Hebizuka> *Total carried: 8.* [18:36] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] (Backpack/Main inv) 27.12/60 [18:38] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [18:38] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 6850 - Front door: 5323 - Right door: 2511 - Roomstyle: 498 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [18:38] * +Reisen_Udongein goes right [18:42] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. There is only one door here, and it appears to be blocked.* [18:43] <+Reisen_Udongein> Uh... huh... [18:43] * +Reisen_Udongein checks for traps? [18:43] <&Hebizuka> *There are none, but the door is blocked by a stereotypical "Police crime scene - do not cross" tape, in a cross fashion.* [18:49] <&Hebizuka> *There are no traps. However, the door in front of you is suddenly opened.* [18:49] * &Hebizuka has entered the room [18:49] <&Hebizuka> Ah-ha. I knew I'd find you here. [18:50] * &Hebizuka is carrying an assault rifle and a handgun. [18:50] <+Reisen_Udongein> U-uh, hi [18:52] <&Hebizuka> Hmm. [18:52] <&Hebizuka> We meet pretty early, now that I think about it. [18:52] <&Hebizuka> Big honking rocket launcher not withstanding. [18:53] <&Hebizuka> I was going to challenge you a... ah, a little game. But I think we ought to meet later rather than now. [18:55] <+Reisen_Udongein> A game? [18:55] <&Hebizuka> Oh, yes. Just a little game, of you and I, fighting each other for a big, big prize. But I don't think you're ... ready yet. [18:57] <+Reisen_Udongein> Will I ever be [18:57] <&Hebizuka> Perhaps. [18:57] <&Hebizuka> Tell you what... I'll give you a little help. [18:58] * &Hebizuka pulls something from her vest, and throws it at you. [18:58] <&Hebizuka> Catch! [18:58] * +Reisen_Udongein fails to catch it [18:59] <&Hebizuka> *A box of ammo bops on your nose and falls on the floor.* [18:59] <&Hebizuka> Oops. [18:59] <+Reisen_Udongein> Owwie! [18:59] * +Reisen_Udongein picks the ammo up [18:59] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] 9x19mm Parabellum, Match, 50 rounds - weight 0.5 [19:00] <&Hebizuka> It's a little something. Oh, I know, it's not much. But here's hoping it will at least be useful to you. Until next time... [19:00] * &Hebizuka walks back through the only door (!mrooms1). There is nothing else in the room. [19:00] <+Reisen_Udongein> ... Eh... [19:00] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms1 [19:00] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Unique door: 2571 - Roomstyle: 423 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [19:01] * +Reisen_Udongein goes ahead [19:01] <&Hebizuka> *A circular room with no doors. Instead, a teleporting keypad, which asks you for a room number. [19:02] <&Hebizuka> (I assumed you took the ammo.) [19:02] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] (Backpack/Main inv) 27.62/60 [19:03] <&Hebizuka> [Telepad] Enter a room number [19:05] * +Reisen_Udongein , the epitome of maturity, enters 6969 [19:05] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d6 [19:05] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 4 [19:05] <&Hebizuka> *You are teleported in...* [19:06] <&Hebizuka> *...a radio room. There is a receptor (@radio), and what appears to be load-bearing gear on the floor. You also see a poster on one of the walls, advertising about some sort of strange product.* [19:06] <+Reisen_Udongein> @radio [19:06] <MazeBot> [Talk radio] Everyday Mazeworld - News and trends in the life of Mazeworld inhabitants everywhere [19:07] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the poster first [19:07] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Guest) ..he only real way to ensure vitality and healthy lifestyles is to make sure everyone has sex at least fifteen times a month. [19:08] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Host) Do you realize how unrealistic it is? I mean, we barely have the time! [19:08] <&Hebizuka> *The poster advertises about a machine pistol, called the "OTs-33 Pernach", with a spiffy tagline and a sexy model.* [19:08] <+Reisen_Udongein> Fifteen huh... [19:09] <&Hebizuka> [Poster] "Ugly? Yes. But it's the last thing your enemies will ever see." [19:09] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the gear [19:10] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Guest) And that is why I advocate a freer sexual life. It must become a normal thing to do it out, in the rooms, at work, wherever is fine; stop repressing your own needs! [19:10] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Host) Haha, yes, I suppose it would all be fine and dandy if we could rock it out anytime, except you forget one thing, it's still illegal, and still largely amoral. [19:10] <&Hebizuka> [LBE] (Leg rig) Utility rig: Capacity 4 units [19:11] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Guest) It has got to change! [19:11] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Host) So let me get this straight. Let's assume the theoretical situation that the world is as you want it to be; sexually free, with no taboos, repression or anything. If you had an erection right now, would you attempt to bone me right here right now? [19:11] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Guest) Damn right, ma'am. [19:12] <~SU_Tempest> [Radio] (Host) *sigh* I need better guests. *ahem* This is the end of the show ,unfortunately. See you tomorrow, same time, for more Everyday Mazeworld. [19:12] <~SU_Tempest> *Cut to advertisements.* [19:13] <+Reisen_Udongein> Fuck like rabbits... [19:13] * +Reisen_Udongein shakes her head and takes the rig [19:13] <&Hebizuka> *Mount it on your left or right leg?* [19:14] <+Reisen_Udongein> Right [19:15] <&Hebizuka> *You have mounted an utility rig on your right leg. You can carry up to 4 units of items in a pocket on your right leg!* [19:16] <&Hebizuka> *3 doors ahead. Next special room at the 48th (mission)* [19:17] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [19:17] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 4330 - Front door: 5379 - Right door: 3120 - Roomstyle: 335 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [19:17] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the left door [19:18] <&Hebizuka> *A scratched room, full of @graffiti. You spot a weapon on the floor.* [19:19] <+Reisen_Udongein> @graffiti [19:19] <MazeBot> *A caricature of a Maze Soldier.* [19:21] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Walther PK380 pistol | .380 ACP - Semi-auto | Rail | PK380 8-round mag, +1 | Weight: 3 - [7+1/8, 8x FMJ] - Cond: Worn / Clns: Clean [19:23] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [19:23] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 2006 - Front door: 2297 - Right door: 241 - Roomstyle: 502 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [19:23] * +Reisen_Udongein goes left [21:02] <DanaLove> Yelloooooooq [21:02] <+Reisen_Udongein> (Can you not) [21:17] <&Hebizuka> *[Aight, I can finally resume the session now that Tempest is back.]* [21:23] <&Hebizuka> *You're starting to feel a bit hungry. You climb a few stairs upwards, before you make it to an outside area! You find yourself on a beach, and see three doorways ahead of you. There is what appears to be food half-buried in the sand. [21:25] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the food [21:25] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of apple juice. 1d8 [21:27] <+Reisen_Udongein> That looks delicious... [21:27] * +Reisen_Udongein drinks it [21:27] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d8 nutrition [21:27] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, nutrition: 6 [21:27] <&Hebizuka> *It's pretty tasty indeed, if a little warm.* [21:27] <&Hebizuka> *You feel like you wouldn't mind more food. That did little to sate hunger.* [21:28] * +Reisen_Udongein also eats her mussels [21:30] <&Hebizuka> *Eat how many? (max 4)* [21:30] <+Reisen_Udongein> All [21:30] <&Hebizuka> @roll 4d2 nutrition [21:30] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, nutrition: 8 [21:30] <&Hebizuka> *Tastiest mussels you ever had!* [21:31] * +Reisen_Udongein is tempted to build a sandcastle now [21:32] <&Hebizuka> *All you have is your bare hands. Not that it'd stop you from trying to make a sand castle...* [21:33] <+Reisen_Udongein> Mmm... [21:33] * +Reisen_Udongein builds one anyway [21:34] <&Hebizuka> *You try to make a sandcastle, but it keeps falling apart.* [21:36] <+Reisen_Udongein> Lousy sand [21:36] <&Hebizuka> *The exercise made you waste a turn.* [21:36] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [21:36] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 6270 - Front door: 1240 - Right door: 6705 - Roomstyle: 73 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [21:37] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the front door [21:38] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. Someone has set up a gambling stand there.* [21:39] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the stand [21:40] <~SU_Tempest> *It's held by a male gambler and has a few signs, such as "Win big P$!" and "Try your luck!", as well as "Multiple games, always a chance to win".* [21:42] <+Reisen_Udongein> This looks kind of fun [21:43] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Hello there, ma'am. Here to try your luck? [21:43] <+Reisen_Udongein> Uhm, sure why not [21:44] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Aight, I got a few simple games. Black Jack, Higher or Lower, or Double or Nothing. If you don't know the rules, I can explain. [21:45] <+Reisen_Udongein> I'll go for Black Jack [21:46] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Okay then. As a rule of warning... the Special Rule is enabled. Meaning that if either of us run out of cash, we can bet... ourselves. [21:47] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Anyways. Place your bet. [21:47] <+Reisen_Udongein> Oh... [21:47] <&Hebizuka> *Money available: 320 P$* [21:47] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] It works both ways, by the way. [21:47] <+Reisen_Udongein> I see, but still... [21:48] * +Reisen_Udongein bets 100 [21:49] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] 100 it is. [21:49] <~SU_Tempest> *The gambler places another 100 P$ from the stand bank on the table. The pot is 200 P$.* [21:50] <&Hebizuka> [Black Jack game begins!] [21:50] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler's cards: 2 of clubs, [hidden] [21:51] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Your cards: 9 of spades, 2 of spades (11) [21:51] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] What will you do? (Hit / Stand / Double) [21:51] <+Reisen_Udongein> Hit me [21:51] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] 6 of spades. Your score is now 17. (Hit / Stand) [21:52] <+Reisen_Udongein> Stand [21:52] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler reveals hidden card: Jack of clubs. His score is 12. Gambler hits... [21:53] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Ace of hearts. Gambler's score is 13. He hits... [21:53] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Jack of diamonds. Gambler busts! You win 200 P$. [21:53] <&Hebizuka> [Money] Total carried 420 P$ [21:53] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Not bad.. Another round? [21:54] <+Reisen_Udongein> Sure thing [21:54] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Place your bet. [21:54] * +Reisen_Udongein bets 150 P$ [21:54] <~SU_Tempest> *The gambler mimics your bet. The pot now has 300 P$.* [21:55] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler's cards: 4 of diamonds, [hidden] (4+) [21:55] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Your cards: 4 of clubs, 10 of clubs (14). (Hit / Stand / Double) [21:56] <+Reisen_Udongein> Ergghh hit me [21:56] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Ace of clubs. (15). (Hit / Stand) [21:57] <+Reisen_Udongein> Hit me... [21:58] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] 9 of clubs. You busted yourself; the bank wins by default. [21:58] <+Reisen_Udongein> Eh [21:58] <&Hebizuka> *You lost 150 P$. You have 270 remaining.* [21:58] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Tough luck, it happens. [21:58] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Wanna go for another one? If you win enough... You could get something special. [21:59] <+Reisen_Udongein> Last one, I guess [21:59] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Place yer bets. [21:59] * +Reisen_Udongein bets 200 [22:00] <~SU_Tempest> *The gambler mimics the bet again. Pot: 400 P$.* [22:00] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler's cards: 3 of diamonds, [hidden] (3+) [22:01] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Your cards: 8 of hearts, King of spades (18) [22:01] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] What will you do? (Hit / Stand / Double) [22:01] <+Reisen_Udongein> Stand [22:01] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler reveals hidden card: 5 of hearts. (8) [22:01] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler hits: 8 of spades (16) [22:02] <&Hebizuka> [BkJk] Gambler hits: King of spades. Gambler busted himself.* [22:02] <&Hebizuka> *You win 400 P$.* [22:02] <&Hebizuka> *Total carried: 470 P$.* [22:02] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Lucky you. [22:03] <+Reisen_Udongein> Hehe, that was fun [22:03] <&Hebizuka> *Net gains: 50 P$.* [22:04] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Wanna stop now? Too bad... [22:04] <+Reisen_Udongein> Yeah, sorry, gambling is a bit too nervewrecking for me [22:06] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Hehe... That's all right. I just didn't think you'd chicken out. [22:06] <~SU_Tempest> [Gambler] Oh well, your choice... lady. [22:07] <+Reisen_Udongein> Mhm, see ya [22:08] <&Hebizuka> *3 doors ahead.* [22:30] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [22:30] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 6905 - Front door: 4767 - Right door: 2118 - Roomstyle: 78 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [22:30] * +Reisen_Udongein takes the left door [22:33] <&Hebizuka> *You make it into a regular, featureless room. There is an object abandoned on the floor.* [22:34] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the object [22:34] <&Hebizuka> [Item] A tiny pistol barrel. It seems to be a very short 9mm caliber barrel, but it won't work as a weapon on its own. Perhaps it's a piece of a weapon? [22:39] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [22:39] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 7156 - Front door: 4891 - Right door: 317 - Roomstyle: 265 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [22:40] * +Reisen_Udongein goes right [22:42] <&Hebizuka> *Another radio room, with a radio receptor. You spot a box of ammo on the floor.* [22:42] <&Hebizuka> *There is a @radio here.* [22:43] <+Reisen_Udongein> @radio [22:43] <MazeBot> [Orchestral/Epic] Exigence 89.7 with DJ Lancelot Warren - http://bit.ly/1bgj2o8 [22:43] * +Reisen_Udongein checks the ammo [22:44] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] .357 SIG, FMJ, 50 rounds - weight 0.5 [22:46] <+Reisen_Udongein> !mrooms3 [22:46] <&Hebizuka> [ Reisen_Udongein ] Left door: 2902 - Front door: 734 - Right door: 3025 - Roomstyle: 154 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [22:47] * +Reisen_Udongein moves straight ahead [22:50] <&Hebizuka> *An empty classroom. You spot a weapon on the teacher's desk, sitting on a book.* [22:51] * +Reisen_Udongein looks at the weapon [22:51] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Colt M1911A1 pistol | .45 ACP - Semi-auto | No accessory | M1911A1 10-round extended mag, +1 | Weight: 3 - [9+1/10, 10x FMJ] - Cond: Good / Clns: Clean [22:52] <+Reisen_Udongein> I'lllllll takkeeeee thatttttttttt [22:54] <&Hebizuka> *Equip it as Class TW (it will go on a second leg holster) or spare it?* [22:56] <+Reisen_Udongein> Equip [22:58] * +Reisen_Udongein looks around for a blackboard or something [22:59] <&Hebizuka> *There is one, with chalk present.* [23:00] * +Reisen_Udongein writes down "a boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded." [23:00] <+Reisen_Udongein> Reposting has been done [23:00] <&Hebizuka> *You successfully reposted this message because u cri evry tiem.* [23:01] * +Reisen_Udongein sheds another tear [23:03] <&Hebizuka> Checkout [23:04] <&Hebizuka> 40 rooms (+17), 3 kills (+1), 0 SEs, 1 mission, 0 Amulets, 470 P$ (+240), 0 Runs [23:04] <&Hebizuka> Score: 61 pts (+22) [23:05] <&Hebizuka> Position: 6th (no change) [23:05] <&Hebizuka> =Today's combat stats= [23:05] <&Hebizuka> *Legend: Hits / Attempts* [23:05] <&Hebizuka> Shots fired: 5/6 [23:06] <&Hebizuka> TOTAL today: 5/6 (83%) [23:06] <&Hebizuka> =All-time combat stats= [23:06] <&Hebizuka> Shots 11/13 (85%) [23:06] <&Hebizuka> Melee 1/1 (100%) [23:06] <&Hebizuka> Grenades/Rockets 1/1 (100%) [23:06] <&Hebizuka> TOTAL 13/15 (87% accuracy) [23:06] <&Hebizuka> =Achievements progress= [23:06] <&Hebizuka> +1 Auto pistol