Achievements (no ontology)
From Mazeworld
Mazeworld has a system of achievements, which rewards contestants for performance and prowess in various domains. There are two categories of achievements; badges, which are proofs of experience in specific domains, and medals, which are rewards for specific objectives and situations, often related to veterancy.
Although the achievement system was introduced a few days after version 2.2 went live, achievements are retroactive to all logged performance since v2.1, which matches the introduction of combat statistics.
Badges are declined in various colors, of increasing importance, from Bronze, to Silver, to Gold, and finally to Platinum. They reflect experience or prowess in the use of weapons and combat techniques. Depending on the "level" of the badge obtained, their recipients may also be awarded a title (such as "Sniper", "Arms-master", etc) which reflects this prowess.
Firearm marksmanship badges
Bronze awarded at 10 kills, Silver awarded at 50 kills, Gold awarded at 200 kills, Platinum awarded at 500 kills.
- Precision Rifle Badge; Awarded for prowess with sniper rifles and anti-matériel rifles.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Sniper, Elite Sniper
- Combat Rifle Badge; Awarded for prowess with assault rifles and battle rifles.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Expert, Arms-master
- Shotgun Badge; Awarded for prowess with shotguns of all types.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Huntsman, Huntsmaster
- Conventional Rifle Badge; Awarded for prowess with non-sniper semi-automatic, bolt-action and lever-action rifles.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Sharpshooter, Riflemaster
- Machine Gun Badge; Awarded for prowess with light and medium machine guns.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Gunner, Master-gunner
- Submachine Gun Badge; Awarded for prowess with submachine guns and personal defense weapons.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Operator, Subgun-master
- Pistol Badge; Awarded for prowess with semi-automatic pistols.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Gunslinger, Pistolier
- Auto Pistol Badge; Awarded for prowess with machine pistols.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Gunslinger, Auto Pistolier
- Revolver Badge; Awarded for prowess with revolvers.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Gunslinger, Gunfighter
Explosives user badges
Bronze awarded at 10 kills, Silver awarded at 50 kills, Gold awarded at 200 kills, Platinum awarded at 500 kills.
- Grenade Launcher Badge; Awarded for prowess with grenade launchers and UGLs.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Demolisher, Deathrainer
- Rocket Launcher Badge; Awarded for prowess with rocket launchers and RPGs.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Destroyer, Rocketeer
- Hand Grenade Badge; Awarded for prowess with hand grenades of all types.
- Titles, in order of importance: Thrower, Tactician, Eliminator, Grenadier
- Explosives Ordnance Badge; Awarded for prowess with planted explosives of all types.
- Titles, in order of importance: Planter, Special-op, Exploder, Hellraiser
- Explosive Ammunition Badge; Awarded for prowess with FRAG-12 and explosive arrows.
- Titles, in order of importance: Shooter, Marksman, Blast Sniper, Widowmaker
Melee combat badges
Bronze awarded at 10 kills, Silver awarded at 50 kills, Gold awarded at 100 kills, Platinum awarded at 250 kills.
- Traumatic Weapons Badge; Awarded for prowess with weapons dealing Blunt-type damage.
- Titles, in order of importance: User, Practitioner, Master, Skullcrusher
- Sharp-Edged Weapons Badge; Awarded for prowess with weapons dealing Sharp-type damage.
- Titles, in order of importance: User, Practitioner, Master, Blademaster
- Piercing-Edged Weapons Badge; Awarded for prowess with weapons dealing Piercing-type damage.
- Titles, in order of importance: User, Practitioner, Master, Impaler
- Martial Artist Badge; Awarded for prowess in Unarmed combat.
- Titles, in order of importance: Trainee, Fighter, Master, Warrior
Medals are awarded for reaching certain objectives or completing certain requirements, as a proof of experience, vetereancy, or capability. Certain medals can be awarded multiple times, or upgraded; in both cases they are adorned with service stars. Being awarded the medal in the first place counts as 1 star.
- Combat Experience Medal
- Awarded when a contestant reaches 50 kills.
- Service star upgrades: 80 kills (2-star), 150 kills (3-star) and 300 kills (4-star)
- Gold star awarded at: 400 kills
- Gold service star upgrades: 500 kills (2-star), 800 kills (3-star) and 1000 kills (4-star)
- Headshots Medal
- Awarded when a contestant kills 30 encounters with attacks towards the head and/or the face.
- Service star upgrades: 80 kills (2-star), 150 kills (3-star) and 200 kills (4-star)
- Gold star awarded at: 250 kills
- Gold service star upgrades: 300 kills (2-star), 400 kills (3-star) and 500 kills (4-star)
- Special Tactics Medal
- Awarded when a contestant kills 30 encounters with attacks towards weak points of any sort.
- Service star upgrades: 80 kills (2-star), 150 kills (3-star) and 200 kills (4-star)
- Gold star awarded at: 250 kills
- Gold service star upgrades: 300 kills (2-star), 400 kills (3-star) and 500 kills (4-star)
- Brute Force Medal
- Awarded when a contestant kills 30 encounters by doing "overkills" or using exceptionally brutal methods.
- Service star upgrades: 80 kills (2-star), 150 kills (3-star) and 200 kills (4-star)
- Gold star awarded at: 250 kills
- Gold service star upgrades: 300 kills (2-star), 400 kills (3-star) and 500 kills (4-star)
- Marksmanship Excellence Medal
- Awarded with Bronze medal when a contestant obtains all Firearm Marksmanship badges in Bronze.
- Subsequent upgrades in Silver, Gold and Platinum for obtaining those badges in the relevant colors.
- Demolitions Medal
- Awarded with Bronze medal when a contestant obtains all Explosives User badges in Bronze.
- Subsequent upgrades in Silver, Gold and Platinum for obtaining those badges in the relevant colors.
- Melee Combat Mastery Medal
- Awarded with Bronze medal when a contestant obtains all Melee Combat badges in Bronze.
- Subsequent upgrades in Silver, Gold and Platinum for obtaining those badges in the relevant colors.
- Medal of Military Honor - Awarded for killing 250 youkai of any type.
- Savior of Youkai Order - Awarded for killing 250 Maze Soldiers of any type.
- Award of Superiority - Awarded for killing all 14 Failed.
- Original Missions Campaign Medal - Awarded for completing all Normal missions in a single run. (Only awarded to single player contestants)
- Alternate Missions Campaign Medal - Awarded for completing all Alternate missions in a single run. (Only awarded to single player contestants)
- Contract Missions Campaign Medal - Awarded for completing all Contract missions in a single run. (Only awarded to single player contestants)
- Co-op Missions Campaign Medal - Awarded for completing all Co-op missions in a single run. (Only awarded to co-op mode contestants)
- Veterancy Medal
- Awarded when a contestant completes 1 run.
- Service star upgrades: 2 runs (2-star), 3 runs (3-star), 4 runs (4-star)
- Gold star awarded at: 5 runs
- Gold service star upgrades: 6 runs (2-star), 7 runs (3-star), 8 runs (4-star)
- Order of the White Death - Awarded when a contestant obtains the Headshot Medal 3-star and the Precision Rifle Badge (Gold).
- Order of the Demolitions League - Awarded when a contestant obtains any three Explosives User badges in Silver, the Combat Experience Medal 3-star, and the Brute Force Medal 2-star.
- Mazes Expeditionary Medal
- Single-player mode: A contestant obtains the three Missions Campaign Medals
- Co-op mode: A team obtains the Co-op Missions Campaign Medal and the Veterancy Medal 2-star
- Merit of Economic Influence
- Awarded when a contestant has 50 000 P$ of total wealth.
- Service star upgrades: 100 000 P$ (2-star), 150 000 P$ (3-star), 200 000 P$ (4-star)
- Gold star awarded at: 250 000 P$
- Gold service star upgrades: 300 000 P$ (2-star), 350 000 P$ (3-star), 400 000 P$ (4-star)
Those commendations are progressive. If a contestant finishes a run with, for example, 1157 points, he will receive both the commendations of Experience and Efficiency.
- Commendation of Experience - Awarded when a contestant obtains at least 800 points in a single run.
- Commendation of Efficiency - Awarded when a contestant obtains at least 1000 points in a single run.
- Commendation of Excellence - Awarded when a contestant obtains at least 1400 points in a single run.
- Commendation of Endurance - Awarded when a contestant obtains at least 1800 points in a single run.