Log:Game 24 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
[13:46] <~Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Aria Fujisaki. You're in the middle of Mission A10. Misaki seems to act strange, she's having an insane laughing fit. Karin is with you in the room. Examine Misaki to continue [13:47] <fujisakiaria> "Misaki..." [13:47] <fujisakiaria> >Examine Misaki [13:47] * ~Hebizuka appears in the room! [13:47] <fujisakiaria> "...?!" [13:48] * ~Hebizuka walks towards Misaki, and delivers what appears to be an electrical shock to her. For some reason Misaki does not feel pain from it but instead seems to grow angrier. [13:48] <~SU_Tempest> Misaki: Aarrrrgh! [13:48] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: You?! [13:48] <fujisakiaria> "What the hell was that?!" [13:48] <~Hebizuka> Enjoy the gift, you two! She's yours to play with! [13:49] * ~Hebizuka disappears. Misaki seems to be angry at you! [13:49] <fujisakiaria> "Misaki, I didn't do anything...?!" [13:49] <~SU_Tempest> Misaki: Ahahaha! Ahahaha!! [13:49] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Look out, Aria! [13:49] <~Hebizuka> Misaki wants to fight you! [13:49] <fujisakiaria> "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" [13:49] <fujisakiaria> >Shoot five times at Misaki with the 9A91 [13:49] <fujisakiaria> !Mdice 2 6 [13:50] <fujisakiaria> !Mdice 2 6 [13:50] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 4 > < Total Score: 6 > [13:50] <~Hebizuka> *You hit her five times, taking her down easily.* [13:50] <~Hebizuka> Ally pain 260% [13:50] <~Hebizuka> Misaki has been KIA by you. [13:50] * fujisakiaria falls to her knees. [13:50] <fujisakiaria> *his [13:51] <~Hebizuka> *Misaki drops several items.* [13:51] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Are you okay, Aria? [13:51] <fujisakiaria> "Why..." [13:51] <fujisakiaria> "I don't understand..." [13:51] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: She was done for anyway... She looked completely wrecked. [13:52] <fujisakiaria> "Karin, do you believe in fate?" [13:52] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Not really. [13:52] * fujisakiaria nods weakly and stands up. [13:52] <fujisakiaria> "I see. That makes sense, coming from someone like you." [13:53] <fujisakiaria> "If I hadn't come to help you, you would have found someone else sooner or later." [13:53] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I don't think I would've, to be honest. It's hard for me to trust anyone, but... I don't know. You're different. [13:54] <fujisakiaria> "These hands of mine are only good for killing and fighting... That... That wasn't what I was taught martial arts for." [13:54] <fujisakiaria> "And apparently shooting a gun." [13:55] <fujisakiaria> "Now, this time, I had to kill someone I liked and cared for..." [13:55] * fujisakiaria laughs. "Well... Whatever. This is my life. What can I do. Anyway, we should get going..." [13:55] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Hold on. [13:56] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: This office... I've been there before. [13:56] <fujisakiaria> "?" [13:57] <~SU_Tempest> *She approaches a seemingly blank wall, and presses an invisible button. Holes open on the floor, and a desk, chair and furniture appear from them, creating an office in the room of the now deceased Colonel.* [13:57] <fujisakiaria> "How did you know that?" [13:58] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I worked here before. Being a theoretical physics science team member, we work on specific projects... Some of them had military applications. [13:58] <fujisakiaria> "That makes sense." [13:58] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: And I was among the first people to test something you may know well. *She points at a large locker.* Open it, see for yourself. [13:59] <fujisakiaria> >Open the large locker. [14:00] <~Hebizuka> Inside: [14:00] <~Hebizuka> Body armor: HEV Suit [14:01] <fujisakiaria> "..." [14:01] <~Hebizuka> Backpack: Combat backpack [14:01] <~Hebizuka> *end of list* [14:01] <fujisakiaria> "I see..." [14:01] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: He never used them because that would've made him look like a scientist, and not a soldier. That's why he prefers his PCV. That didn't do him justice in the end. [14:02] * fujisakiaria eyes Misaki's dead body. "...You don't say." [14:03] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Listen, Aria. You did much more to me than I had hoped for. We brought down Wight together, and the GMs are next, whether they like it or not. [14:03] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I know you're a contestant. I know your goal is to leave this place... Let me help you. I'll wear this suit and this backpack and I'll help myself with the equipment here on the ground.. And together we'll catch the Amulets and reach our common enemy. I have a plan for them too but I can't do it without you. [14:04] <fujisakiaria> "..." [14:04] <fujisakiaria> "Alright." [14:05] <~Hebizuka> Mission complete [14:05] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin presses a button under the desk, revealing 3 doors.* [14:05] <~SU_Tempest> Karin is now your ally. [14:06] <fujisakiaria> "Did you get armed?" [14:13] <~Hebizuka> *Karin removes her lab coat and wears the HEV Suit. She picks up the Colonel's STSh-81 Helmet and wears it.* [14:15] <~Hebizuka> *She equips herself with the Combat backpack as well, and looks over the guns on the floor.* [14:15] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Well there is plenty of choice... [14:15] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Aria, can I have my Mark 23 back? [14:15] <fujisakiaria> >Return the Mark 23 to Karin and use the Glock instead. [14:15] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: And twelve rounds of .45 ACP, if you have ammo for that. [14:15] <fujisakiaria> >Check for .45 ACP [14:17] <~SU_Tempest> You have 146 rounds of .45 ACP [14:17] <fujisakiaria> "I have a lot of .45 ACP, you sure only 12?" [14:17] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Give me 12 for my magazine, and 24 more. [14:18] <fujisakiaria> >Give Karin 36 total .45 ACP. [14:20] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin fills her Mark 23's magazine, and stores the rest in the backpack.* [14:20] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: What to choose from the guns there... [14:20] <~Hebizuka> *Karin grabs Wight's M60E3.* [14:21] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: That'll be all, I'm up and ready. Let's get going, Aria. [14:21] <~Hebizuka> 107.77/120 [14:21] <~Hebizuka> Ally: 0.24/120 [14:22] <fujisakiaria> "OK." [14:22] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [14:22] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 542 - Front door: 136 - Right door: 769 - Roomstyle: 55 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [14:22] <fujisakiaria> > Front door: 136 [14:23] <~Hebizuka> Next special room: 900 [14:24] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a kitchen, occupied by a yousei servant trying to clean the floor. There is clothing on the ground.* [14:25] <fujisakiaria> >Examine the clothing [14:25] <~Hebizuka> Body armor: Heavy Dyneema vest [14:27] <fujisakiaria> "Hmm..." [14:27] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Don't think I'll need it. [14:27] <fujisakiaria> "We don't." [14:28] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [14:28] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 762 - Front door: 182 - Right door: 6 - Roomstyle: 5 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [14:28] <fujisakiaria> > Right door: 6 [14:28] <~Hebizuka> *Trapdoor! You land in a grassy room. You spot a weapon on the floor.* [14:29] <fujisakiaria> >Examine wepon [14:29] <~Hebizuka> Class 3: Glock 21 pistol (.45 ACP - 13 rounds) [14:29] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: *Grabs the Glock 21, removes the magazine and extracts the rounds to place in her backpack.* Can't say no to extra juice. [14:30] <~Hebizuka> Total ally .45 ACP: 37 rounds [14:30] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [14:30] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 1065 - Front door: 1042 - Right door: 366 - Roomstyle: 55 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [14:30] <fujisakiaria> > Right door: 366 [14:31] <~Hebizuka> *You enter another kitchen, and see another yousei servant. There's a large weapon on the ground.* [14:33] <fujisakiaria> >Examine the weapon [14:34] <~Hebizuka> Class 1: Colt M1918 BAR light machine gun (.30-06 Springfield - 20 rounds) [14:36] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I don't think this big thing is of any use to us... [14:37] <fujisakiaria> "Not really." [14:37] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [14:37] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 1313 - Front door: 171 - Right door: 467 - Roomstyle: 12 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [14:37] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 1313 [14:38] <~Hebizuka> *An outside area. Daytime plains. You spot a package on the ground.* [14:40] <fujisakiaria> >Examine package [14:41] <~Hebizuka> A silencer for the MP7A1. [14:44] <fujisakiaria> "Hrm..." [14:46] <fujisakiaria> !Mdoors3 [14:46] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [14:46] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 811 - Front door: 314 - Right door: 1287 - Roomstyle: 49 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [14:47] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 811 [14:48] <~Hebizuka> *Trapdoor.* [14:49] <~Hebizuka> *You land in a prison room. There are @graffiti on the wall. You spot a big box of ammo on the ground!* [14:52] <fujisakiaria> @graffiti [14:52] <EliasBot> Dead fleas and smelly prisoners, GREAT THREE STAR HOTEL, THANKS GMs [14:52] <fujisakiaria> >Examine ammo [14:52] <~Hebizuka> 9x19mm Parabellum x250 [14:52] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Let me take that. If we come across some submachine gun, I'll enjoy it. [14:52] <fujisakiaria> "OK!" [14:53] <~Hebizuka> Ally 2.87/120 [14:55] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [14:55] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 792 - Front door: 611 - Right door: 305 - Roomstyle: 74 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [14:55] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 792 [14:56] <~Hebizuka> *A messy library, with one door only ahead. There is food on the librarian's desk.* [14:57] <fujisakiaria> >Examine food [14:57] <~Hebizuka> Blackberries. [14:57] <fujisakiaria> >Take the blackberries [14:58] <~Hebizuka> 108.77/120 [14:59] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms1 [14:59] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Unique door: 99 - Roomstyle: 132 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [14:59] <fujisakiaria> > Unique door: 99 [14:59] <~Hebizuka> *You enter the Special Stage lobby, but the computers and elevator seem to have been disabled.* [15:00] <fujisakiaria> "Oh, right..." [15:01] <fujisakiaria> "Nothing to see here." [15:02] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: The Special Stage lobby? Why is everything off?.. [15:02] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Did you complete all the challenges? [15:02] <fujisakiaria> "Yes." [15:03] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Wow. Impressive. Then it means you fought the robot too.. [15:03] <fujisakiaria> "Yes." [15:03] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I was right about you, you're really someone. [15:03] <fujisakiaria> "Mmm..." [15:03] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:03] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 1493 - Front door: 1337 - Right door: 666 - Roomstyle: 88 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [15:03] <fujisakiaria> > Front door: 1337 [15:04] <~Hebizuka> Events map completed! [15:04] <~Hebizuka> Your counter of rooms visited is reset to 0, but will have a "+900" tag. [15:04] <~Hebizuka> Next special room at: 8 [15:04] <~Hebizuka> Total rooms visited: 0 (+900) [15:06] <~Hebizuka> *You enter the elite room...* [15:06] <fujisakiaria> "..." [15:07] <~Hebizuka> *A shrine, occupied by a shrine maiden. You see an archaeologist with a Counter-Strike T-shirt saying "BOOM HEADSHOT", chatting with said shrine maiden.* [15:07] <fujisakiaria> "Huh..." [15:07] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Well that's something... [15:08] <fujisakiaria> >Pray [15:08] <fujisakiaria> !Mdice 2 6 [15:08] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 6 > < Total Score: 7 > [15:08] <~SU_Tempest> Thou art on the right way... May your faith and dedication waver not! [15:09] <fujisakiaria> >Donate 100 P$ [15:09] <~Hebizuka> 3859 P$ left carried [15:09] <~SU_Tempest> Miko: Much thanks for your contribution. [15:10] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: Hey, I saw this guy one day before... It wasn't in last week's LAN party so when... [15:10] <~SU_Tempest> Miko: Isn't it Black Arrow Shooter? [15:10] <fujisakiaria> "hello" [15:10] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: OH YEAH. Mother of fucks that's him! He's like, my hero! Best sniper ever, duude! [15:10] <~SU_Tempest> Miko: I'm a woman. [15:11] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: Yeah, whatevs dude. *He turns to you and shakes your hand awkwardly.* I'm one of your biggest fans, duuuude! Can you autograph my shirt, please? [15:11] <fujisakiaria> "uh, sure..." [15:12] <fujisakiaria> >Do the autograph... [15:13] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: Holy shit, thanks dude. You're awesome. Uh hey, yeah, if you got some gems or stuff to identify, well, I can do that for free! That shirt makes me rich now! Ho shit, so cash like that headshot I did the other day on de_dust2 and blah blah blah... [15:13] <~SU_Tempest> Miko: He didn't stop talking about his thing for two hours straight... Do something, please. *cringe* [15:13] <fujisakiaria> "Hey, man... could you identify all my gems...?" [15:13] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: ...that T didn't see a thing, I just nailed the hell outta him with my AWP and-- OH, uh, sure. [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> Unidentified gems: [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> > Yellow gem [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> > White gem [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> > Gray gem [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> > Clear gem [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> Yellow gem: Heliodor [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> White gem: Large pearl [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> Gray gem: Zircon [15:14] <~SU_Tempest> Clear gem: Impure diamond [15:15] <fujisakiaria> "OK, thank you." [15:16] <~SU_Tempest> Archeo: You're welcome, dude! Ho boy when I'll show my friends this they'll be so envious! [15:17] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Let's get going now. [15:18] <fujisakiaria> "Yeah..." [15:19] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:19] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 143 - Front door: 652 - Right door: 30 - Roomstyle: 166 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [15:19] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 143 [15:22] <~Hebizuka> *A laboratory, occupied by a scientist. You see a Bird of Ares in a stasis capsule; it's apparently being analyzed by the scientist here. Another scientist enters the room; this one looks angrier.* [15:22] <~SU_Tempest> Sci1: Huh? What do you want? [15:22] <~SU_Tempest> Sci2: Get the fuck out of here! [15:22] <~SU_Tempest> Sci1: Wh-wha? [15:23] <~SU_Tempest> *The angry scientist pulls a revolver on his colleague, urging him to leave the room... all that without noticing your presence.* [15:23] <fujisakiaria> " Should we just ignore it? " [15:23] <~SU_Tempest> Sci2: *Notices you and wavers his gun at you.* WHO the fuck are YOU? [15:24] <fujisakiaria> "Just passing by, what the hell is your problem?" [15:24] <~SU_Tempest> Sci2: You're here to spy on my research too?! [15:25] <~SU_Tempest> Sci2: GET OUT before I kill you! [15:25] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin raises her Mark 23 at him.* [15:25] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: You think you scare us? [15:25] <fujisakiaria> "I don't think you're in any position to make threats..." [15:25] * fujisakiaria has a hand on his Black arrow... [15:25] <~SU_Tempest> *He shakes and trembles but still points his gun at you.* [15:26] <fujisakiaria> "Still want to try?" [15:27] <~SU_Tempest> *He fires!* [15:27] <~SU_Tempest> @bodyaim [15:27] <EliasBot> [BODY] Lower body (Hips, pelvis, buttocks) [15:27] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [15:27] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 3 3 > < Total Score: 6 > [15:27] <~Hebizuka> +5% Pain [15:27] <fujisakiaria> "..." [15:27] <~Hebizuka> Total 26% [15:27] <fujisakiaria> "Uh..." [15:28] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin glances at you, and chuckles.* [15:28] <~SU_Tempest> Sci2: W-what? What's so funny?! You should be dead already with that! [15:28] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Can I? [15:28] <fujisakiaria> "Go ahead, Karin. He's yours." [15:29] <~SU_Tempest> *Karin fires twice at the scientist's chest.* [15:29] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [15:29] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 2 > < Total Score: 8 > [15:30] <~Hebizuka> *He crumbles on the ground, whimpering in pain and contemplating his blood on the floor.* [15:30] <~SU_Tempest> Sci2: Hurrrkkk... Gaahhhrrgh... [15:30] <fujisakiaria> "This could have been avoided, oh well." [15:31] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Let's let him cry on the floor... He's not worth a kill. [15:31] * fujisakiaria nods. [15:31] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:31] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 1394 - Front door: 1256 - Right door: 854 - Roomstyle: 133 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [15:32] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 1394 [15:33] <~Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. You spot a MEDAID5 supply crate.* [15:33] <fujisakiaria> >Examine the crate. [15:34] <~Hebizuka> Inside: [15:34] <~Hebizuka> > Bandage x2 [15:34] <~Hebizuka> > Vial of Merbromin x1 [15:34] <~Hebizuka> > Blood Transfusion Kit x2 [15:34] <~Hebizuka> > Syringe of Epinephrine x1 [15:34] <~Hebizuka> *end of list* [15:34] <fujisakiaria> "Some of this could be useful." [15:35] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: True. [15:36] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Take what you want. [15:36] <fujisakiaria> >Take the syringe. And one of the Blood Transfusion Kits [15:36] <~Hebizuka> Total Epinephrine: x2 [15:37] <~Hebizuka> Total BTKs: x2 [15:37] <~Hebizuka> 109.77/120 [15:39] <fujisakiaria> "Anything you want to take?" [15:39] <~SU_Tempest> *She grabs the bandages for herself.* [15:39] <~Hebizuka> Ally 4.87/120 [15:41] <fujisakiaria> "Okay." [15:41] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:41] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 293 - Front door: 875 - Right door: 370 - Roomstyle: 95 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [15:41] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 293 [15:41] <~Hebizuka> HEV: Hunger, 40% [15:41] <~Hebizuka> *Trapdoor!* [15:42] <~Hebizuka> *You land in a radio room. You spot a blueprint.* [15:42] <fujisakiaria> >Examine the blueprint [15:42] <~Hebizuka> "Level 1, PBolts, 25x Crossbow bolt + 1x Cyanide" [15:43] <fujisakiaria> "I don't need this..." [15:44] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Neither do I. I have no crossbow anyway. [15:44] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I never liked crossbows, to be honest with you. [15:44] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:44] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 764 - Front door: 459 - Right door: 198 - Roomstyle: 31 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [15:45] <fujisakiaria> > Front door: 459 [15:45] <~Hebizuka> *A TV room. You may watch @whatsonTV. There's food on the table.* [15:46] <fujisakiaria> @whatsonTV [15:46] <EliasBot> [Documentary] Nill Bye the Biotechnology Guy - Chemical explosions rule [15:46] <fujisakiaria> >Examine food [15:47] <~SU_Tempest> A clam [15:47] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Believe it or not, I watched him since I was a kid. [15:47] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: He made me want to be a scientist. [15:48] <fujisakiaria> >Eat the clam. [15:48] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 4 [15:48] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 4 > < Rolls: 2 > < Total Score: 2 > [15:48] <~SU_Tempest> *A bit stale.* [15:48] <~SU_Tempest> *You're still hungry.* [15:48] <fujisakiaria> >Eat the Blackberries. [15:48] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 4 [15:48] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 4 > < Rolls: 4 > < Total Score: 4 > [15:48] <~SU_Tempest> *Great taste! But it's small.* [15:48] <~SU_Tempest> HEV: Hunger fell to 35% [15:49] <fujisakiaria> >Eat the 280g burger [15:49] <~SU_Tempest> *You do not have any anymore.* [15:50] <~Hebizuka> FOOD AVAILABLE: [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Apricot [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Strawberry [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Banana [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Bottle of lemonade [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Beef fillet [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Emmental [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Sundae [15:50] <~Hebizuka> Radishes (3 portions) [15:50] <~SU_Tempest> (because i'm nice like that) [15:50] <fujisakiaria> ( Thank you ) [15:51] <fujisakiaria> >Eat the beef fillet [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 20 [15:51] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 20 > < Rolls: 5 > < Total Score: 5 > [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> *It's grown tasteless.* [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> Hunger fell to 30µ [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> 30%* [15:51] <fujisakiaria> >Eat Sundae [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 40 [15:51] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 40 > < Rolls: 11 > < Total Score: 11 > [15:51] <fujisakiaria> ( WHYYYYYYYYYYY ) [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> *It's almost melted but you ate what you salvaged.* [15:51] <~SU_Tempest> Hunger fell to 19%. [15:51] * fujisakiaria grumbles [15:52] <fujisakiaria> >Eat 3 portions of radishes [15:52] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Bad food? [15:52] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 3 2 [15:52] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 3 d 2 > < Rolls: 2 2 2 > < Total Score: 6 > [15:52] <fujisakiaria> (...) [15:52] <~SU_Tempest> *Those radishes were all great.* [15:52] <~SU_Tempest> Hunger fell to 13% [15:53] <fujisakiaria> "I'm running out of food period, so I should stop here..." [15:53] * fujisakiaria sighs. [15:53] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:53] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 684 - Front door: 1305 - Right door: 809 - Roomstyle: 39 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [15:53] <fujisakiaria> > Front door: 1305 [15:54] <~Hebizuka> *An outside area; daytime forest. The light is moderate but enough to see. There is a weapon on the ground.* [15:54] <fujisakiaria> >Examine the weapon [15:54] <~Hebizuka> Class 2: Serbu Super-Shorty shotgun (12 gauge - 2 shells) [15:56] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I'll take it until we find a submachine gun, ok? [15:56] <fujisakiaria> "Sure." [15:57] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms3 [15:57] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Left door: 1137 - Front door: 188 - Right door: 1461 - Roomstyle: 149 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [15:57] <fujisakiaria> > Left door: 1137 [15:59] <~Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room with the statue of an antlion. There is only one door here, and nothing else.* [15:59] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms1 [15:59] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Unique door: 312 - Roomstyle: 153 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [15:59] <fujisakiaria> > Unique door: 312 [16:01] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Hey, Aria? [16:02] <fujisakiaria> "Yeah?" [16:02] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Do you feel worried? [16:02] <fujisakiaria> "...Why?" [16:03] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I have the feeling we're going to face something bad... [16:03] * fujisakiaria sighs... [16:03] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a regular, featureless room where I await.* [16:03] <fujisakiaria> "Oh... hey." [16:04] <~Hebizuka> Congratulations, you two. You really succeeded at causing chaos out there. [16:04] <~Hebizuka> You killed the leader of my military, and you survived against all odds, Aria. Well done. [16:05] <~Hebizuka> Well done to you too Karin... You managed to outsmart us for the duration of the whole operation. I was right about you two after all. [16:06] <fujisakiaria> "..." [16:06] <~Hebizuka> I have a little proposition for you, Aria. [16:07] <~Hebizuka> Do you remember, back then, during your first run, when I asked you to do a little task and promised a great reward if you managed to pass it? [16:07] <fujisakiaria> "...Vaguely." [16:07] <~Hebizuka> It was a combat rush. Or if you wish a "boss rush" of sorts... [16:07] <~Hebizuka> I have another for you. Win this challenge and I'll give you my PDA once more. [16:08] <fujisakiaria> "Aha... This again... Well, I'll play the little game once more." [16:08] * ~Hebizuka smiles. [16:08] <~Hebizuka> Excellent. [16:09] <~Hebizuka> Well. If you accept the challenge, please go through this black door over here. Good luck, Aria. You will need it. [16:09] * ~Hebizuka disappears. [16:09] <fujisakiaria> "The PDA will be valuable." [16:09] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Do you really trust her? [16:09] <fujisakiaria> "She gets a kick out of these things." [16:10] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: I feel uneasy. Let's hope we'll pull through. [16:10] <fujisakiaria> "...It depends if the monsters got stronger." [16:10] <fujisakiaria> "Well, let's see." [16:10] <fujisakiaria> >Reload the Black Arrow and the 9A91. [16:10] <~Hebizuka> +4 rounds in Black Arrow [16:10] <~Hebizuka> +14 rounds in 9A91 [16:11] <fujisakiaria> !Mrooms1 [16:11] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] Unique door: 1516 - Roomstyle: 46 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [16:11] <~Hebizuka> 12.7x108mm left: 183 [16:11] <~Hebizuka> 9x39mm left: 244 [16:11] <fujisakiaria> > Unique door: 1516 [16:11] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a regular, featureless room. A giant crab awaits in this room!* [16:12] <fujisakiaria> "A giant enemy crab, so to speak." [16:13] <fujisakiaria> >Shoot at the crab three times with the 9A91. [16:13] <fujisakiaria> !Mdice 2 6 [16:13] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 1 1 > < Total Score: 2 > [16:13] <fujisakiaria> ( =_= ) [16:13] <~Hebizuka> *Your 9A91 stovepipes on the first shot, which you miss.* [16:13] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Shit, how do you fight those again... [16:14] <fujisakiaria> "Fuck!" [16:14] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Ah... I remember now... Their underbellies are the weak point. But go hit that... I can't aim at it, that crab is protecting himself with those pincers... [16:14] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Hold on, I maybe have an idea... [16:15] <~SU_Tempest> *She slings her M60 on her back and picks up her Serbu, pointing it at one of the crab's eyes.* [16:15] <~SU_Tempest> *She points the compact shotgun at the right eye, and fires all two shots.* [16:15] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [16:15] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 2 6 > < Total Score: 8 > [16:15] <~Hebizuka> *The first five pellets hit and pop the giant crab's eye! The other five miss as the target doesn't exist anymore.* [16:16] <~Hebizuka> *The giant crab emits odd noises and squirms in pain.* [16:16] <~Hebizuka> *He raises one of its giant pincers, and goes to try and catch you!* [16:16] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [16:16] <EliasBot> [LIMB] Right shoulder [16:16] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [16:16] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 6 3 > < Total Score: 9 > [16:17] <~Hebizuka> *It smashes you hard on the shoulder, making you kneel, but your HEV Suit fully resisted the hit.* [16:17] <fujisakiaria> "Bwargh" [16:17] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Throw a grenade under him! [16:17] <fujisakiaria> >Lob an MkIIIA2 under the giant crab. [16:17] <fujisakiaria> !Mdice 2 6 [16:17] <~Hebizuka> [ fujisakiaria ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 5 5 > < Total Score: 10 > [16:18] <~Hebizuka> Close-hit! [16:18] <~Hebizuka> *The explosion makes the crab jump up several meters, almost hitting the ceiling, before crashing in a large pool of his own blood.* [16:18] <~Hebizuka> Giant crab defeated! [16:19] <~SU_Tempest> Karin: Great job! [16:19] <~Hebizuka> Checkout [16:20] <~Hebizuka> 909 rooms, 249 kills, 4 SEs, 21 missions, 6 Amulets, 16007 P$, 1 Run [16:20] <~Hebizuka> Progress: +16 - +2 - +0 - +1 - +0 - -100 - +0 [16:20] <~Hebizuka> Total score: [16:20] <~Hebizuka> 2007 points [16:21] <~Hebizuka> +29 pts [16:21] <~Hebizuka> 6 pts behind leader