Log:Game 182 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
[19:18] <&Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Dana Love. You have visited 29 rooms, next special room at the 35th. No status effects of immediate importance. !mrooms3 to continue [19:18] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [19:18] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 5943 - Front door: 259 - Right door: 1087 - Roomstyle: 270 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [19:18] <DanaLove> \\ Right \\ [19:19] <&Hebizuka> *A bedroom, with some furniture and a television (@whatsonTV). No-one around, just an object on the desk.* [19:19] <DanaLove> \\ Examine object \\ [19:19] <DanaLove> @whatsonTV [19:19] <MazeBot> [Music Video] KappaDriver rocks out on Demetori songs [19:20] <&Hebizuka> *It's loud, it's blaring, and it's also a kappa with a silly guitar doing power metal.* [19:20] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Silencer: 7.62x51mm NATO [19:20] <DanaLove> \\ Take Silencer \\ [19:20] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [19:20] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 6089 - Front door: 3347 - Right door: 5214 - Roomstyle: 103 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [19:20] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [19:21] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 27.4/35 [19:22] <&Hebizuka> *You make it into a regular, featureless room. There's yet again nobody here... though quite the unexpected item on the floor.* [19:22] <DanaLove> \\ Examine Item and look for Traps \\ [19:22] <&Hebizuka> *No traps around.* [19:23] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] 85mm RPG, PG-7V, 1 rocket - weight 3 [19:23] <&Hebizuka> *Who leaves rockets in plain sight like that?* [19:23] <DanaLove> \\ Take and equip \\ [19:23] <DanaLove> ((Err, just take [19:24] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [19:24] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 2844 - Front door: 4091 - Right door: 1824 - Roomstyle: 131 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [19:24] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [19:24] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] Ammo pouch: 8.97/10 [19:26] <&Hebizuka> *A shrine ,with a small altar to the Cardinal Gods. There is no signs of a shrine maiden though... What there is however, is a pair of dwelling prisoners, both of which look as if they recently came out of a jailbreak, judging by the broken cuffs at their wrists.* [19:26] <DanaLove> "Hello gentlemen... what are you doing here?" \\Examine prisoners \\ [19:28] <&Hebizuka> *The first prisoner seems to be an old, brown-skinned female, while the second is an old, amerindian male. Both of whom wear nothing but jeans, which is the prisoner attired (and yes, it does imply the first is bare-chested).* [19:29] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri1] Um... [19:29] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri2] You don't look like a cop, am I right to assume that way? [19:30] <DanaLove> "I may be worse than a cop... what are you two in shackles for?" [19:31] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri2] No longer. We've been broken out by benevolent people. We were unjustly framed for a murder neither of us did commit. [19:31] <DanaLove> "The murder of?" [19:32] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri2] That's the thing. Apparently it's some sort of important figure... a family which calls itself the Yatela. But I had never even seen any such people before. [19:33] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri1] *Looks visibly nervous.* Why are you telling her that? She doesn't need to know... let's go already! [19:35] <DanaLove> "Mmm? Yatela? Never heard of them. Though I can't let you free." [19:35] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri1] Why?! [19:36] <~SU_Tempest> [Pri2] Please, let us go. We aren't getting in your way. [19:37] * DanaLove looks to the two. "And exactly how do I get you out of those...?" [19:37] <&Hebizuka> *The cuffs are devoid of chains, they look like they were shot or ripped somehow.* [19:38] * DanaLove points to the door. "Just go then. I need to take care of some business here myself." [19:39] <&Hebizuka> *The two rush outside of the room through the left door, without any further words.* [19:40] <DanaLove> @roll 2d6 [19:40] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 7 [19:40] <DanaLove> \\Praying\\ [19:41] <&Hebizuka> *You feel as though benevolent eyes are watching over you. Who knows, it is perhaps good fortune.* [19:42] <DanaLove> "I wonder if this'll help at all... where the hell are these things." [19:43] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [19:43] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 2199 - Front door: 3714 - Right door: 6250 - Roomstyle: 129 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [19:43] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [19:45] <&Hebizuka> *A bedroom, with another television set (@whatsonTV), and a container. You also spot a weapon on the bed.* [19:45] <DanaLove> \\ Examine Weapin and Container, Check for traps too \\ [19:45] <DanaLove> @whatsonTV [19:45] <MazeBot> [Anime] Ichigo turns left to buy groceries while lucy rides the Kraken to Walmart [19:46] <&Hebizuka> *I don't even.* [19:47] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - H&K USP pistol | 9x19mm Parabellum - Semi-auto | Silencer | USP9 15-round mag, +1 | Weight: 3 - [14+1/15, 15x XAP] - Cond: Good / Clns: Grimy [19:47] <&Hebizuka> *The container is a wooden box, adorned with a mechanical lock with serial number 0797. It is not trapped.* [19:49] <DanaLove> \\ Take USP \\ [19:49] <DanaLove> \\ Use shotgun on lock to breach \\ [19:52] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 30.4/35 [19:52] <&Hebizuka> *You are about to engage the container in combat.* [19:52] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 1. What are you going to attempt?* [19:52] <&Hebizuka> (Asking again to make sure you describe the attack proper) [19:53] <DanaLove> \\ Shoot it in the lock, aiming down and into the tumblers so shells, if they strike the container, approach from an angle as not to massively damage the wood \\ [19:54] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll now; understood it as one shot, so roll one 2d6.* [19:55] <DanaLove> @roll 2d6 [19:55] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 7 [19:56] <&Hebizuka> *Hit, 4 pellets struck the lock.* [19:56] <&Hebizuka> *The mechanical lock took a serious beating. Looks like your shotgun is a proper lock-busting implement indeed; one or two more shots and it should be good.* [19:57] <DanaLove> @roll 2d6 [19:57] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 11 [19:57] <&Hebizuka> *Hit, 7 pellets struck the lock.* [19:57] <&Hebizuka> (I'll count this as only one turn for this time, but don't forget to just fire multiple times next time)= [19:58] <&Hebizuka> *The lock is pulverized.* [19:58] <DanaLove> @roll 2d6 [19:58] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 5 [19:58] <DanaLove> (( Whoops, early post )) [19:58] <&Hebizuka> *No need to further shoot the thing, it's good to open now. End of fight, 1 turn.* [19:58] <DanaLove> \\ Open Container, Examine Contents \\ [20:00] <&Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - IZHMEKH Simonov SKS rifle | 7.62x39mm - Semi-auto | No accessory | SKS stripper clip, 10 rounds, no +1 | Weight: 22 - [10/10, 10x FMJ] - Cond: Excellent / Clns: Clean [20:00] <&Hebizuka> [Scrap] Destroyed ammunition (unusable) [20:00] <&Hebizuka> [Scrap] Destroyed stripper clips (unusable) [20:00] <&Hebizuka> [Scrap] Destroyed food (unusable) [20:00] <&Hebizuka> [Scrap] Destroyed food (unusable) [20:01] <&Hebizuka> *Whoops. Looks like you did a mess. Only the rifle inside seems to have been spared.* [20:01] <DanaLove> \\ Reload Gun \\ [20:01] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [20:01] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 5680 - Front door: 778 - Right door: 5756 - Roomstyle: 278 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [20:01] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [20:02] <&Hebizuka> [Reload] SPAS-12, +2 Buckshot shells - [8+1/8, 9x Buck] [20:02] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] Ammo pouch 8.87/10 [20:05] <&Hebizuka> *A scratched room, full of @graffiti. There is a horned devil carrying a large handgun, though they seem to be alone. There is also only one door ahead.* [20:06] <DanaLove> @graffiti [20:06] <MazeBot> Kaguya was here, Mokou is a loser [20:07] <DanaLove> "E-Excuse me... what are you?" [20:08] <~SU_Tempest> [HDevil] ! [20:08] <~SU_Tempest> [HDevil] What's it to you, human? [20:09] <DanaLove> "I'm just looking to pass... but, you look different than the other demons I've seen around here." [20:09] <~SU_Tempest> [HDevil] Sure you're gonna pass, but away. [20:09] <&Hebizuka> *The devil is looking for a fight.* [20:09] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 1. What will you attempt.* [20:10] <DanaLove> \\ Shoot shotgun at center of mass of demon 3 times \\ [20:11] <&Hebizuka> *The devil will attempt firing twice.* [20:11] <&Hebizuka> *Order: HDevil, Dana* [20:11] <&Hebizuka> *Devil's turn...* [20:11] <&Hebizuka> @bodyaim [20:11] <MazeBot> [UPPER BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [20:11] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2#2d6 [20:11] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 8;7 [20:12] <&Hebizuka> *You're violently shaken out of your wits.* [20:16] <&Hebizuka> [Damage] Pain: 84% [+84]. Limb damage: Chest 28/40 [-12]. Clothing damage: Body armor 2.96/4 [-0.02], Bleeding 2/20 [+2] [20:16] <&Hebizuka> *This is a rough wake-up call... you barely survived that. [20:17] <&Hebizuka> *It is now your turn... You may roll.* [20:17] <DanaLove> @roll 3#2d6 [20:17] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 6;7;6 [20:19] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 3. Mode: Semi-auto.* [20:19] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-3: Hit (4), Hit (4), Hit (4).* [20:19] <&Hebizuka> *Total hits: 3 (12 pellets)* [20:19] <&Hebizuka> *The devil groans and yelps in pain, but they're not quite dead. Tough cookies.* [20:19] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1...* [20:20] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 2. What will you try next?* [20:20] <DanaLove> \ Hide behind that cover and LOB THE INCENDIARY GREADE AT THIS FUCKER\\ [20:22] <&Hebizuka> *You can roll @cover then roll a 2d6 to attempt taking cover.* [20:22] <&Hebizuka> *The grenade roll will come next.* [20:22] <&Hebizuka> *If the cover roll is successful, ofc* [20:22] <DanaLove> @cover [20:22] <MazeBot> A wall. (Health: 60, LDV modifier: -4) [20:25] <DanaLove> @roll 2d6 [20:25] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 4 [20:25] <&Hebizuka> *You limp towards cover, but you are too slow to immediately attack afterwards. At least, you made it behind that wall.* [20:25] <&Hebizuka> *Devil's turn...* [20:26] <&Hebizuka> *The demon unloads three more rounds, angrily, might I add, at you.* [20:26] <&Hebizuka> @roll 3#2d6 [20:26] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 9;9;12 [20:26] <&Hebizuka> @critwin [20:26] <MazeBot> Disarmed! (The sufferer drops whatever weapon(s) they have in hands, if applicable.) [20:26] <&Hebizuka> *Not applicable, all three shots hit the cover. (Phew!!)* [20:27] <&Hebizuka> *The wall suffers impacts, but still stands solidly.* [20:27] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [20:28] <~SU_Tempest> [HDevil] Won't you DIE, tenacious little rat?! [20:28] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 3. What will you do?* [20:28] <DanaLove> \\ Throw that grenade right at this fucking ass-douche \\ [20:28] <&Hebizuka> *The demon attempts pressing the trigger five more times.* [20:29] <&Hebizuka> *Order: Dana, HDevil.* [20:29] <&Hebizuka> *You may roll.* [20:30] <DanaLove> @roll 2d6 [20:30] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 3 [20:30] <DanaLove> oierfonhwevfjnwevo;nkwrto' [20:30] <&Hebizuka> *The grenade is set off, but sets its mighty fiery payload to the background.* [20:30] <&Hebizuka> *The horned devil turns their head, then turns back at you with a devious smirk.* [20:30] <&Hebizuka> *Devil's turn...* [20:31] <&Hebizuka> @roll 5#2d6 [20:31] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 8;5;7;9;12 [20:31] <&Hebizuka> *...Only four shots go off. That 12 is wasted because the slide locks open after the fourth shot.* [20:31] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-4: Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit* [20:32] <&Hebizuka> *And the wall eats up the rounds, and still looks like a solid wall, though now it has a few cracks and holes.* [20:32] <&Hebizuka> *The horned devil tries to press the trigger a few more times after only four shots go off. But to no avail. His handgun's slide is locked open... he ran out of ammo.* [20:33] <~SU_Tempest> [HDevil] ...You have got to be shitting me! [20:33] <&Hebizuka> *End of Turn 3.* [20:33] <~SU_Tempest> [HDevil] *His smirk quickly fades into an expression of 'I just shat myself'.* Oh crap. [20:33] <&Hebizuka> *Turn 4. What will you attempt?* [20:33] <DanaLove> \\ I whip out the shotgun, rush RIGHT TO HIS FACE, and PULL 3 SHOTS INTO IT \\ [20:34] <&Hebizuka> *You will move into melee range.* [20:34] <&Hebizuka> *The horned devil drops his empty weapon and just ... surrenders.* [20:34] <&Hebizuka> *You must still roll.* [20:35] <&Hebizuka> *And since they're not attacking, you can roll now.* [20:35] <DanaLove> @roll 3#2d6 [20:35] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 5;6;10 [20:35] <&Hebizuka> *Shots fired: 3. Score-2 per shot (aimed at face).* [20:36] <&Hebizuka> *Shots 1-3: Hit (1), Hit (2), Hit (5)* [20:36] <&Hebizuka> *Total hits: 3 (8 pellets)* [20:36] <&Hebizuka> *The horned devil's face is plugged with eight little holes. No, he's not walking away from this one.* [20:36] <&Hebizuka> Dana Love [SPAS-12] Horned devil /H\ [20:36] <&Hebizuka> *End of fight! (4 turns)* [20:36] <DanaLove> \\ Through whatever means of magic, craftsmanship, and horrid effort, I RIP HIS HORNS OFF and MOUNT THEM ONTO MY HELMET \\ [20:37] <DanaLove> \\ And then check for permanent wounds \\ [20:37] <&Hebizuka> *Sadly enough you can't exactly rip those horns off the demonic sap's skull. But points for trying!* [20:38] <&Hebizuka> *Other than nasty damage to your chest and agonizing levels of Pain... thankfully you do not have open wounds.* [20:38] <DanaLove> \\ I try to rest \\ [20:39] <&Hebizuka> *Roll 1d2. 1: Success. 2: Failure.* [20:39] <DanaLove> @roll 1d2 [20:39] <MazeBot> DanaLove: 2 [20:39] <&Hebizuka> *Too much adrenaline to rest. Now you have to wait before you try again...* [20:39] <&Hebizuka> *No turns wasted.* [20:40] <DanaLove> "Fuck this shit." [20:40] <DanaLove> !mrooms1 [20:40] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Unique door: 3651 - Roomstyle: 79 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [20:40] <DanaLove> \\ Go through it \\ [20:42] <&Hebizuka> *You enter a room with no doors. Instead, there is a sort of teleporting pad adorned with a large keypad, and a screen asking you to type in a room number. There is enough space to enter up to 4 numbers.* [20:42] <&Hebizuka> *This is the telepad room.* [20:42] <DanaLove> \\ I walk on, and for fun, press 0000 \\ [20:43] <&Hebizuka> *You are teleported into nowhere. You disintegrate.* [20:43] <&Hebizuka> *Just kidding. The screen just flashes an error message.* [20:44] <DanaLove> (( DON'T DO THAT )) \\ 9999 it is then \\ [20:44] <&Hebizuka> [Telepad] ERROR: Teleportation aborted - risk of removal from existence. Enter a valid room number. [20:45] <&Hebizuka> [Telepad] ERROR: Invalid room number - not assigned. [20:45] <&Hebizuka> [Telepad] Highest number is 6383 [20:45] <DanaLove> \\ 2013 then \\ [20:45] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d6 [20:45] <MazeBot> Hebizuka: 3 [20:45] <&Hebizuka> [Telepad] Teleportation successful. [20:45] <&Hebizuka> *You're teleporting into... [20:46] <&Hebizuka> *...a radio room (@radio), which seems to be empty.* [20:46] <DanaLove> @radio [20:46] <MazeBot> [Techno/Trance/Electro] Psy-wave FM with DJ PYa 7N21 - http://bit.ly/1arfnTr [20:46] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [20:46] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 1849 - Front door: 3578 - Right door: 1649 - Roomstyle: 359 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [20:47] <DanaLove> \\ Reload shotgun and head out to Center door \\ [20:47] <&Hebizuka> *Next special room at the 48th.* [20:47] <&Hebizuka> [Reload] SPAS-12: +6 Buck - [8+1/8, 9x Buck] [20:47] <&Hebizuka> *21 buckshot shells remaining.* [20:49] <&Hebizuka> *You make it into a shower room. There's not much here, aside from a maid cleaning the surprisingly dry floor, with the ever-eternal broom all maids have. You also notice someone left behind some food in a locker.* [20:50] <DanaLove> \\ Examine food and Maid \\ "Oh my god... please... do you have bandages? Painkillers? A wet rag??" [20:50] <~SU_Tempest> [Maid] Oh my, are you unwell, miss? I-I'm sorry, I do not have any meds on myself... [20:51] <&Hebizuka> *The maid appears to be a middle-aged, brown-skinned futanari.* [20:51] <&Hebizuka> *She seems very concerned by your condition.* [20:52] <DanaLove> "Mmmm... well.... that sucks..." [20:53] <~SU_Tempest> [Maid] Umm... darn it. Pardon my colorful language. I've been told not to give anything to people the Master didn't invite... [20:54] <DanaLove> \\ Food...? \\\ [20:54] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of lemonade. 3d10 [20:54] <DanaLove> "Alright then... would you mind if I took that drink?" [20:55] <~SU_Tempest> [Maid] Uhh, uh... Yes?... Well, the Master probably would... Ah, screw it. Go ahead, I didn't see you. [20:55] <DanaLove> \\ Take lemonade and chug that shit \\ [20:56] <~SU_Tempest> *All three portions?* [20:56] <DanaLove> (( Mmm... let's just take two for now )) [20:57] <&Hebizuka> @roll 2d10 Nutrition [20:57] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 11 [20:57] <&Hebizuka> *Tasty, overly sugary. You feel stronger and you feel as though your senses are on alert.* [20:57] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [20:57] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 4826 - Front door: 1818 - Right door: 5461 - Roomstyle: 140 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [20:57] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [20:59] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. There's more food on the floor, and nothing else.* [21:00] <DanaLove> \\ Examine food \\ [21:00] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Vegetable - Beet root. 1d7 [21:00] <DanaLove> \\ Take \\ [21:00] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [21:00] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 1688 - Front door: 4592 - Right door: 1528 - Roomstyle: 307 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [21:00] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [21:03] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 32.4/35 [21:04] <&Hebizuka> *Pain is slowly starting to subside... (68%)* [21:04] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room, again. Even more food on the floor... this time it's a banana.* [21:04] <DanaLove> \\ Examine Banana \\ [21:05] <&Hebizuka> *It looks fresh and tasty, with little to no black spots.* [21:05] <DanaLove> \\ Take Banana \\ [21:05] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [21:05] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 4804 - Front door: 6142 - Right door: 264 - Roomstyle: 7 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [21:05] <DanaLove> \\ Left \\ [21:05] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 33.4/35 [21:08] <&Hebizuka> *A shooting range. Nobody around to use it though. There is even more food on the bench you see here.* [21:08] <DanaLove> "I am one nourished daughter of a bitch." \\Examine food \\ [21:09] <&Hebizuka> *I hope you like fish.* [21:09] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Seafood - Anchovy. 1d3 [21:09] <DanaLove> "...just one? Eh, whatever..." [21:09] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [21:09] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 1991 - Front door: 3045 - Right door: 2021 - Roomstyle: 166 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [21:09] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [21:13] <&Hebizuka> *A medieval-styled room. No knight to suddenly come into life and scare the shit out of you this time. Instead, a container, and a large box of ammo.* [21:13] <DanaLove> \\ Examine continer and ammo, checking for traps \\ [21:13] <&Hebizuka> *No traps.* [21:13] <&Hebizuka> [Ammunition] .32 ACP, FMJ, 250 rounds - Weight 2.5 [21:14] <&Hebizuka> *A wooden box. It has no lock, and no trap. Looks like you can open it right away.* [21:14] <DanaLove> \\ Open container \\ [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fast-food - Pizza (entire). 8d10 (A "stack" of 8 pizza slices, weighs only 1 unit.) [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Pomegranate. 1d7 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Kumquat. 1d3 [21:15] <&Hebizuka> [Paper] "Food for the pet gorilla. Keep away from the gorilla." [21:16] <DanaLove> \\ Drools profusely \\ [21:17] <DanaLove> \\ Swap my alcohol and take the pizza and whatever bananas I can hold, eating the one in my pack \\ [21:17] <&Hebizuka> *Dropped: Bottle of vodka. Replaced with pizza.* [21:17] <&Hebizuka> *Eating: Banana in your backpack* [21:17] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d12 Nutrition [21:17] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 5 [21:17] <&Hebizuka> *Bland, but not bad.* [21:18] <&Hebizuka> *You can carry a total of 2 extra bananas in your backpack, after having eaten the one you had already. Take?* [21:18] <DanaLove> (( Sure )) [21:19] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] 34.4/35 [21:19] <DanaLove> !mrooms3 [21:19] <&Hebizuka> [ DanaLove ] Left door: 5630 - Front door: 3393 - Right door: 3976 - Roomstyle: 52 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [21:19] <DanaLove> \\ Center \\ [21:23] <&Hebizuka> *You feel your strength and alertness returned to normal. [21:25] <&Hebizuka> *A regular, featureless room. Nothing here, except for an useful-looking object on the floor.* [21:25] <DanaLove> \\ Examine Object \\ [21:26] <&Hebizuka> [Item] (Firearm maintenance) Gun Cleaning Kit (GCK) - Restores a firearm's Reliability (+1000 points). Can be used up to 3 times before depletion. [3/3] [21:27] <DanaLove> \\ Take, if too heavy, drop RPG rounds \\ [21:28] <&Hebizuka> *The rocket is carried in the ammo pouch rather than main backpack.* [21:28] <&Hebizuka> *You will need to drop something else to safely carry the GCK.* [21:34] <DanaLove> \\ Alright, unequip my old pistol, switch it with the mewer, unfired one, and then drop the old one and all of its respective ammo \\ [21:35] <&Hebizuka> *You're about to drop the Luger, move the Walther P38 from class TW to class 3, and drop the two Luger mags. Confirm?* [21:35] <DanaLove> (( Yup )) [21:50] <&Hebizuka> *Items dropped.* [21:51] <&Hebizuka> [Weight] Ammo pouch 7.41/10 [22:02] <&Hebizuka> *Still not enough space in the backpack proper if you wish to carry the GCK.* [22:17] <DanaLove> \\ Eat babana and take kit \\ [22:18] <&Hebizuka> @roll 1d12 Nutrition [22:18] <MazeBot> Hebizuka, Nutrition: 3 [22:18] <&Hebizuka> *Terrible bananer.* [22:19] <&Hebizuka> *Weight is still 34.4/35* [22:19] <&Hebizuka> Checkout [22:22] <&Hebizuka> 42 R - 4 K - 1 SE - 1 M - 0 A - 200 P$ - 0 Runs [22:22] <&Hebizuka> +13 rooms, +1 kill [22:23] <&Hebizuka> Score: 57 pts (+15) [22:53] <&Hebizuka> =Today's stats= (Legend: Hits/Attempts) [22:53] <&Hebizuka> Shots fired 8/8 [22:56] <&Hebizuka> =All-time stats= [22:57] <&Hebizuka> Shots fired 14/16 (88%) [22:59] <&Hebizuka> Melee hits 2/2 (100%) [22:59] <&Hebizuka> TOTAL 16/18 (89% accuracy) [22:59] <&Hebizuka> =Achievements progress= [22:59] <&Hebizuka> Shotgun +1 [23:00] <&Hebizuka> Headshot +1