Log:Game 86 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
[00:39] <~Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Aoi Kikuchi. You visited 36 rooms, and the next special room is at the 48th. You're attempting a Gunless, Ally-less run, and you have broken neither conduct so far. !mrooms3 to continue [00:39] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [00:39] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 3118 - Front door: 330 - Right door: 103 - Roomstyle: 148 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [00:39] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the right. [00:42] <~Hebizuka> *You get into the water of a swamp room. There is a plastic box floating in the water, which seems to contain something...* [00:42] * Kikuchi_Aoi examines the box curiously. [00:43] <~Hebizuka> *It's made of opaque plastic. Open it to see what's inside?* [00:44] * Kikuchi_Aoi sighs and opens the box "Damned curiosity..." [00:44] <~Hebizuka> [Clothing] Footwear - High-heeled shoes - AC Light - Blunt-resistant - Classy - Weight: 9 [00:45] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Disappointing..." [00:45] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [00:45] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 4972 - Front door: 1933 - Right door: 3981 - Roomstyle: 63 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [00:45] * Kikuchi_Aoi leaves the box and passes through the left. [00:46] <~Hebizuka> *Pain is starting to lower and you feel you're getting back your strength.* [00:51] <~Hebizuka> *You barge into a regular, featureless room. Here, a fight is about to break out between two groups: A daitengu with a dagger, and a kishin with a light machine gun, versus two DF Soldiers, one with a submachine gun, and the other with a shotgun.* [00:53] <Kikuchi_Aoi> @cover [00:53] <EliasBot> A pile of bricks (65%, Kev-2) [00:54] * Kikuchi_Aoi goes to hide behind the bricks not ready for another fight just yet. [00:54] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mdice 2 6 [00:54] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 5 5 ] [ Total Score: 10 ] [00:54] <~Hebizuka> *You brilliantly manage to hide behind the pile of bricks. You're fast enough to attempt something; what will you do?* [00:55] * Kikuchi_Aoi hides and let's them deal with it, abandoning her turn. [00:56] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 2 First turn (1: Youkai 2: Soldiers) [00:56] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 2 ] [ Rolls: 2 ] [ Total Score: 2 ] [00:56] <~SU_Tempest> *Soldiers get the first turn after you!* [00:56] <~Hebizuka> *Soldier team turn...* [00:56] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol1: Oh shit, we're screwed! [00:56] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol2: Let's go get some cover! [00:56] <~SU_Tempest> @cover [00:56] <EliasBot> A flipped table. (40%, Hardskin, STRONG) [00:57] <~SU_Tempest> *The first DF kicks down a table, flipping it to make some flimsy cover, then invites his partner to hide.* [00:57] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [00:57] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 4 1 ] [ Total Score: 5 ] [00:57] <~Hebizuka> *They hide but waste their turn doing so.* [00:58] <~Hebizuka> *Youkai team turn...* [00:58] <~SU_Tempest> DTengu: Go ahead, man. Destroy that table! [00:58] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: Aarrrh! Gonna crush me some human skulls! [00:58] <~Hebizuka> *The Kishin fires five shots at the table itself.* [00:58] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [00:58] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 2 2 ] [ Total Score: 4 ] [00:58] <~Hebizuka> *...But he doesn't even AIM and the shots end up in the floor.* [00:59] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1.* [00:59] <~Hebizuka> *It is now your turn.* [01:00] * Kikuchi_Aoi continues to hide and let things play out. [01:01] <~Hebizuka> *Soldier team turn...* [01:01] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol1: Things gonna get nasty... You take the birdhead, I take Youkai Hulk. [01:01] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol2: Got that. [01:01] <~Hebizuka> *The first Soldier comes out of cover briefly, to rain down four shots of shotgun fire on the daitengu.* [01:02] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:02] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 5 4 ] [ Total Score: 9 ] [01:02] <~Hebizuka> *Those were flechette rounds!* [01:03] <~Hebizuka> *A total of 56 flechette hit the daitengu in the chest. This severely wounded the youkai, but it is still alive and standing!* [01:03] <~Hebizuka> *The other Soldier pops out of cover to fire off six shots at the kishin.* [01:03] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol2: EAT SHIT! [01:03] <~SU_Tempest> @bodyaim [01:03] <EliasBot> [BODY] Lower body (Hips, pelvis, buttocks) [01:03] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:03] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 5 2 ] [ Total Score: 7 ] [01:05] <~Hebizuka> *All shots hit the kishin's pelvis, which made it stagger in pain for a while. But this youkai hasn't been killed either.* [01:05] <~Hebizuka> *Youkai team turn...* [01:05] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: ARRGH, I'LL KILL THOSE FOOLS! [01:05] <~SU_Tempest> *The angry youkai ogre fires five more shots at the second soldier behind the table...* [01:05] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:05] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 6 2 ] [ Total Score: 8 ] [01:06] <~Hebizuka> *Amazingly enough, the first shot drilled a hole in the table so hard that it shattered it CLEAN in two halves, leaving no chance to the piece of cover. Subsequently, the following four shots hit the second soldier in the chest, killing them instantly.* [01:07] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol1: OH SHIT! [01:07] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2.* [01:07] <~Hebizuka> *It's now your turn.* [01:08] * Kikuchi_Aoi bides her time, skipping her turn. [01:09] <~Hebizuka> *Soldier team turn...* [01:09] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol1: I'll kill you motherfuckers! [01:09] <~Hebizuka> *The soldier points their shotgun at the kishin, firing three more shells.* [01:09] <~SU_Tempest> @bodyaim [01:09] <EliasBot> [LIMB] Left arm [01:09] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:09] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 4 2 ] [ Total Score: 6 ] [01:10] <~Hebizuka> *A total of 30 flechette have been splattered on the muscled left arm of the kishin.* [01:10] <~Hebizuka> *The pain is so unbearable the mighty and strong Kishin passed out!* [01:11] <~Hebizuka> *The Kishin is out and crashes on the floor.* [01:11] <~Hebizuka> *Youkai team turn...* [01:11] <~SU_Tempest> DTengu: You're paying for this! [01:11] <~Hebizuka> *The daitengu speeds towards the remaining soldier, going to try and stab them!* [01:11] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [01:11] <EliasBot> [LIMB] Right arm [01:12] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:12] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 3 6 ] [ Total Score: 9 ] [01:12] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: Oooh... *The kishin DID survive the hit, and stands up just as the daitengu plunges its blade into the soldier's right arm.* [01:12] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: this hurts... [01:13] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol1: ARGH! [01:13] <~Hebizuka> *The kishin slowly stands up again after a very short pass-out period.* [01:13] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 3.* [01:13] <~Hebizuka> *It's now your turn.* [01:14] * Kikuchi_Aoi decides to abandon the soldier and let it end. [01:15] <~Hebizuka> *Soldier team turn...* [01:15] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol1: You ain't surviving this one, youkai! [01:15] <~SU_Tempest> DTengu: Fuck you! [01:15] <~Hebizuka> *The Soldier replies with two more shots at the tengu.* [01:15] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [01:15] <EliasBot> [LIMB] Right leg [01:15] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:15] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 3 5 ] [ Total Score: 8 ] [01:16] <~Hebizuka> *24 flechette hit the tengu's leg. This made the daitengu shriek in pain before crashing on the floor, out of breath to fight anymore.* [01:16] <~Hebizuka> *Youkai team turn...* [01:17] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: I'll fucking kick your ass! [01:17] <~Hebizuka> *The kishin empties the rest of his magazine on the Soldier...* [01:17] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [01:17] <EliasBot> [BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [01:17] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:17] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 6 6 ] [ Total Score: 12 ] [01:18] <~Hebizuka> *Ten headshots. The kishin's rage gave it minute accuracy of a god, enough to pump out all ten rounds right in the face. The Soldier's head cracks open like an overripe fruit, spreading gore everywhere around them as it tumbles backwards and crashes on the floor.* [01:18] <~Hebizuka> (How else could I describe 5250% Pain?) [01:19] <~SU_Tempest> *The youkai team is victorious!* [01:19] <~SU_Tempest> *End of fight for now. (4 turns)* [01:19] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: *Throws away the empty weapon.* Oh, shit, shit! Man, are you okay? [01:19] <~SU_Tempest> DTengu: *Passed out, but still faintly breathing.* [01:20] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: Oh, fuck, fuck, what should I do... [01:20] <~Hebizuka> *What will -you- do?* [01:20] * Kikuchi_Aoi keeps quiet and waits for the two to leave before coming out of her cover mindful of her appearance as a soldier. [01:21] <~Hebizuka> *The following will not count as turns ticking since the fight ended.* [01:21] <~Hebizuka> *The Kishin attempts carrying the daitengu on their back.* [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:21] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 1 5 ] [ Total Score: 6 ] [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: Hnngghhaaargh! [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> Kishin: Let's... get you ... to medical help, I'm not letting you down man... [01:21] <~SU_Tempest> DTengu: ...hungh... [01:22] <~SU_Tempest> *The Kishin carries the daitengu out of the room, towards the right door.* [01:22] <~SU_Tempest> *No more people in the room! What will you do?* [01:23] * Kikuchi_Aoi sighs and walks out looking around before checking the soldiers corpses for money. [01:23] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 226 +48 [01:23] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 226 ] [ Rolls: 136 156 ] [ Total Score: 292 ] [01:24] <~SU_Tempest> *You find two big purses. You loot 340 P$ inside of them.* [01:24] <~Hebizuka> *Total money carried: 840 P$.* [01:24] * Kikuchi_Aoi smiles a little and looks to the door after putting the money away. [01:24] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [01:24] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 3953 - Front door: 1207 - Right door: 353 - Roomstyle: 266 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [01:25] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the front. [01:26] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a kitchen. A food merchant has set up shop here! But the merchant seems bugged by the presence of a ghost!* [01:27] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: Go away! Go away! [01:27] <~SU_Tempest> Ghost: ... ... [01:28] * Kikuchi_Aoi looks at little surprised but approaches anyway "First youkai, now this" [01:29] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 23 [01:29] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 23 ] [ Rolls: 19 ] [ Total Score: 19 ] [01:29] <~SU_Tempest> *The ghost of Yuu Kisaragi escaped from the grave!* [01:29] <~SU_Tempest> *It turns to face you, and stops moving.* [01:30] <~SU_Tempest> *It has no voice and it can't produce sound, but by the face it's making, the ghost is screaming, soundlessly.* [01:30] <~SU_Tempest> *It then surges towards you!* [01:31] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [01:31] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 1 2 ] [ Total Score: 3 ] [01:31] <~SU_Tempest> *The ghost passes through you... then disappears. All you feel is a cold wave that passes quickly.* [01:31] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: ...Holy crap! That was scary shit! [01:32] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Just a soul that didn't know where to go..." [01:33] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: Well... Whew. The trouble is gone, thank you. [01:33] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: Well um... Would you perhaps like to buy something from me, Soldier? [01:33] * Kikuchi_Aoi nods and looks at the merchant "I could use some stuff, what do you have?" [01:36] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: Before I give you my list, here's the shop policy: Buy 3, and the 4th is free. Aight? [01:38] * Kikuchi_Aoi nods "Alright, if i have enough" [01:39] <~Hebizuka> =Food merchant= [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Orange. 1d8 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of orange juice. 1d8 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Commodity - Bread. 1d5 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Banana. 1d12 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fast-food - Pizza slice. 1d10 (You may accumulate up to 8 pizza slices to form a Pizza, which will weigh 1 unit.) [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Coconut. 1d6 - Laxative [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Thermos of coffee. 2d11 - Strength+10%, Alertness increase for 6 turns per portion [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Grapes. 2d6 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Dessert - Chocolate bar. 1d15 - Strength+10% for 8 turns [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Dessert - Brownie. 1d24 - Strength+10% for 4 turns [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Meat - Beef fillet. 1d20 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fast-food - 280 gram burger (10 oz). 1d66 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Dessert - Lollipop. 1d3 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fast-food - Bag of potato chips. 1d35 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Seafood - Sole. 1d12 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of honeywine. 4d7 - Inebriation +11d6 per portion [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Dessert - Box of candied fruit. 8d3 - Strength+10% for 1 turn per portion eaten [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Vegetable - Carrot. 1d6 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Meat - Beef mince. 4d4 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Seafood - Shrimps. 2d3 - Bad breath for 4 turns [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Strawberry. 1d3 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fast-food - Salad burger. 1d12 [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Beverage - Bottle of wine. 4d6 - Inebriation +3d6/portion [01:39] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Vegetable - Cabbage. 1d8 [01:41] * Kikuchi_Aoi looks at the menu and smiles "I'll take the orange juice, beef fillet and a chocolate bar" [01:43] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: All right m'lady, the OJ will be 60, the beef fillet 160, and the chocolate bar 200. So 420 P$, plus a free article if you want. [01:45] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "I'll take the a coffee then" [01:45] * Kikuchi_Aoi hands over the required amount. [01:46] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: And I'll throw in the thermos of coffee with this then. [01:47] <~Hebizuka> *Money remaining: 420 P$. That was amusingly exactly half what you had.* [01:47] <~Hebizuka> Weight: 20.5/35 [01:48] * Kikuchi_Aoi consumes her purchases and stores the coffee for later. [01:49] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 15 Chocolate bar [01:49] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 15 ] [ Rolls: 13 ] [ Total Score: 13 ] [01:49] <~SU_Tempest> *That was delicious!* [01:49] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 8 Bottle of OJ [01:49] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 8 ] [ Rolls: 4 ] [ Total Score: 4 ] [01:50] <~SU_Tempest> *The orange juice was filling.* [01:50] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 20 Beef [01:50] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 20 ] [ Rolls: 6 ] [ Total Score: 6 ] [01:50] <~SU_Tempest> *The beef fillet was mediocre.* [01:50] <~SU_Tempest> *You feel you aren't particularly hungry.* [01:51] * Kikuchi_Aoi breathes a little relief and smiles, waving to the merchant before leaving. [01:51] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [01:51] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 505 - Front door: 4028 - Right door: 569 - Roomstyle: 87 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [01:51] <~SU_Tempest> FMerch: Pleased to help the community, ma'am! [01:52] * Kikuchi_Aoi through the right door. [01:58] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a bar. The bartender is there, and there are two patrons: A Guard Sergeant with a shotgun, and a Maze Sergeant (Soldier) with an assault rifle and a pistol. There's also an abandoned weapon in the corner on your side, that someone perhaps forgot behind.* [01:58] <~Hebizuka> *The two Sergeants are chatting with each other, around drinks.* [01:58] * Kikuchi_Aoi looks at the abandoned weapon. [01:58] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 2 - FN Herstal P90 personal defense weapon | 5.7x28mm - P90 magazine (50+1 rounds) - Semi-auto/Full-auto + Non-removable reflex sight. Weight: 5 [02:01] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:01] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 5009 - Front door: 3694 - Right door: 4109 - Roomstyle: 182 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [02:01] * Kikuchi_Aoi shakes her head at the gun and continues on through out the left door. [02:02] <~Hebizuka> *The soldier turns, and sees you.* [02:02] <~SU_Tempest> MzSgt: Hey there, DF gal? Have you perhaps not seen me? [02:05] * Kikuchi_Aoi sighs and looks at him "I'm busy with work excuse me" [02:05] <~SU_Tempest> MzSgt: Aight, but try not to miss saluting your superiors, aight? Not very good form there, missy! [02:08] * Kikuchi_Aoi shook her head "Right, sorry" salutes before heading out, she had no time for an argument. [02:10] <~SU_Tempest> MzSgt: All right, I'll let that one slide for now missy. [02:15] * Kikuchi_Aoi nods and continues to go through the left door. [02:16] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a prison room, full of @graffiti on the walls. There is a box of ammo on the floor.* [02:16] <Kikuchi_Aoi> @graffiti [02:16] <EliasBot> I'M THE BERSERKITTY, I'M GONNA SLASH YOUR ASSES [02:17] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Charming..." [02:17] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:17] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 505 - Front door: 406 - Right door: 5245 - Roomstyle: 159 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [02:17] * Kikuchi_Aoi continues through the front door. [02:18] <~Hebizuka> *You barge into a library. No sign of a librarian... There is a small item on the librarian's desk though.* [02:19] * Kikuchi_Aoi examines the item curiously. [02:20] <~Hebizuka> [Meds] Red pill - Unidentified [02:21] * Kikuchi_Aoi takes the pill and stores it away. [02:22] <~Hebizuka> 18.5/35 [02:23] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:23] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 4910 - Front door: 5184 - Right door: 25 - Roomstyle: 270 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [02:23] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the right. [02:25] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a dojo. A lone martial artist is present, not doing much.* [02:27] * Kikuchi_Aoi bows courteously before heading through the dojo to the doors. [02:28] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:28] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 791 - Front door: 2854 - Right door: 2524 - Roomstyle: 290 - Enemy strength: 6 /6 [02:28] * Kikuchi_Aoi going through the left. [02:29] <~Hebizuka> *You make your way in an armory. There are weapons in the gun locker.* [02:30] * Kikuchi_Aoi checks the weapons out. [02:30] <~Hebizuka> =Armory locker= [02:30] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - IZHMASH Kalashnikov AK-101 assault rifle | 5.56x45mm NATO - AK-101 magazine (30+1 rounds) - Semi-auto/Full-auto. Weight: 14 [02:30] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 3 - Glock 37 pistol | .45 GAP - Glock 37 magazine (10+1 rounds) - Semi-auto. Weight: 3 [02:32] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:32] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 873 - Front door: 2507 - Right door: 3992 - Roomstyle: 26 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [02:32] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the right. [02:33] <~Hebizuka> *You climb a set of stairs...* [02:34] <~Hebizuka> *You end up in a regular and featureless room. There is an item on the floor...* [02:35] * Kikuchi_Aoi examines the item. [02:35] <~Hebizuka> [Item] A giant drill bit. Made of a metal called high speed steel, and coated in titanium nitride. It is capable of cutting through a lot of materials. [02:37] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Giant drill..." [02:37] * Kikuchi_Aoi takes it for the sake of having a giant drill bit. [02:37] <~Hebizuka> 19.5/35 [02:38] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:38] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 4900 - Front door: 4157 - Right door: 1947 - Roomstyle: 237 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [02:38] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the left door. [02:40] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 2 [02:40] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 2 ] [ Rolls: 2 ] [ Total Score: 2 ] [02:40] <~Hebizuka> *ANOTHER armory! There is a weapon in the gun locker, and a DF Soldier with a submachine gun. * [02:41] * Kikuchi_Aoi remembers her conversation earlier and salutes her fellow soldier. [02:41] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol: Hey, 'sup. [02:42] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Nothing much, patrolling, you?" [02:42] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol: As you can see, assigned to armory. Not too much activity goin' on? [02:43] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Nothing really, been quiet on my rounds" [02:43] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol: A'kay. Y'can help yourself with the lockers, if ya need. [02:44] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "I'm pretty set thank you, i best be going before i get marshalled for taking a break" [02:44] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms3 [02:44] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Left door: 5314 - Front door: 1773 - Right door: 2127 - Roomstyle: 275 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [02:44] * Kikuchi_Aoi salutes again before heading out the front door. [02:44] <~SU_Tempest> DFSol: Hah, all right. Tough having a dick Sergeant eh. Been there. See ya mate. [02:47] <~Hebizuka> *A storage area. There are several boxes and crates everywhere, one of them seems to contain a specific item. As you enter, you see a small wooden box fall from a height, from a high container. It crashes on the floor, revealing another item inside!* [02:47] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Huh?" [02:47] * Kikuchi_Aoi checks the items. [02:48] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon accessory] Scope: Trijicon ACOG TA01, 4x [02:48] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 1 - DSR Precision DSR-1 sniper rifle | .338 Lapua Magnum - DSR-1 magazine (4+1 rounds) - Bolt-action. Weight: 22 [02:49] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "..." [02:50] * Kikuchi_Aoi swaps the Spas for the DSR expecting to make more for it when she finds someone to sell to. [02:51] <~Hebizuka> *Weapons swapped.* [02:53] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [02:53] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 3282 - Roomstyle: 157 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [02:53] * Kikuchi_Aoi steps through that door then! [02:54] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a meeting office, with exactly 4 chairs around a long table. 1 on your side, and 3 on the other end.* [02:55] <~Hebizuka> *As you enter, a trio of creatures enter suddenly, which are apparently three were-cheetah wearing tuxedos, fedoras and sunglasses as if they were trying to pass incognito (they don't).* [02:57] * Kikuchi_Aoi looks at them, a little dumbfounded by the cheetah people "Hello?" [02:57] <~SU_Tempest> *They quickly sit down and prop up small, paper signs on the table with their names written on it. From left to right: Mr. Herc, Mr. Ari, and Mr. Apo.* [02:57] <~SU_Tempest> Herc: Ah, umm... Hello. [02:58] <~SU_Tempest> Ari: We have a visitor... should we tell her? [02:58] <~SU_Tempest> Apo: We don't have much time left so we better tell her, yes. [02:58] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Tell me what?" [02:58] <~SU_Tempest> Herc: We... uh... We have a problem. [02:59] <~SU_Tempest> Ari: Yeah um. It might be difficult to believe but... [02:59] <~SU_Tempest> Apo: We're disgraced... actors. Our likenesses were used in a famous old video game but now we're in hiding, since some... incident. [02:59] <~SU_Tempest> Ari: Yeah... there's a wicked detractor of ours who inspired himself from one of our products to recreate... [02:59] <~SU_Tempest> Herc: A real version of our mortal enemy in the games, yes. [03:00] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "I see...and this concerns me?" [03:00] <~SU_Tempest> Apo: ...so yeah, we're trying to live a quiet life in hiding, and if you could quietly dispose of that fool, we would be ready to pay you in exchange. [03:02] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "I guess i can...where is he?" [03:02] <~SU_Tempest> Herc: You can find him through this conveniently placed door, here on my right. *Points* [03:02] <~SU_Tempest> Herc: Well, he is a few rooms away, of course. [03:03] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Naturally..." [03:04] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [03:04] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 4353 - Roomstyle: 88 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [03:04] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the door. [03:05] <~Hebizuka> *Pain is starting to subside.* [03:06] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a regular, featureless room. There isn't much here at all, just one door.* [03:06] * Kikuchi_Aoi checks around for anything in the empty room. [03:07] <~Hebizuka> *There really is nothing at all.* [03:08] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [03:08] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 423 - Roomstyle: 96 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [03:08] * Kikuchi_Aoi steps through the door. [03:10] <~Hebizuka> *An abandoned kitchen. There is a package on the floor...* [03:10] * Kikuchi_Aoi checks the package [03:11] <~Hebizuka> [Bionics] Body implant - "Dragon Skin" body resiliency enhancer [03:12] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "..." [03:13] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [03:13] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 2587 - Roomstyle: 311 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [03:13] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the door. [03:16] <~Hebizuka> *Another regular, featureless room. There is some food abandoned on the floor.* [03:17] * Kikuchi_Aoi examines the food. [03:17] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Fruit - Strawberry. 1d3 [03:17] * Kikuchi_Aoi eats the strawberry [03:18] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 3 [03:18] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 1 d 3 ] [ Rolls: 3 ] [ Total Score: 3 ] [03:18] <~Hebizuka> *Good strawberry!* [03:18] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [03:18] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 4256 - Roomstyle: 42 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [03:18] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads through the next door. [03:19] <~Hebizuka> *An abandoned shrine. You see an altar and a desperately empty donation box, but no shrine maiden around. There is an object on the floor, abandoned there.* [03:21] * Kikuchi_Aoi checks the object [03:21] <~Hebizuka> [Backpack] Handbag - Capacity 20 units - No special pouches [03:22] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [03:22] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 654 - Roomstyle: 285 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [03:22] * Kikuchi_Aoi heads on through. [03:25] <~Hebizuka> *A military bedroom, which also feels desperately abandoned too. There seems to be nothing at all here.* [03:26] * Kikuchi_Aoi looks around the room. [03:26] <~Hebizuka> *Nothing at all.* [03:27] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mrooms1 [03:27] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] Unique door: 2507 - Roomstyle: 95 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [03:27] * Kikuchi_Aoi steps through getting frustrated looking for this person [03:30] <~Hebizuka> *You enter a large room with metal floor and walls. You see a big metallic cage in the middle of the room, and someone standing on it, hidden behind what looks like glass.* [03:30] <~Hebizuka> *That someone seems dressed like a scientist.* [03:30] <~SU_Tempest> Sci: WHO IN THE WORLD, ARE YOU? [03:32] * Kikuchi_Aoi looks at the cage and the scientist "Um i got sent here to uh...kill someone i guess" [03:33] <~SU_Tempest> Sci: Really? That conflicts with MY plans. I AM... DR. SIBRÖM. The GREATEST SCIENTIST THAT HAS EVER LIVED! [03:34] <~SU_Tempest> Sci: I shall take over the world, and destroy my three enemies. But I shall start with YOU! With my GREATEST CREATION... [03:34] <~SU_Tempest> *The metallic cage begins opening...* [03:34] <~SU_Tempest> Sci: THE MAN-APE! [03:34] <~Hebizuka> *An... assumingly retarded-looking ape-...ish creature gets out of the cage, making three steps forward... then 2 backwards... then 4 forwards... then 3 backwards... then 3 forwards, before stopping and realizing you exist.* [03:35] <~SU_Tempest> Sibröm: GO, MY MAN-APE. DESTROY THIS SILLY MILITARY FOOL. [03:35] * Kikuchi_Aoi feels like she's in a crappy cartoon at the mention of a man-ape "Your kidding...right?" [03:39] <~SU_Tempest> Sibröm: Do I look like I find this FUNNY? MAN-APE, ATTACK! [03:39] <~Hebizuka> *The man-ape lags and has trouble advancing towards you.* [03:39] <~Hebizuka> *But... A fight has begun, I guess?* [03:41] * Kikuchi_Aoi pulls out the broadsword and slashes the man...ape...thing twice. [03:41] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mdice 4 6 [03:41] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] [ You rolled a: 4 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 6 3 5 5 ] [ Total Score: 19 ] [03:44] <~Hebizuka> *You pull quickly a two-hit combo with your broadsword, hitting and slashing twice the sorry excuse for a primate. Surprisingly enough, the Man-Ape is not dead yet!* [03:44] <~Hebizuka> *Enemy's turn...* [03:44] <~Hebizuka> *The Man-Ape tries to punch you...* [03:44] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [03:44] <EliasBot> [BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [03:44] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:44] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 2 5 ] [ Total Score: 7 ] [03:44] <~Hebizuka> *Right in the stomach! Too bad your Kevlar vest protected you to the point you didn't feel pain.* [03:44] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 1...* [03:45] <~Hebizuka> *This is now your turn.* [03:45] * Kikuchi_Aoi attempts a second two hit slash on the man-ape. [03:45] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mdice 4 6 [03:45] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] [ You rolled a: 4 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 5 6 6 5 ] [ Total Score: 22 ] [03:45] <~Hebizuka> *You execute perfectly another combo, and send to Hell this sorry creature!* [03:46] <~Hebizuka> *You have killed the Man-Ape.* [03:46] <~SU_Tempest> Sibröm: ...No! NO! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING! ARRRGH [03:46] <~SU_Tempest> Sibröm: I WILL BURY YOU! [03:47] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "This better be worth the effort..." [03:47] <~Hebizuka> *The scientist comes down then enters the same room as you, before pulling a machine pistol.* [03:47] <~Hebizuka> *Enemy's turn...* [03:47] <~SU_Tempest> Sibröm: DIE! [03:47] <~Hebizuka> *He fires a frantic 6-shot burst at you.* [03:47] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [03:47] <EliasBot> [BODY] Torso (Chest, back) [03:47] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:47] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 2 4 ] [ Total Score: 6 ] [03:48] <~Hebizuka> *All shots hit, hitting you in the chest.* Pain: 51% [+24]. Body add-on: 3.84/4 [-0.06] [03:48] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 2. This is now your turn.* [03:49] * Kikuchi_Aoi slashes at the scientist twice as well in retaliation. [03:49] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mdice 4 6 [03:49] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] [ You rolled a: 4 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 4 1 6 3 ] [ Total Score: 14 ] [03:50] <~Hebizuka> *You fumble the first hit, screwing the combo.* [03:50] <~Hebizuka> *Enemy's turn.* [03:50] <~SU_Tempest> Sibröm: Ha! You can't kill ME! DOCTOR SIBRÖM! [03:50] <~Hebizuka> *He fires six more shots at you.* [03:50] <~Hebizuka> @bodyaim [03:50] <EliasBot> [BODY] Upper body (Stomach, guts) [03:50] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 2 6 [03:50] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] [ You rolled a: 2 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 1 6 ] [ Total Score: 7 ] [03:51] <~Hebizuka> *All shots hit again, once more causing chest pain.* Pain: 73% [+24]. Body add-on: 3.78/4 [-0.06] [03:51] <~Hebizuka> *End of Turn 3.* [03:52] * Kikuchi_Aoi attempts to hit him twice again with the sword. [03:52] <Kikuchi_Aoi> !mdice 4 6 [03:52] <~Hebizuka> [ Kikuchi_Aoi ] [ You rolled a: 4 d 6 ] [ Rolls: 3 5 3 6 ] [ Total Score: 17 ] [03:52] <~Hebizuka> *You cut a X through his chest, spilling his guts on the floor. He whines as he realizes his untimely death.* [03:52] <~Hebizuka> *You killed Doctor Sibröm.* [03:52] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "That was...weird" [03:52] <~Hebizuka> *Pain slowly subsides to a more manageable level.* [03:55] <~Hebizuka> *A teleporting pad appears.* [03:55] <~SU_Tempest> Good job. Here's a telepad to return to your three "bosses". [03:55] * Kikuchi_Aoi steps onto the pad still confused. [03:56] <~Hebizuka> *You return to the meeting room with the three cheetah persons in hiding.* [03:57] <~SU_Tempest> Mr. Herc: So... Have you dealt with the little problem? [03:58] <Kikuchi_Aoi> "Uh yeah...the ape...thing and the crazy guy" [03:58] <~SU_Tempest> Mr. Ari: Both dead? [03:59] <~SU_Tempest> Mr. Apo: Thank the gods they're gone... We shall reward you. Here's money, and a few items; choose two. [03:59] <~Hebizuka> *You receive 520 P$.* [03:59] <~Hebizuka> *Total money carried 940 P$.* [04:00] <~Hebizuka> =Items proposed by the Cheetah Trio= [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Long: Crossbow - Piercing, needs ammunition (Crossbow bolts/Poison bolts). Weight: 9 (Plus 50 bolts) [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [Weapon] Class 5 Long: Kanabou - Blunt. Weight: 22 [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [Bionics] Arms implant - "Bionic arm" bone, muscle and skin resiliency enhancer [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [Food] Lunch pack - Military rations bag. 5d7 - FT-1 for 7 turns if all 5 portions are eaten in one sitting. [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [Valuable] Metal - Gold nugget - Value 200-1300 P$ (1d1201 +199) [04:00] <~Hebizuka> [Supply crate] WEAR-2: 1x Cowboy hat, 1x Tuxedo, 1x Tuxedo trousers, 1x Leather shoes [04:03] * Kikuchi_Aoi thinks for moment "The bionic and gold nugget" [04:03] <~Hebizuka> *The items are yours.* [04:03] <~Hebizuka> Mission complete [04:03] <~Hebizuka> 21.5/35 [04:04] <~Hebizuka> Checkout [04:05] <~Hebizuka> 54 rooms, 11 kills, 0 SEs, 2 missions, 0 Amulets, 940 P$, 0 Runs [04:05] <~Hebizuka> Progress: [04:05] <~Hebizuka> +18 rooms, +2 kills, +1 mission, +440 P$ [04:06] <~Hebizuka> Score: [04:06] <~Hebizuka> 105 points [+36] [04:06] <~Hebizuka> Position: [04:06] <~Hebizuka> 24th [+8] [04:07] <~Hebizuka> =Today's stats= [04:07] <~Hebizuka> Shots 0/0 [04:07] <~Hebizuka> Melee 4/5 [04:07] <~Hebizuka> Grenades 0/0 [04:07] <~Hebizuka> Explosives 0/0 [04:07] <~Hebizuka> Special 0/0 [04:07] <~Hebizuka> Accuracy: 80% [04:07] <~Hebizuka> =All time stats= [04:08] <~Hebizuka> Shots 0/0 [04:08] <~Hebizuka> Melee 16/26 [04:08] <~Hebizuka> Grenades 0/0 [04:08] <~Hebizuka> Explosives 0/0 [04:08] <~Hebizuka> Special 0/0 [04:08] <~Hebizuka> All-time accuracy: 62%