Log:Game 21 (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
[23:38] <~Hebizuka> Welcome back to MzW, Lucca Serehnal. You visited 108 rooms. Next special room at 111, and next mission at 128. You currently suffer from no particular condition, but you are currently on Code 11 by Maze Guards, so watch out. Your ally is a male Maze Soldier named Jeff Malone, and he seems to suffer from no condition either. !mrooms3 to continue [23:39] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [23:39] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 835 - Front door: 335 - Right door: 753 - Roomstyle: 104 - Enemy strength: 4 /6 [23:39] <LuccaSerehnal> Forward [23:41] <~Hebizuka> *You enter toilets. There are clothes on the ground.* [23:42] <LuccaSerehnal> Examine clothes [23:42] <~Hebizuka> Top: A bra [23:42] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [23:42] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 67 - Front door: 182 - Right door: 1368 - Roomstyle: 14 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [23:43] <LuccaSerehnal> Left [23:45] <~Hebizuka> *A regular room with one door only. You spot a weapon on the ground.* [23:46] <LuccaSerehnal> Examine weapon [23:46] <~Hebizuka> Class 1: Kalashnikov RPK-74 light machine gun (5.45x39mm - 45 rounds - AK-74 family) [23:49] <LuccaSerehnal> Hm... Not a bad weapon at all [23:49] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: I'm gonna keep my M14, though. [23:49] <LuccaSerehnal> "Yeah, got more ammo for that anyway. Still, wish I could take it along... Oh well." [23:50] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms1 [23:50] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Unique door: 1270 - Roomstyle: 43 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [23:50] <LuccaSerehnal> Onward [23:50] <~Hebizuka> *You enter an engineering workshop.* [23:51] <LuccaSerehnal> Examine surroundings [23:51] <~Hebizuka> *An engineer is present at the workshop, quietly working on blueprints.* [23:53] <LuccaSerehnal> Hm... I dropped those blueprints I had earlier, didn't I? [23:53] <~Hebizuka> You have no blueprints in your backpack. [23:54] <LuccaSerehnal> Oh well [23:54] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [23:54] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 1372 - Front door: 113 - Right door: 30 - Roomstyle: 72 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [23:54] <~Hebizuka> Next special room at 120 [00:02] <LuccaSerehnal> Right [00:02] <LuccaSerehnal> As in, right door [00:03] <~Hebizuka> *An electrical room, which has been damaged. An engineer is present with tools, working on repairing the damage done. There is a MEDAID4 supply crate in the corner.* [00:03] <LuccaSerehnal> "Whoa, what happened here?" [00:04] <~SU_Tempest> Engie: Some idiot had fun with explosives, and the generator got hit in the process, ma'am. But I'm working on it, it was only superficial. [00:05] <LuccaSerehnal> "Huh, okay then. Have fun with that." [00:05] <LuccaSerehnal> Go to look at the crate [00:06] <~Hebizuka> Inside: [00:06] <~Hebizuka> > Blue pill of Steroids x2 [00:06] <~Hebizuka> > Condom x2 [00:06] <~Hebizuka> > White powder of Cocaine x1 [00:06] <~Hebizuka> *end of list* [00:09] <LuccaSerehnal> ...That's an interesting combination [00:09] <LuccaSerehnal> Well, take it all! [00:10] <~Hebizuka> 36.99/50 [00:15] <LuccaSerehnal> What are the effects of the Steroids and Cocaine? [00:15] <~Hebizuka> Steroids: Strength+20%, Libido+, FT+2 for 3d6 turns [00:15] <~Hebizuka> Cocaine: Alertness+, Strength+10%, Pain sensitivity-10%, Hallucinations for 3d6 turns [00:17] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [00:17] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 528 - Front door: 438 - Right door: 1390 - Roomstyle: 96 - Enemy strength: 5 /6 [00:17] <LuccaSerehnal> Forward [00:18] <~Hebizuka> *A prison room. Nobody inside, though. There are clothes on the ground.* [00:19] <LuccaSerehnal> Examine clothes [00:19] <~Hebizuka> Top: A maid suit [00:20] <LuccaSerehnal> ...Nope. [00:20] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [00:20] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 469 - Front door: 844 - Right door: 1032 - Roomstyle: 166 - Enemy strength: 1 /6 [00:20] <LuccaSerehnal> Forward [00:24] <~Hebizuka> *An outside area. Night-time plains. The full moon lights your way. There are debris on the ground, but nothing interesting.* [00:25] <LuccaSerehnal> "Wait, I'm outside? How does this even... I don't understand this place." [00:25] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: Don't be surprised, this is an entire realm after all, not just rooms. [00:26] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: Those places are used to seek for resources and keep some creatures in a better natural habitat. Guess you can call that a resource farm more than anything else, really, people stick to the inside because it's dangerous to stay here. [00:27] <LuccaSerehnal> "Yeah, but with all the trap doors and stuff... I wouldn't think we'd be on ground level. Though I guess it's weird for a place to be so huge anyway..." [00:27] <LuccaSerehnal> "Oh well. Let's go on." [00:27] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: You get used to it after a while. [00:27] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [00:27] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 524 - Front door: 782 - Right door: 1411 - Roomstyle: 173 - Enemy strength: 3 /6 [00:27] <LuccaSerehnal> Left [00:28] <~Hebizuka> *You pass the door, and immediately fall through a trapdoor. You land in a regular, featureless room. There is someone shady looking in the corner, all clad in tactical gear and weapons.* [00:29] <LuccaSerehnal> ...But he doesn't look like a soldier? [00:30] <~Hebizuka> *He is not a Maze Soldier by the looks of it.* [00:31] <LuccaSerehnal> @cover [00:31] <EliasBot> A pile of garbage. (65%, Kev-2, STRONG) [00:31] <LuccaSerehnal> Lucca gets ready to move if the guy seems hostile, but goes ahead and gets his attention anyway. "Hey! What're you doing here?" [00:32] <~SU_Tempest> ???: Hangin' around. Whatsamatter? [00:33] <LuccaSerehnal> "Just haven't seen a lot of people like you here is all. Most of the guys I see dressed up with all the gear are soldiers or guards." [00:33] <LuccaSerehnal> Look at him more closely [00:33] <~Hebizuka> What to examine? >Clothes >Weapons >Physical appearance [00:34] <LuccaSerehnal> Well, all of them really. Start with appearance though, I guess [00:34] <~SU_Tempest> !genhuman [00:34] <~Hebizuka> [ NPC Human physio code: ] 2 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 11 - 3 - 5 - 2 [00:35] <~Hebizuka> *A young, malay otoko. He is dwarvish, of average build, has short, silver hair, gray eyes, a metallic collar with dogtags, and a scar across the left eye.* [00:35] <~Hebizuka> Clothes worn: [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Headgear: Dyneema helmet [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Top: Camo T-Shirt (marine camo) [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Body armor: Light Dyneema vest [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Bottom: Cargo pants (marine camo) [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Footwear: Military boots [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Backpack: IIFS LBE [00:36] <~Hebizuka> Weapons carried: [00:37] <~Hebizuka> Class 2: H&K MP5A3 submachine gun (9x19mm - 30 rounds - scope and silencer attached) [00:37] <~Hebizuka> Class 3: H&K USP Tactical pistol (.45 ACP - 12 rounds - silencer attached) [00:37] <~Hebizuka> Class 4: M18 smoke grenade [00:37] <~Hebizuka> Class 5S: Ballistic knife [00:37] <~Hebizuka> Handgear: Fingerless gloves. [00:37] <~Hebizuka> *end of list* [00:37] <~SU_Tempest> ???: Whatcha staring at? [00:39] <LuccaSerehnal> "Just checkin' you out. Gotta say, I like what I see." [00:40] <~SU_Tempest> ???: And why's a Soldier interested in my gear? You need some outside help? [00:42] <LuccaSerehnal> "Oh, I'm no more soldier than you're a fluffy white rabbit. They've just got some damn good gear, and it helps me get the drop on 'em instead of just being shot at when I walk in a room. Though hey, I'm always interested in hearing a little about 'outside help'..." [00:43] <~SU_Tempest> ???: The name's Slash. I can give those who're interested a little bit of firepower. Though I deal in stealth. The less noise the better. And the more cash the longer I go. [00:43] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: A mercenary, huh. [00:43] <~SU_Tempest> Slash: Yeah, so what if I am? You and I do the same job, we just don't have the same employer. [00:46] <LuccaSerehnal> "Huh... I'd be interested, but I don't have a lot of cash on me. Me and Jeff here are doing well enough ourselves for now anyway." [00:47] <~SU_Tempest> Slash: Your choice, lady. [00:47] <~SU_Tempest> *He quickly looks lower, then stares back at your eyes.* [00:47] <~SU_Tempest> Slash: Or should I say ladyboy? [00:49] <LuccaSerehnal> "Call me what you like. That is, -if- you like." She winks. "You look about the same, just the other way 'round." [00:49] <~SU_Tempest> Slash: Nice eye. At least you and I are on the same waves. [00:53] <LuccaSerehnal> "Yep. Well, guess I should probably go. Maybe we'll run into each other again later, when I can afford your... Services." [00:53] <~SU_Tempest> Slash: Maybe. [00:54] <LuccaSerehnal> !mrooms3 [00:54] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] Left door: 766 - Front door: 981 - Right door: 686 - Roomstyle: 139 - Enemy strength: 2 /6 [00:54] <LuccaSerehnal> Right [00:55] <~SU_Tempest> !mdice 1 2 [00:55] <~Hebizuka> [ SU_Tempest ] < You rolled a: 1 d 2 > < Rolls: 1 > < Total Score: 1 > [00:56] <~Hebizuka> *An armory, occupied by a Maze Soldier with an assault rifle, lazily listening to reggae music on a mini radio. There is a @wpn in the gun locker, and another weapon on the desk.* [00:56] <LuccaSerehnal> @cover [00:56] <EliasBot> A crate full of styrofoam. (50%, Kev-2, STRONG) [00:56] <LuccaSerehnal> ...Eh. Why bother? [00:57] <LuccaSerehnal> Can I see the soldier's face? [00:57] <~SU_Tempest> *Yes you can.* [00:58] <LuccaSerehnal> Get out the Vintorez, aim down the scope at his face... FIRE [00:58] <LuccaSerehnal> !mdice 2 6 [00:58] <~Hebizuka> [ LuccaSerehnal ] < You rolled a: 2 d 6 > < Rolls: 4 4 > < Total Score: 8 > [00:58] <~Hebizuka> *The shot is a complete success. The bullet flies right through and hits his brain inside out.* [00:58] <~Hebizuka> Total kills:24 [00:58] <LuccaSerehnal> "That never gets old." [00:59] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: Always feeling bad to see colleagues down. But what do I know. [01:01] <LuccaSerehnal> "They're all jerks anyway. But hey, if you'd rather leave, I'm not gonna stop you... I'm just sticking with you to help you out after everything you went through." [01:01] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: Nah, I'll stay [01:03] <LuccaSerehnal> "Right. Well, to the victor go the spoils. Let's see here..." [01:03] <LuccaSerehnal> >Loot [01:03] <~Hebizuka> >Weapons >Clothes >Inventory (72P LBE) [01:03] <LuccaSerehnal> Ooh, the LBE... That's one of those storage thingies, right? [01:03] <LuccaSerehnal> >Inventory [01:04] <~Hebizuka> Inside the LBE you see: [01:04] <~Hebizuka> 5.56x45mm NATO x20 [01:04] <~Hebizuka> *end of list* [01:04] <LuccaSerehnal> >Weapons [01:05] <~Hebizuka> Class 1: SIG SG552 assault rifle (5.56 NATO - 20 rounds) [01:07] <LuccaSerehnal> "Huh... Doesn't really have a lot of stuff. Though, at least this should help..." Empty out the LBE, put in as much 7.62 NATO as I have or it can hold. Then hand it to Jeff. [01:07] <LuccaSerehnal> "Not much, but better than having nothing, right?" [01:08] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: I wonder why I don't have any of these on me, yeah. [01:11] <~SU_Tempest> You give your entire reserve of 7.62 NATO to Jeff. (77 rounds) [01:12] <~Hebizuka> Ally ammo pouch: 0.77/1 [01:16] <LuccaSerehnal> "...Here." Lucca gives him the epinephrine too. "It's not much, but if we're ever in serious danger it might just keep you alive." [01:16] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: Adrenaline? [01:17] <LuccaSerehnal> "It's labeled epinephrine, but I don't really know much about that stuff. All I know is what the label said." [01:18] <~SU_Tempest> Jeff: Yeah, it's the same thing. [01:18] <~Hebizuka> Ally consumables pouch: 1/3 [01:18] <~Hebizuka> 35.99/50 [01:19] <LuccaSerehnal> Now, what's the weapon on the desk? [01:20] <~Hebizuka> Class 1: Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun (12 gauge - 8 shells) [01:25] <~SU_Tempest> @wpn in the locker [01:25] <EliasBot> Three AN/M14 incendiary grenades! [01:25] <~Hebizuka> Checkout: 118 rooms (+10), 24 kills (+1), 2 SEs (+0), 3 Missions (+0), 1 Amulet (+0), 910 P$ (+0) [01:26] <~Hebizuka> Total score 220 pts (+12) [01:26] <~Hebizuka> Position: 13th ex-aequo (+1) [01:26] <~Hebizuka> Ex-aequo with: Yuuthy Tolo (dead)