Chat bots (no ontology)
From Mazeworld
Revision as of 14:11, 27 May 2018 by SU Tempest (Talk | contribs)
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A bot, or robot on is an automated or semi-automated client, capable of using scripts for various purposes. We have three bots:
- Gear (by the mee6 team) mainly serves to keep track of a Discord user's level with regards to gaining access to #shrine and #nsfw-club380 on the Discord.
- Sidekick (by ArtemGr) is our resident dice bot. You can read more about here.
- Tsuchinoko is our very own homegrown MazeWorld bot, replacing MazeBot (and HashiBot). Be nice to Tsuchinoko!
Tsuchinoko's commands
As of April 26th 2018, the full list of Tsuchinoko commands is as follows:
Help and assistance
- @help: If you need help, type this! Tsuchinoko will give you pointers and reminders of what she can do; you may have been redirected here already!
- @guncardhelp: Information on how to find the correct firearm for the @guncard command (see below)
Game commands
- @22bt: Random bullet type for .22 Long Rifle ammunition
- @40mmCt: Random ammo type for 40mm caseless grenade
- @40mmNt: Random ammo type for 40mm NATO grenade
- @43mmt: Random ammo type for 43mm grenade
- @410st: Random shell type for .410 bore ammunition
- @ammo: Random ammunition generator
- @ar-wpn: Random Artifact weapon generator (generates one of the so-called "artifact" weapons)
- @arrowt: Random projectile type for bow arrows.
- @bodyaim: Random body part selector, generally used for combat
- @book: Random book title generator
- @boxlootM: Generates random loot for metal containers
- @boxlootW: Generates random loot for wood containers
- @boxtraps: Generates a random trap type for containers
- @CAWSt: Random ammo type for 12 gauge CAWS shotgun shells
- @c-blueprint: Generates a random crafting blueprint
- @c-docs: Generates a random Specs Docs file
- @c-item: Generates a random crafting ingredient
- @c-toolkit: Generates a random toolkit
- @co-item: Generates a random crafting-only item.
- @coins: Random coin generator.
- @color: Random color generator
- @cover: Random cover generator
- @crafting: Random crafting item generator
- @crates: Random supply crate generator
- @critwin: Generates random critical success effects, used in combat
- @custommag: Generates a random custom magazine or feeding device, as found for sale at Maze Customs.
- @enc: Random creature generator
- @enc-angelic: Generates a random angelic creature
- @enc-demonic: Generates a random demonic creature
- @enc-hallu: Generates a hallucinated creature
- @enc-LEO: Generates a random law enforcement creature
- @enc-military: Generates a random military creature
- @enc-neutrals: Generates a random non-faction-aligned creature
- @enc-nyoukai: Generates a random youkai activist creature
- @enc-outlaw: Generates a random outlaw creature
- @enc-regular: Generates a random "regular" creature
- @fishing: Used for the secret fishing minigame
- @food: Random food item generator
- @genbox: Random container generator
- @graffiti: Generates a random graffiti, generally found etched in certain roomstyles
- @handload: Random handloading item generator
- @HL-case: Generates random casings
- @HL-kit: Generates a random handloading kit
- @HL-powder: Generates a random powder jar
- @HL-primer: Generates random primers
- @HL-proj: Generates random projectiles for handloading
- @item-hallu: Generates a hallucinated object
- @keyitem: Random key item generator
- @LBE: Random load-bearing equipment generator
- @lboltt: Random projectile type for crossbow large bolts.
- @loginwords: Random word generator, used for creating login keys when hacking computers
- @loot: Random valuable generator
- @magicitem: Random magic item generator
- @marisa: Random mushroom generator
- @meds: Random medical item generator
- @motive: Quick and dirty personality generator for NPCs
- @omikuji: Omikuji generator, generally used in angelic shrines
- @ore: Random ore type generator, generally used in the context of mines and mining
- @ore-c: Generates low-rarity ore (cheap, common)
- @ore-r: Generates rare ore (rare, very rare)
- @PBT: Random projectile type for pistol calibers (see Ammunition to check which calibers qualify)
- @radio: Generates a random radio station with associated Youtube playlist (may be very outdated or have missing entries)
- @rarity-gun: Generates a random firearm weapon class (Class 1-4) and rarity level, used for random weapon generation
- @rarity-melee: Generates a random melee weapon class (Class 5S-5L-HG) and rarity level, used for random weapon generation
- @RBT: Random projectile type for rifle calibers (see Ammunition to check which calibers qualify)
- @RPG7rt: Random rocket type for RPG-7 rocket ammunition
- @RPG29rt: Random rocket type for RPG-29 rocket ammunition
- @rumor: Generates a random rumor, which may be true, false, or nonsensical
- @sboltt: Random projectile type for crossbow small bolts.
- @shower: Generates a random shower effect
- @sink: Generates a random sink effect
- @SMAWrt: Random rocket type for SMAW rocket ammunition
- @soldierkit: Generates extra equipment to be used by a Maze Soldier
- @SST: Random projectile type for 12 gauge shotgun shells
- @stuff: Generates random junk items
- @toilets: Generates a random toilet effect
- @wear: Random clothing/armor generator
- @wear-a: Random armor generator
- @wear-c: Random clothing generator
- @wear-p: Random trauma plate generator
- @wear-y: Random youkai outfit generator
- @whatsontv: Generates a random TV show
- @wpn: Random weapon generator
- @wpnacc: Random weapon accessory generator
- @wpnacc-nomag: Same as above, but does not include magazines or feeding systems
- @wpnc1: Random Class 1 weapon generator
- @wpnc2: Random Class 2 weapon generator
- @wpnc3: Random Class 3 weapon generator
- @wpnc4: Random Class 4 weapon generator
- @wpnc5L: Random Class 5 Long weapon generator
- @wpnc5S: Random Class 5 Short weapon generator
- @wpncHG: Random Handgear weapon generator
- @wyoukai: Generates a random wicked youkai
- @youkai: Generates a random youkai
Information commands
- @guncard XYZ: Replace XYZ with an ID number to obtain detailed information about a firearm in the game. (WIP!)
- WIP! More information commands to be built in the future!
Extras just for fun
- @_@: Confusion!
- @overlord: Generates a random line from the Evil Overlord List.
- @poke: What happens when you poke a snake?
- @sillyammo: Silly shotgun projectiles, inspired by Taofledermaus, Demolition Ranch, and other popular firearm youtube channels.
- @step: Don't do that.
- @wepon: Full-life consequences!