.408 CheyTac (no ontology)

From Mazeworld

Revision as of 18:07, 16 August 2013 by SU Tempest (Talk | contribs)

The .408 Chey Tac is a high-caliber rifle cartridge developed in 2001 and suited for use in the CheyTac Intervention M200.
Oriented for extremely long range fire, with an effective range well over 2000 meters, the caliber bridges the gap between very long range anti-matériel and anti-personnel rifles.

Mazeworld overview

Type LDV Unarm Light Hardskin Kevlar-2 Kevlar-3 Kevlar-4 HEV
Bullet +8 124% 122% 116% 106% 90% 74% 53%

How to read this?

  • Available for purchase in a gun shop or a weapon shop, in boxes of 20 or 70 rounds
  • Costs 320 P$ for 20 rounds, and 1120 P$ for 70 rounds
  • Value of a single round is 16 P$
  • Recoil level of this round is 5 - Punishing
  • Availability of this caliber:
    • Can be found at random in the rooms

Weapons compatible

Class 1 weapons



See also