Guide:Changelog (Meta, no ontology)
From Mazeworld
Latest released Mazeworld update: September 19th, 2013; MazeWorld 2.5 (+extended cookie dough additions)
Next planned Mazeworld update: Unknown date; MazeWorld 2.6
Changelog archive can be found here: Guide:Changelog Archive
2.6 planned changes
New weapons
- As always, a bag of new weapons is planned.
- At least 8 new firearms, and at least 2 new melee weapons.
Maze Customs expansion project
Yes, what wouldn't we do to make the Maze Customs ever more important. The expansion project is currently reviewing ideas and features for feasibility and usefulness. Primarily, these ideas are about customization offerings for firearms not belonging to Customs families, or available as a general service, regardless of family or not.
- Full-auto conversions, primarily aimed at semi-auto only firearms.
- Tactical conversions of older rifles, in order to make them lighter and compatible with more accessories.
- Enhanced barrels for all Customs Families rather than just for pistol-caliber ones; though for rifle calibers, the effects it would have on rifle calibers, other than increasing maximum durability, are being researched.
- Other ideas are also being reviewed (Adjustable gas blocks, enhanced extractors, and more).
The Big Mission Reform
- Many Missions will be reworked, a new Mission group will be introduced (Proxy Missions), and Mission groups may be extended to a projected 15 for each group, at the exception of Co-Op Missions which will remain completely untouched.
- Existing Contract Missions and Co-Op Missions will be untouched.
- Due to these reforms, anyone not on a Contract or Co-Op mission run will end up being reset to the Startgame with a new Visit.
- Also, the Leaderboards will be reset as well.
- Existing Contract Missions and Co-Op Missions will be untouched.
Gameplay changes
- A new AC category is introduced; Raw Damage (Abbreviated as RawDmg or RD).
- RD AC encounters do not have any Pain meter, nor are concerned by anything concerning Pain; they also do not have Strength Perks.
- Instead, they have a hit point counter, and a LDV modifier, and must be killed or destroyed by reducing it to zero, making it functionally similar from how Cover works.
- Existing encounters will be reworked to have an RD AC and LDV modifier, which will replace their AC and perk.
- The base LDV roll for Explosive-type weapons is now 1d10 (plus LDV modifier) instead of 1d6, to reflect the power of explosives.