Concentrating (no ontology)

From Mazeworld

Revision as of 13:57, 27 April 2016 by SU Tempest (Talk | contribs)

Concentrating is an ability, which consists in using any weapon equipped with a high power scope and performing mental focus in order to deliver one single shot that is as effective as possible.

In order to concentrate, the Contestant must be using a firearm equipped with a scope that is rated either high-power or extreme-power, and with the capability of performing single shots (semi-auto, bolt-/lever-/pump-action, single shot). Concentrating is not compatible with Burst or Full-auto.

The act of concentrating itself doesn't break stealth. When the shot is taken, standard stealth rules apply (whether or not the weapon is silent).


  • To use the ability, a shooter using a suitable weapon (as described above) must aim at a target, but instead of shooting, must begin concentrating.
  • The shooter's turn will then end immediately. On the NEXT turn, the shooter's action is locked to shooting at the designated target, and will be going last in the turn order.
    • A Concentrating shooter is considered to have an IS score of Con, which is considered one tier slower than Unsp (for Unsparable weapons).
    • Theoretically, if multiple shooters in the same fight and the same turn are Concentrating, they would be considered to have the same IS, and thus the turn order would be resolved like any other speed conflict.


  • A shot performed successfully after concentrating needs to hit the target in order to have effects.
  • A successful hit guarantees the hit will be a critical hit, regardless of the actual dice score. Concentration also overrides Inaccuracy.


  • If the shooter loses consciousness, dies, or the target dies after starting to Concentrate but before getting to open fire, the concentration is lost and the shot is not fired, leading to the turn being wasted.

See also