Parallar (no ontology)

From Mazeworld

Revision as of 22:05, 12 June 2012 by Keiji (Talk | contribs)

The parallar, shortened form of (parallel dollar, a nod to Mazeworld's nature), and commonly abbreviated as P$, is the currency used in Mazeworld.

Parallars consist only of coins, formally known as the One Parallar coin. It is a small gold coin, with the "1" on the obverse, and the MzW logo on the reverse, the same one found on several of Mazeworld's official personnel (such as Maze Soldiers).

A single parallar coin weighs 0.01 unit - as such, 100 P$ weigh 1 unit.

The Parallar was created to be used as a Mazeworld-only currency - it has an universal value inside the realm and can be used to buy practically anything that can be bought; it resulted in the creation of several shops, services, stockpiles of money, and such. Nobody knows how those coins are built (it is suspected they are produced from magic, although the claim is debatable), but the only known thing about where they come from is that the Game Masters always have a (seemingly infinite) supply of Parallars they routinely inject inside the mazes, creating its own economy of sorts.

Aside from being the currency of the game, Parallar coins are actually rare to find at random - the best way to win some is to complete missions, where a generous supply of money can be obtained - it is possible to earn 2000 P$ at the end of Mission 1 for example; this is to serve as a comfortable starting capital for the contestant should he/she find interesting weapons at a gun shop, for example, although they are free to spend their money in whatever way they see fit.

A Parallar coin is 10 grams (0.35 oz), and made of 24 carat fine gold.

On the leaderboards, a contestant's total wealth is calculating by adding:

  • Total money carried by the contestant
  • Total money carried by the contestant's ally
  • Total amount of money placed in credit in the various shops of the game

It must be noted that credit is erased between runs. If a contestant decides, after attaining Endgame, to go for another Mazeworld run, credit is erased and the only remaining wealth is the money carried by the contestant (and his/her ally, if applicable).

See also