Scientist (no ontology)

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A peaceful scientist is, as the name implies, a pacific member of the Maze Personnel working in the scientific field. They differ from their less friendly counterparts only in their relation to the contestant.

As members of the Science Teams in the Mazes, responsible for the scientific prowess and technology level of the realm, scientists in Mazeworld are required to be knowledgeable in many subjects, from mechanics, physics, biology, cybernetics, mineralogy, chemistry, robotics, bionics, and more. A Science Team is a group of scientists working in the same field. There are many such teams with subsets:

  • ST of Biology - Study and research on lifeforms living in the Mazes, with special interest on creatures of magical or demonic nature.
  • ST of Physics and Chemistry - Study, research and development in the many field of physics and chemistry, with particular interest on trying to master conventional and supernatural fields.
  • ST of Biotechnology and Genetics - A subset of Biology studies, this team is devoted to study, research and development in the fields of genetics and biological technology, with particular interest in modification and enhancement of lifeforms. They are the ones behind the Failed, and they are the second recipients of the contestant's new body before their entry in Mazeworld (the first being the Game Masters).
  • ST of Theoretical Physics - An advanced field which makes uses of mathematics, abstract physics to predict and rationalize phenomena. Members of this science team are particularly interested in the study of magical and supernatural beings, and their abilities.
  • ST of Quantum Physics - An advanced field devoted to the study of subatomic particles and waves, and more broadly on research and development related to matter-energy relations.
  • ST of Biological Engineering (Bionics) - A very specialized field, in which only one scientist in the whole Mazes has succeeded. This domain aims at developing and producing bionics under the form of body modifications.

Additionally, there exists a Medical Science Team, a team devoted in the science of healing and practice of health care. Their members are not referred to as scientists as with the other teams; instead they are called medics and nurses and are considered to work in their own field: medicine. They work in hospital rooms and resting areas.

Scientists are notable for also serving the role of teachers in the many classrooms of the Mazes, alongside their youkai colleagues, the Hakutaku. Since they are the closest thing Mazeworld has to an educational body, they have to be able to teach about a variety of subjects, on top of the scientific field they work in and Science Team they are part of. Such people teach the unseen children and the Students throughout their progress.

They may also provide help to the contestant, making use of their scientific skills - regardless of which Science Team they are part of - to identify unknown gems and meds in exchange of a small fee.

Working as a scientist is Mazeworld is an achievement in itself. Because they are among the brightest minds of the realm, they are paid on a day-to-day basis in exchange of their work. A scientist gains in average 200 P$/day.


A peaceful scientist…

  • Has a head with a mouth and teeth
  • Has weak points: 2 eyes, genitals
  • Has a body: A human body
  • Has limbs: 2 arms, 2 legs
  • Has extremities: 2 prehensile hands, 2 fingered feet
  • Has a skeleton - Full human skeleton
  • Has no particular weakness
  • Can use weapons and firearms but usually choose not to
  • Can be tamed for Ally join ability
  • Are pacifists: They reject violence and try to avoid combat the most they can
  • Wear the following clothes:

Peaceful scientists are among the peaceful creatures in the mazes, and are among the most useful. Because they are peaceful, it is evidently not supposed to be a target for the contestant - and should they become one for some reason, they will be extremely easy to take down; peaceful scientists are afraid of violence and combat, will give themselves up at the first threat, and rarely if ever fight back.

Peaceful scientists are most useful in the service they are able to provide: they can identify both unknown gems and meds. This is not their main source of income, but this service allows them to pocket extra money in exchange of potentially useful tactical information for the contestant.
The fee for identification is 50 P$ per item.

As an ally, a scientist can provide for the contestant automatic identification of all items requiring it.

Famous peaceful scientists

  • Isaac Schumann, ST of Biology
  • Karin, former member of ST of Theoretical Physics
  • Lance Chaosclaw, ST of Biological Engineering (He is not to be considered a peaceful scientist by species, but he technically is by job. He will not identify items.)


A contestant can disguise as a scientist if the following conditions are met:

  • Wearing only the clothes of a scientist (backpack does not count)
  • Carrying no visible weapons - Class 3 weapons are tolerated but they will attract suspicion (weapons in backpack don't count)

Effects of the disguise:

  • Fellow scientists (including hostile ones) become peaceful towards the contestant
  • All members of the Maze Personnel become neutral to the contestant (+ applicable perverted variants)
  • All other creatures are unaffected.


Image needed!

See also