Containers (no ontology)

From Mazeworld

(Redirected from Container)

A container is the name given to boxes, chests, and other such devices which are meant to hold objects. However, they differ from supply crates in that the contents of a container is random or semi-random - instead of always having a pre-determined set of objects, a container tends to have random items, or random types of items.

Containers are a way for the inhabitants of the Mazes to store away their personal belongings. They are most often found in bedrooms, but can be found in certain other places, such as libraries, shrines, or radio rooms, where certain types of people may be expected to spend a lot of time and may need to have a container to store their belongings. Special types of containers are also used by shop owners, which have built-in wheels, allowing them to transport their wares from room to room easily.

Contestants and containers

A Contestant cannot carry a container, just like with supply crates. However, while it is not illegal to open a supply crate and take up its contents if not owned, containers are almost always the property of someone when found in a town, and attempting to open it is considered to be a theft attempt if their owner is around to notice. The only containers that are 'safe' to open are those found in the UA ; they are never owned and can be looted without committing an offense.

For this reason, containers exist in various types, and may be equipped with a lock, and in some cases, they may even be trapped, to further increase its resistance to would-be thieves.

If a contestant desires to access the contents of a container, he/she has multiple solutions:

  • Using brute force on the container or its lock, using a weapon of some sort, and treating the container as a combat target. It is the easiest solution, but also the most dangerous one.
    • All containers (and their locks) can only receive Limb damage. See below to check the resistance of each container and lock types.
    • Container traps are instantly triggered the moment the frame or the lock sustains any damage. (Zero damage attacks do not trigger them.)
    • Choosing to attack the frame is the easier option as frames have lower LDV, however they have high health, and damaging the frame carries a higher risk of damaging the loot inside.
    • Choosing to attack the lock is the safer option ; while locks have higher LDV making them tougher to break, they have lower health and the risk of damaging loot inside is reduced.
    • As containers are inanimate objects, all attacks automatically succeed - rolls are only made to check for critical failures or critical successes.
    • Every brute force attack on a container has a chance to destroy one random item inside the container: 25% chance per damaging hit on the frame, 10% chance per damaging hit on the lock. A damaging hit is a hit that caused at least 1 damage.
      • Item destruction works by selecting a random event line among all the event lines representing the items inside the container, and deleting it. As such, more than one actual object (e.g. magazine containing ammunition) may be destroyed in this process, even if only "one item" was destroyed.
  • Using a lockpicking kit in order to bypass the lock, if it has one. See below for more info on lockpicking.
  • Obtaining the relevant container key. Every lock has a serial number which can only be opened with a key with the same serial number. There exist two types of container keys:
    • Mechanical keys, which unlock mechanical locks and have a 0001-9999 serial number range (9999 possible serials).
    • Keycards, which unlock electronic locks and have a 0001-FFFF serial number range. Keycard serials are in hexadecimal ; FFFF in hex corresponds to 65535 in decimal, meaning there are 65535 different serials.
  • All keys are stored on keychains, and keychains are considered - as the name implies - key items. As such keys and keychains are considered weightless.
  • Two separate keychains exist, one for mechanical keys and one for keycards, for the purpose of convenience.

Container types

There are two important types of containers to remember: the wooden container and the metal container.

  • Wooden containers are the most common and the most widespread. They contain all sorts of items, but they tend to be of low to medium value.
    • Resistance: 40 HP, LDV-2. Considered to be A2 armor class for damage calculation.
  • Metal containers are rarer. Much more resistant than its wooden counterpart, it tends to container higher-value items.
    • Resistance: 80 HP, LDV-4. Considered to be A4 armor class for damage calculation. Completely immune to Blunt-type, Sharp-type and Piercing-type damage

In addition, lockers can sometimes be found closed and locked in the locker room roomstyle:

  • Lockers are considered to be their own type of "container".
    • Resistance: 50 HP, LDV-1. Considered to be A1 armor class for damage calculation.
    • Lockers are always fitted with mechanical locks when found closed, and are never trapped.

Lock types

Like above, two major types of locks are used, plus two less common, specialized types. It must be noted that not all containers have locks, and that locks can sometimes be found on other things than containers, such as lockers, or certain doors. Remember that the key must match the lock in order to open - it doesn't matter what the lock is protecting.

Common lock types

  • Mechanical locks are the simplest and the least expensive. They require mechanical locks to be opened.
    • Resistance: 25 HP, LDV-3. Considered to be A3 armor class for damage calculation.
  • Electronic locks are much more resistant to external damage. They require keycards to be opened.
    • Resistance: 50 HP, LDV-4. Considered to be A4 armor class for damage calculation.

Special lock types

These are encountered in special circumstances and are specifically engineered for safety and resistance to tampering.

  • Computer locks are not traditional locks - while they do require a key to be opened, it is not physical, but instead tied to a computer and a login key.
    • Login keys are a string of random words, generated using the @loginwords command.
    • These locks are completely immune to damage or brute force ; they cannot be destroyed to open the device they protect, as they are entirely virtual.
    • Read here for more details on how to hack computer locks.
  • FL/HS (Fingerprint lock/Heartbeat sensor) locks are highly specialized lock types. They are only implanted in specific areas (typically rooms requiring high security, such as the majority of shops, military armories, etc.)
    • As their name implies, they are designed to read authorized fingerprints and listen for a heartbeat, so that only a living, authorized person may unlock such a lock.
    • These locks are completely immune to damage or brute force attempts ; they cannot be destroyed to open the device they protect.
    • These locks function like a standard computer lock, except that there is no login key - the authorized fingerprint and heartbeat is the key. The list of authorized fingerprints is located on a control computer - those computers are themselves FL/HS protected; the exact same people authorized to pass a FL/HS door lock are authorized to use the FL/HS control computer. Note that all FL/HS locks in a facility are slaved to the same control computer, in case multiple locks exist.
    • Potential hackers who wish to pass a FL/HS locked door by themselves require two things: possessing a Level 3 augmentation, and locating the control computer. Successfully hacking the FL/HS control computer allows manipulation of all the locks in controls (including itself) - they can also be set to accept "all fingerprints" ; in which case only the heartbeat sensor module functions - it will accept any living being with a fingerprint.
      • Note: If all of the authorized people on a FL/HS lock are dead, it becomes impossible to lawfully manipulate the list of authorized people - this is called a deadlock. The only people that can bypass a deadlocked FL/HS system are hackers (such as the Contestant using the relevant augmentations) and engineers belonging to the Computer Systems ET (who have the ability to reset such computers and locks without the need for unlawful means).


Lockpicking redirects here. This section details the specifics of lockpicking as an activity. For more details on how the skill works and how it affects lockpicking, see here.

Lockpicking is a non-combat skill and an activity of the game that allows the contestant to bypass mechanical locks on containers and on certain pieces of furniture.

While brute force, which as stated above, is both the easiest yet the most dangerous (and potentially least rewarding) method, lockpicking is a slower but much safer alternative: Lockpicking. With this skill, the Contestant may attempt bypassing locks rather than try to break them, lowering the risk of exposing himself/herself to any possible traps and countermeasures.

Lockpicking requires the following:

  • A Lockpicking kit, a Weight 1 consumable item which can be used up to 20 times. They can be found for sale in a Workshop.
  • A suitable target: only mechanical locks may be picked

The lockpicking activity is a turn-based process. The goal is to pass checks in order and pick the lock while avoiding to trigger the trap, if there is any.

Each lockpicking check requires rolling a 2d6. Every check attempt consumes 1 use on the lockpicking kit, as well as 1 turn.

Unlocking steps

  • Step 1: Requires 2 successful checks at FT 7.
    • To succeed, the thief must roll 8 or higher a total of 2 times. If successful in doing so, the thief moves on to the second step.
  • Step 2: Requires 3 successful checks at FT 8.
    • To succeed, the thief must roll 9 or higher a total of 3 times. Success will pick the lock and allow them to open it.

Optional actions

  • Trap disabling: If the container has a trap, the thief may try disablng the trap triggering system rather than the lock proper. Doing so requires 2 successful checks at FT 8 (rolling 9 or higher a total of 2 times).
    • If successful, the trap is disabled, and cannot be triggered anymore under any circumstances.
  • Force picking: The thief can attempt applying a little brute force when picking a lock to try and pass their current step faster. The amount of checks on the current step is lowered to 1, but any failure is considered to be a critical failure. Cannot force pick a trap trigger.

Use and depletion of a lockpicking kit

Lockpicking kits do not have unlimited uses. If the Contestant runs out of uses on his/her current lockpicking kit while in the middle of an unlocking attempt, the Contestant must be able to use another kit in order to resume lockpicking. Otherwise, all progress on the current lock will be lost.

  • If the container is trapped and if a 2 is rolled, the trap is instantly triggered. If the thief still has the possibility and the will to continue, they can keep trying to lockpick - the container is then considered to be without a trap.
  • In any situation, if a 2 is rolled (even if there is no trap), the lockpicking kit burns 4 times the normal amount of uses for one check. (By default, at skill level 1, it would burn 4 uses instead of 1.)
  • In any situation, if a 12 is rolled, then the lock is immediately unlocked.

NOTE: Electronic locks cannot be picked open with a lockpicking kit as they are keycard readers and not mechanical devices; instead, a specialized augmentation is required.

Skill and difficulty

The actual difficulty of a lock may vary depending on the thief's Lockpicking skill. The higher the skill level, the lower the failure thresholds. The difficulty listed above is the default, which assumes Lv1 - Unskilled. Certain other bonuses are also granted depending on the skill level. These bonuses are as follows:

  • Lv2 - Basic:
    • Unlocking step difficulty is lowered: Step 2 now only requires FT 7
    • Kit efficiency is increased: 1 check now consumes 0.5 uses (or 2 checks per 1 use, effectively doubling the "health" of one lockpicking kit).
  • Lv3 - Skilled:
    • Trap disabling efficiency increased: FT decreased to FT 7
    • Force picking efficiency increased: Can critically fail 1 time without triggering the trap (except when rolling 2 - natural critical failure)
  • Lv4 - Expert:
    • Unlocking step difficulty is lowered: Step 2 now only requires 2 successful checks.
    • Kit efficiency is increased: 1 check now consumes 0.25 uses (or 4 checks per 1 use, effectively quadrupling the "health" of one lockpicking kit).
  • Lv5 - Master:
    • Unlocking step difficulty is lowered: Steps 1 and 2 now only require FT 6.
    • Trap disabling efficiency increased: Now only requires 1 successful check.
    • Force picking efficiency increased: Can critically fail 2 times without triggering the trap (except when rolling 2 - natural critical failure)


Via the use of the hacking tool, a Contestant may attempt hacking electronic devices. Devices are ranked by level, which is an indicator of their difficulty level.

  • Level 1: Container electronic locks
  • Level 2: Most computer locks .
  • Level 3: Certain computer locks, control computers for FL/HS locks.

Hacking mini-game

When attempting to hack a device, a hacking mini-game begins. The objective of the mini-game is to take control of the System the hacker is invading, generally for the purpose of unlocking something such as a door, or obtaining access to a particular area or specific data.

As stated above, each system has a varying difficulty level, which depends on the system one is attempting to hack.

The hacking minigame is essentially a word scramble puzzle. The amount of letters to unscramble depends on the Level of the system being hacked. These letters form the password necessary to enter into the system; once fully unscrambled, the Contestant gains access to that system.

The words are generated using the &words command, they are then scrambled at random by the GM.

When the Contestant believes they have the correct sequence of words, these words may be entered; the process takes 1 turn and burns 1 use of the hacking tool. * If the guess is correct, the system is hacked into successfully, unlocking access to whatever the Contestant was looking for.

  • If the guess is incorrect, the system remains locked, but if any individual words are correct, the GM must tell the player which words they are.

Hacking continues until unlocking the system, the Contestant chooses to stop, or until running out of uses on the hacking tool.

Depending on the Contestant's Lockpicking skill level, the Contestant may begin with certain advantages; see Skills for more details.


Level 1 systems:

  • 1d3+2 login words to unscramble (3-5)
  • One login word will have obscured letters (1 if word is 5 characters long or less, 2 if 6 or more)

Level 2 systems:

  • 1d3+3 login words to unscramble (4-6)
  • Two login words will have obscured letters (1 if word is 5 characters long or less, 2 if 6 or more)

Level 3 systems:

  • 1d4+4 login words to unscramble (5-9)
  • Three login words will have obscured letters (1 if word is 5 characters long or less, 2 if 6 or more)

Container traps

Though not all containers are installed with traps, those that do may equipped with either one of the following:

  • Electric trap: Zaps the would-be thief. Spec-Elec 18%, LDV+3. (2d6 roll, FT 6. If it fails: the electric trap sizzles.)
  • Hallucinogen gas: Releases a cloud of hallucinogen gas; lasts 20 turns. (2d6 roll, FT 6. If it fails: the gas trap emits harmless air.)
  • Tear gas: Releases a cloud of CS gas. FT+2 and +7% Pain/turn for 3d4 turns. (2d6 roll, FT 6. If it fails: the gas trap emits harmless air.)
  • Blade launcher: Fires a ballistic knife blade at the thief, which hits on a random @bodyaim. (2d6 roll, FT 5. If it fails, the blade is expelled and hits nobody.)
  • Alarm: Triggers an alarm which automatically calls the police in the room. They will take 1d6+1 turns to arrive.
  • Explosive trap: The container is booby trapped with a C4 charge. If it's set off, it will explode and destroy the contents along the way. (2d6 roll, FT 6. If explosive items (grenades, charges, rockets) are also in the container, a 2d6 is rolled for each of them to determine if they're set off as well.)
  • Fireblast trap: The container is armed with a flamethrower. If it's set off, it will release a stream of fire at its victim. Spec-Fire 33%, LDV+2. (2d6 roll, FT 7. If it fails: the flamethrower's flame dies out before harm.)
  • Claymore trap: The container is armed with an unremovable claymore mine. If it's set off, it will release 3d8 #2 buckshot pellets, the same used in M576 buckshot grenades.
  • Turret trap: The container is armed with an automatic cannon which will fire six 5.56x45mm NATO FMJ rounds when set off. (Functions like an attack roll subject to FT 6 ; 6#2d6, aimed at a random @bodyaim.)
  • Airblast trap: Releases an airblast on the would-be thief. Special 38%, LDV+2. (2d6 roll, FT 6. If it fails, harmless wind is blown.)
  • Acid spit trap: Releases a ball of acid on the victim. Spec-Acid, 30%, LDV+4. (2d6 roll, FT 6. If it fails, a "click" is heard and no acid comes out)

See also