Oxycodone (no ontology)
From Mazeworld
Oxycodone is an analgesic drug. It is an opioid synthetized from thebaine, a substance derived from opium. It was developed in an attempt to do better than other opioids, such as morphine, diamorphine and codeine.
Oxycodone is mainly used in the treatment of medium to severe pain, and improves the quality of life of people suffering from multiple types of pain.
It has no known recreational uses but the substance has been known to cause withdrawal to certain patients who were prescribed some.
Side-effects include miosis (dimness of vision), fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and anxiety.
Oxycodone is one of the major analgesic (aka painkiller) drugs in Mazeworld. Its main effect causes Pain decreases along with other negative side-effects, and has effects similar than those procured by Codeine.
In this case, Pain is relieved by 50%, but causes a loss of accuracy and nausea for 2d6 turns, which may be detrimental to contestants in combat situations, and dangerous to those with a high Hunger stat, as nausea may cause vomiting.
Being a white tablet, it is strongly required the drug is kept until the contestant finds a medic or a peaceful scientist to identify the tablet, as it shares its appearance with Codeine, Diazepam, Ecstasy, Flunitrazepam, LSD, Paracetamol, and a form of Placebo.