MazeWorld (no ontology)

From Mazeworld

Revision as of 01:10, 8 October 2012 by SU Tempest (Talk | contribs)


Welcome to MazeWiki, the online resource about the roleplay Mazeworld.
Mazeworld, or MzW in shortened form, is the realm in which your character progresses, having to fight his or her way to freedom by going through its rooms, to find suitable weapons, appropriate clothing, and useful items of many kinds, to fend off all of the menaces that will come in the way. The ultimate goal of every contestant is to retrieve the four Cardinal Amulets, through finding or winning them, to be able to reach the end and decide his or her fate. That is, if you can make it there... Now, the question is, will you try?

We've moved from the Wikidot platform to this website. If you still have the old wiki in your bookmarks, please update them to this page instead. Join us now on IRC! Server: - Channel: #MazeWorld

Are you new? Check the FAQ! Do you want to sign up and play? Read the Newcomer's Guide!

We are proud to announce we opened an in-universe roleplaying channel! Read the guidelines.

Click here to access the chatroom!
The rules on the channel - read and understand them before accessing the channel.

Read the logs of all the latest games here!

Please consider making a donation. Your generosity is invaluable and helps the author!

The current version of the game is v2.1 - 5545 events.
A total of 49 contestants have been registered.
View the leaderboards!

Memorable quotes of the game, both in-game and off-game sessions. Read these to see the best moments of Mazeworld!

WARNING: Reading this wiki may reveal important spoilers about the game. Certain features of the game may be NSFW as well. Read at your own risk! This will be your only spoiler alert.

MazeWorld: The realm

Mazeworld itself is a strange and mysterious realm, said to be created by the Game Masters themselves where the very notion of time and space are distorted and different from our world; so much that is arguable Mazeworld may exist in its very own reality, different from ours. The realm itself is composed of thousands of rooms and areas, connected with each others using seemingly innocuous doors, stairways and trapdoors. From the contestant's perspective, Mazeworld has no real map, and crossing a door acts as a sort of passive teleportation, never to send into the same rooms each time; although for the Mazes' inhabitants themselves, this perception is a little different. The contestant's progress determinates, at certain intervals, the appearance of special rooms that may help the contestant in his or her progress, or tasks to do for other characters, often in exchange of a reward.

According to the Game Masters, Mazeworld is "the world between all worlds, located in the Interloper of the Universe, through which anything that exists in any universe can come through", which may explain the variety of creatures and items that can be encountered inside the Mazes, and how contestants may end up here after their life in their respective homeworlds.

MazeWorld: The game

It must be noted that both the spellings 'Mazeworld' and 'MazeWorld' are valid. MzW is the shortened form.

Mazeworld is the result of several years of thought, past concepts, and a general wish to create a reliable game with a lot of content, such as a high weapon variety, a feel of endlessness and a constant sense of danger. Over the years, it went through many tries, many game types and even many names - 2D platformer, computer RPG, RPG forum, all of the ideas failed to appeal to the author, until it became what it is: a tabletop-style RPG, but using the benefits brought by computers and the internet. The game is very simple, based on several text files, Excel sheets, Access databases, and bots with IRC scripts, which are used for digital dice rolling and random number generation. Naturally, as a game that can be played by anyone with a computer, a keyboard and the internet, there is no compatibility issue, and we can reach out to players all around the world (and we do!)

The current form of Mazeworld has been created on February 10th, 2011. It has existed before then as a private game with simple notepad sheets and dice scripts on MSN using Plus! scripts, and so for a few months, but it was arguably in a conceptual stage, with a lot to improve and work on. 10/02/2011 marks the day the game went on IRC, which is the main way to play MazeWorld as of today, and the one I intended.

Read the Timeline of Mazeworld to know more about the past of the project.

MzW games are held by the author, which has grown from the smaller-scale games on MSN to a better organized format on IRC, as explained in the above linked article. For the moment, the author has no plans to port MzW to an actual computer game format, although he mentioned it could be a possibility, provided all the resources needed for such a project can be gathered. He has also considered training other people to become Game Masters so that more people could play when he can't assume his role as a GM, but has mentioned it wouldn't be until the game has matured enough in his eyes.

The purpose of this wiki is to serve as an encyclopedia about the game, for the author's and the players' needs. We hope it will serve your interests as a player, and will pique the curiosity of those who aren't players yet.

The wiki is currently seeking for artists to illustrate the many articles! More information on this page.

If you are interested, we invite you to check the FAQ to know about the basics. If you have any further questions concerning this game, please drop by on the IRC channel and talk to me there (my nickname is usually SU_Tempest).

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Legal Notice

MazeWorld, MzW, the game concept, its rules, its characters (except player-generated characters) and all related information and data is © Tempest 2009-2012. All other trademarks, brand names and other such names used in the game that isn't mine are © their respective owners. I claim no ownership on those names, and only use them for flavor and realism purposes.