Guide:Changelog (Meta, no ontology)

From Mazeworld

Revision as of 14:25, 10 July 2013 by SU Tempest (Talk | contribs)

Latest released Mazeworld update: April 13th, 2013; MazeWorld 2.4
Next planned Mazeworld update: Unknown date; MazeWorld 2.5

Changelog archive can be found here: Guide:Changelog Archive

Planned for 2.5

WARNING: I am working as fast as I can, but as of yet, features detailed here have NOT all been added to the wiki yet. I will get to it ASAP, this update is one of the biggest I have worked on so far and it's no simple task.

New feature: Limb damage system

More detailed info coming soon.
The limb damage system introduces a new statistic, and a new way to hurt and be hurt during combat. Every limb of the body is given health points, and as the contestant (and his/her allies and enemies) progress and battle, they may get hurt, and will suffer ailments from their injuries if they aren't treated.

  • This system introduces new medical aids (the First Aid Kit (FAK) and the Field Surgery Kit (FSK)), a new vital statistic, the Limb Damage Value (or LDV) and its modifiers, which affect the Limb Damage Roll, conducted every time someone gets hurt.
  • The limb damage system only applies to humans. Humanoid youkai and other creatures are not concerned.
  • A new limb group has been added: Hips.
    • Alongside the new limb damage system, hips can also be broken and wounded. "Hips" is the 11th limb group.
    • NOTE: Despite there are now 11 limb groups, the Bleeding percentage cannot exceed 100%, for fairly obvious reasons.
  • Several existing bionic implants have been given additional effects, such as increasing the max HP of certain limbs.
  • New secondary effects have been designed to provide appropriate ailments, such as Limping, and Crippled.

New feature: Firearm maintenance

More detailed info coming soon. Another new feature in an effort of improving realism and inventory management, this new feature introduces two new concepts for the contestant's firearms: Durability and Reliability, which are the focal points of firearm maintenance.

  • Durability is a statistic representing the physical integrity of the firearm. The Durability Value, or DV, is a numerical notation which can be either a negative or a positive number - the higher it is, the more durable the weapon.
    • A damaged weapon is less accurate and more fragile. Repairs must be performed in a Workshop regularly to ensure weapons do not get worn.
  • Reliability is a statistic representing the capability of the firearm to function in adverse conditions; specifically, without cleaning. The Reliability Value, or RV, is just like DV; a negative or a positive number; the higher, the longer a weapon can go without being cleaned.
    • A new item is introduced: the Gun Cleaning Kit (GCK), a 1 unit item which allows contestants to clean their firearms and replenish Reliability points. A single GCK can be used up to 3 times before depletion.
    • Workshops may also naturally clean a firearm after it has been repaired.
  • A player may not know the precise Durability and Reliability scores of their firearms (they are only given a vague descriptor), unless they possess an ICIS. The ICIS can give information on a firearm's condition, and give accurate percentage readouts (2 decimal numbers).
    • The GM however, may not disclose the precise numerical values, which would reveal exactly how many shots are left until a firearm breaks or locks up in grime.
  • Speccing now includes firearm maintenance - weapons found randomly, or in the hands of other beings, may have variable Durability and Reliability.

New feature: Initiative system

More detailed info coming soon. The Initiative System was designed out of a desire of changing the dynamics of a typical MazeWorld fight, which favored too unfairly the player, for the contestant would always start first, and what could slow him/her down was easily avoidable.

The Initiative system is based on a new statistic, the Initiative Score, or IS, which is pegged on the weight of weapons, or simply an attributed value for other attacks. The concept behind the Initiative system is simple: the order of passage of encounters every turn depends on how fast they are, and speed is tied to how heavy their weapons (or how slow their attacks) are. In other words, the fastest go first.
This system no longer rewards the simplistic and exclusive use of highly powerful, but also very heavy weapons, to win fights, but instead puts more emphasis on weapon management and speed, as well as tactics. To put it simply: one must find the right balance between a powerful weapon and a fast weapon, with weapons capable of both being highly sought for.

  • Certain actions still exist to ensure that the contestant can start first and have the upper hand.
  • Initiative score checks, being tied on weapon weight/attack speed, are done at the start of every turn. As such, the order of passage between all participants in a fight may not always be the same from Turn 1 to Turn 2, and so on!
  • Non-combat actions, such as taking cover, fleeing, reloading, and such, are always considered faster than combat actions, and are resolved, possibly with their own rolls, first.
  • If multiple people have the same IS, then a random roll decides of their appropriate order of passage.
  • The way fights are done has slightly changed, and as such, turn resolution is now done a little differently than before - but no doubt players will learn and adapt very quickly.

New weapons

No update of a large size is complete without its bouquet of new weapons. More information about them coming soon.

Other additions

Maze Customs additions

  • Eight new types of custom ammunition.
  • New Customs family: Blackhawk (Single-action revolver family)
  • The barrel modifications are now available to all families shooting handgun calibers.
    • Barrel modifications provide a flat multiplier to the maximum Durability score of a firearm. A 4150 carbon steel barrel provides a 1.25x bonus, while a 4150CS + Titanium Nitride coated barrel provides a 2x bonus.
    • NOTE: One of the crafting ingredients of the Joshua is a long barrel coated in titanium nitride. The Joshua is considered to have a 4150CS+TiN barrel by default, and enjoy all of the advantages of one.

New secret events

  • But shhh, they're secret. So far, 2 new secret events have been cooked up.

Gameplay changes