Throwing up (no ontology)
From Mazeworld
Throwing up (also known as vomiting) is one of the abilities of the contestant. As the word suggests, a contestant will attempt to vomit.
This is an ability that can be attempted either willingly, or can be triggered by certain effects or certain statistics.
In order to make a willing attempt to throw up, the Contestant must roll a 2d6. The result will determine the effects.
- 6 or less: The Contestant only retches and coughs, but fails to regurgitate.
- 7 or more: The Contestant succeeds, thus causing the effects described below.
- In both cases, if the Contestant was afflicted with Nausea, the effect is immediately eliminated.
If successful, the effects of throwing up are the following:
- Nutrition: -20 ntri x roll results
- Hydration: -10 ntri x roll results
- Inebriation: -0.1 Inebriation x roll results
- If under the effects of alcohol poisoning: +1% Pain x roll results